
Propaganda speech, or study oratory

Propaganda speech, or study oratory
Propaganda speech, or study oratory

Video: WATCH: Greta Thunberg's full speech to world leaders at UN Climate Action Summit 2024, July

Video: WATCH: Greta Thunberg's full speech to world leaders at UN Climate Action Summit 2024, July

What is the significance of propaganda in everyday life, which, at first glance, is needed by politicians, presenters, broadcasters, but not engineers or accountants? In fact, we, without noticing it, very often are associates of people to commit certain actions.

For example, teachers, teachers, foremen and many other specialists are faced with the need to organize people for some kind of event (advanced training, community work day and others), but many of these people do not understand why they need it. And then you have to give examples, arguments in favor of this event, describe its advantages. This is propaganda speech.

Of course, politicians also use this technique, but their level of training is different, and speech is of more enormous importance. When it is necessary to convince a significant part of the population that what people, in principle, do not really want, only oratory can help.

Propaganda speech includes three main points:

  1. The statement of the problem that the listeners have (or they should think that they have it).

  2. Those measures that you specifically propose to solve the problem.

  3. And most importantly - the benefits that the public will receive from the adoption of your point of view.

It is believed that it is possible to enhance the effect of speech with the help of statistical data, but only the people who are thinking the slightest will immediately get away from you if you abuse this technique. Each person in the audience understands that everything is not as perfect as you are trying to show. So it’s better to mention at least some flaws, but do not overdo it - let them be insignificant.

It often happens that propaganda speech is delivered to people who are not inclined to accept the views of the speaker. Then it is very important to feel what specifically causes disapproval - you, your ideas or their lost profits? If the first, then it is worth interrupting, you do not need to put pressure on those who a priori do not perceive you as an authoritative person.

If the audience is dissatisfied with the ideas, it is important to pick up a brilliant argument and clearly describe the benefits. At the same time, it is worth remembering the reality of what is happening, you do not need to deceive the audience and promise them golden mountains. Since fiction is still needed to decorate speech, it should not be completely neglected, but in case of complaints, you should be able to explain why this idea could not be realized.

A welcome speech should always precede a propaganda one. You greet the audience, briefly describe the reason why everyone gathered here. It is important when preparing the introduction to know what the audience will be, for what purpose you are there, what interests unite these people, is it permissible to use dialectisms and, most importantly, how much time you have. Brevity and brightness are better than verbosity. Thus, a welcome speech is an integral part of any big speech that you have to make before the public.

So that you do not stammer after each word, do not use parasitic words, it is important to develop certain skills. For this, a methodology for the development of speech is useful. In fact, there are many ways to improve pronunciation, but here is the most popular.

I will say right away that the effect will be only after regular classes, not necessarily long, 15-25 minutes a day is enough. There are two exercises, they can be used both together and alternated daily.

The first is to read and memorize tongue twisters, starting with Russian and gradually moving to other languages. The second is reading aloud the works of the classics. I myself train with F. M. Dostoevsky, it was difficult at first, the language was literally braided, but classes expand our thesaurus (dictionary).

So, to master the instrument of agitation, daily training is necessary, which, if explained in simple words, helps improve speaking skills. In this we will be helped by a methodology for the development of speech, which is described differently by different authors. Choose the one that suits you and is right for you.