
Aphorisms and Quotes by Renata Litvinova

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Aphorisms and Quotes by Renata Litvinova
Aphorisms and Quotes by Renata Litvinova

Renata Litvinova is, without a doubt, the great talent of our generation. She is a film and theater actress, director, television presenter, screenwriter. Beautiful, bold, creative. To pick up epithets to describe this extraordinary personality is endless. The unusual manner of conversation and her aristocratic appearance became the hallmark of the actress. Today, quotes by Renata Litvinova have been heard or read by everyone in our country, since the actress speaks openly on any topic.


Best quotes

Renata Litvinova is a smart, educated woman. Every thought she said was witty, accurate, and complete. Today, the statements of the actress are repeated by millions of people, regardless of whether they are admirers of her talent. The best quotes of Renata Litvinova concern life, love, human desires and habits, herself.

For example, Renata believes that “never” is an absolutely absurd word, and life will prove it more than once. Recommends to be afraid of your desires, because they come true. And he believes that alcohol was invented not in vain, because without it, the world would have become simply unbearable.

Renata draws his inspiration from looking at urban lunatics. "They inspire me much more than models from magazines, " says the actress. She does not believe that a talented person can be unrecognized, failed. Talent will always succeed.

The actress considers her inner core people whom she loves and whom she will never fall in love with. She believes that all her failures in life turned out to be successes, but not immediately, you just had to wait a bit.

About herself, the actress often speaks with irony: “Wow! How beautifully I am getting old!”

Renata Litvinova about love

The theme of love never exhausts itself. Every person faces this feeling in his life, whether he is an actor, writer or a simple worker. You can talk about love endlessly. About how beautiful or cruel she is, durable or fleeting. Quotes by Renata Litvinova about love are a little sad, but this does not cease to be true.

The actress does not believe that you can fall in love with one person twice. It just means that love for him did not pass at all. “But it’s better not to return to the ravaged grave, ” Renata advises.

And if it is love, then it cannot last a short time. “For years and years she has been holding us, ” says the celebrity. She considers love as a sacrificial feeling, a sentence, which consists in the fact that you forgive everything for the object of this feeling.

Litvinova also considers love to be a drug that everyone in this world sits on sooner or later.


About life

Litvinova is a person who is able to inspire, impress, surprise. She is not afraid to discuss the most intimate topics, and many read out with Renata Litvinova’s quotes, amazed at how accurately this person is able to express her own thoughts. The actress says that life is very short and "if you have something to say to a good person, you need to say that." This is one of Litvinova’s most important life lessons. You need to tell a person how wonderful, talented, to admire him. After all, we are all "candidates for the dead."


About men

One of Renata Litvinova’s quotes about men, which particularly accurately characterizes the relationship between men and women in modern society, says: “A woman should excite a man, create an interesting pastime for him.” But this is not the end of her thought: “But she needs to make her life separate from family life.” Renata says that a woman should build her career and not fall into complete dependence on a man. She must be strong and independent. This is exactly the actress herself. But at the same time, she believes that our men do not know anything about us: "Both Leo Tolstoy, and even the great womanizer Chekhov, did not understand anything about us."

About marriage

In her quotes, Renata Litvinova speaks out against the institution of marriage and considers it a relic of the past. Although the actress has two unions that ended unsuccessfully, but now she prefers not to talk about her personal life. Personal remains personal.

Renata says that the "ability to bunch together" is already a thing of the past. Now is a new time in which there is no former "state of the kitchen", and only the weakest are "grouped". The strong are capable of independent independent life.

The actress claims that she will not marry anymore, and that she can love a person without any cliches and conventions. She does not deny the idea that sex and love should not necessarily coincide. These concepts can exist separately from each other. But for her, sex without love itself is "a little ridiculous, there is something technical, mechanical in it."


About people

Renate Litvinova turned almost 50 years old. Looking at her photo this is hard to believe, but the calendar does not lie. Over the course of her life, a celebrity has come across many people and this is what she believes: her intuition has never failed. "The first impression is the most honest, " she does not trust people trying to be right, respectable and good. It is such people who conceal the most unpleasant surprises. But people who do not hide their character present "continuous surprises with a plus sign."


About beauty

Renata Litvinova is a beautiful woman, she is rightly called an icon of style. She always looks elegant, elegant and unsurpassed. It has a special highlight, and this is not perfection at all. And Renata Litvinova’s quotes about beauty are direct proof of this.

"The main thing is that the person inside has a solid foundation, " said Renata. And everything else can be acquired or created, if there were brains and a sense of taste. She advises everyone to look for their own individual style and "maybe the aroma is worth looking for a special one."

The visiting card of the actress is red lipstick. Everyone remembers her just like that, although she admits changes in her style and makeup. Renata says that each person has a “peak of beauty”, albeit short-term, but it happens even with an ugly person.

About black color

As you know, black is the favorite color of Renata Litvinova. Quotes about black:

  • "To look stylish, buy a little black dress."

  • "Black is my favorite color. Everywhere I buy these black sweaters and tight skirts."

Renata shares with everyone the secret of her success - in all situations there is no better outfit than a narrow skirt in black and the same top color. She does not like bright, catchy clothes. She believes that a woman should decorate a dress, and not vice versa.

A black turtleneck and a black tight skirt according to Renata, the best outfit for all occasions. And always a high hairpin, clean hair, shiny eyes, clean skin and a smile on his face. Here is the recipe for public success. And the actress warns everyone: "Only you can not get very fat!" Renata associates completeness with a lack of willpower and only so. It simply cannot be otherwise.


About myself

The statements and quotes of Renata Litvinova about herself show us that this seemingly unearthly woman is the most ordinary person with her difficulties, problems, dreams.

Renata Litvinova is able to enjoy crises. She allows herself to be completely immersed in despair, then to “emerge” from it with new strength, thoughts, emotions. This makes her move on. In the falls, the celebrity sees a chance to subsequently rise even higher than it was. “Difficulty invigorates me, ” says Renata.

The actress does not like the weekend either. He thinks that if you just plan a vacation for yourself, you will find complete disappointment, and everything does not go as planned. And, in general, she does not consider herself a person who can be predicted: "I’m not an electric train on a schedule, everything is predictable."