
Actor Mikhailovsky Nikita: biography, filmography, family and interesting facts

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Actor Mikhailovsky Nikita: biography, filmography, family and interesting facts
Actor Mikhailovsky Nikita: biography, filmography, family and interesting facts

Actor Nikita Mikhailovsky, whose biography will be covered in this article, was born in April 1964 in Leningrad, in a family of creative people: mother, Alevtina Ivanovna, worked as a model, and father, Alexander Mikhailovsky, as a director. The boy grew up an active child, he was interested in a lot: drawing, graphics, literature.


Childhood and teens

His father did not have a long time to take part in the education of the future actor: when the boy was almost three years old, his parents broke up. After the divorce, Nikita's mother married Victor Sergeyev, also a director. Victor Sergeyev became a caring father of Mikhailovsky, who until the age of six did not suspect that he was an adopted son. Thanks to the stepfather, who had headed Lenkom by that time, at the age of five, Nikita Mikhailovsky began working in the cinema. The biography of the actor is full of interesting and somewhat frightening facts.

However, the mother made sure that in the future her son could feel confidence in front of the cameras, placing Nikita in a modeling agency. From the age of six until the adolescent, the boy worked as a model.


At the age of sixteen, Nikita lost his mother, who suddenly died from a congenital heart disease. Viktor Sergeyev, although he did not live with his stepson, working in Moscow, but still tried to take part in his life. Having grown up, Nikita changed the name of Sergeyev to Mikhailovsky (by his father), and left his middle name Viktorovich so as not to offend his stepfather.

Work in the movie before the star role

The first serious work of Mikhailovsky in the cinema was the role in the film “Night on the Fourteenth Parallel” (1971), where Nikita, who was 8 years old, played the son of the protagonist (Valentin Gaft). After the picture, the guy got a small role in the film for children "Five for the Summer", a year later there was a work in the melodramatic film "Explanation of Love" (1977) in one of the main roles.

A year later, aspiring actor Nikita Mikhailovsky, whose biography (creative) already included several serious works, was immediately approved for two roles - in "Children as Children" and "Alien" (1978).


The picture that brought glory

Mikhailovsky star lit up after filming in the film adaptation of the work of Galina Shcherbakova "You never dreamed of." In the original, the main characters are named Roman and Julia. In Goskino, they saw a parallel with Romeo and Juliet, and a ban on shooting almost followed. Director Ilya Fraz came up with a way out of the situation - changed the name of the main character to Katya. Tatyana Aksyuta, who had just managed to graduate from GITIS, was immediately approved for her role.

But with the leading actor, everything was not easy - all the candidates were not convincing. At one point, the assistant director came up with the idea to try Nikita, who was then living in Leningrad. A talented guy, then still a schoolboy, was taken into the picture practically without samples, thus Nikita Mikhailovsky became approved for the role of Roma Lavochkin. The biography and filmography of the actor at that time were already somewhat known to those who revolved in the circles of the film industry.


The picture was shot in 1980 and, barely having time to go on the screens, made a splash. Criticism was followed by indignation - the film was accused of lack of morality, and the director - of the excessive exposure of teenagers' love relationships. However, the audience was delighted with the acting and unprecedented frankness, sincerity of emotions. Aksyuta and Mikhailovsky were bombarded with letters of gratitude for a believable game. Glory fell upon the young but talented actor, largely thanks to her, the guy easily managed to enter LGITMiK and finish it brilliantly.


Early marriage of Nikita Mikhailovsky

Nikita Mikhailovsky, a biography whose personal life is filled with vivid events, married early. While still a student, he met actress Anastasia, who recalls their first meeting with trepidation: Nikita was so fascinated by the girl that he received a heart attack. The young people got married, and in 1986 they became the parents of their daughter Sofia. Anastasia is currently a famous fashion designer in Russia.

Recent movie roles

After graduation, in the same 1986, the actor starred actively, though there were no main roles. He has appeared in such films as Umbrella for the Bridal (1986), Miss Millionaire (1988), The Guard (1989), The Executioner (1990) and others. The role of Roma Lavochkin from "You Never Dreamed" became the only significant one in his short career; later, the main and equally bright heroes did not happen to play Mikhailovsky. And this is not due to the lack of invitations - the directors called him into their paintings, but Nikita refused more and more often. His final works in cinema were filming in "Leningrad. November" and "The Crazy Prince".


Passion for painting and second marriage

Mikhailovsky Nikita (his biography was filled with events) was generally a man who was easily and selflessly addicted. Once, having taken up one of his favorite activities - painting, he went to an exhibition in Pskov. At the presentation of paintings, a young man meets his last love in life - Katya. After a three-year first marriage, Mikhailovsky officially formalizes a relationship with a new lover. Together with his wife, the young actor enthusiastically organizes an art exhibition, the funds from which he decides to send for the treatment of children with cancer in Russia.

Disappointing diagnosis

Two months after the exhibition, Mikhailovsky began to feel a constant malaise, referring to the fact that he works a lot, even takes on minor, episodic roles in the cinema. But at some point I had to turn to the doctors who issued a disappointing verdict - leukemia. This happened in 1990, Nikita accepted his diagnosis with courage, but, despite the assurances of his relatives about the possibility of healing, he felt that he could not get out. Funds for the bone marrow transplantation necessary for treatment were collected by the whole country, even the first persons of the country acted as donors. In London, where the treatment took place, for some time the doctors managed to achieve stability. But a year later, 13 days after his twenty-seventh birthday, the actor died. Shortly before his death, Mikhailovsky Nikita, whose family was in the first place, decided to marry Katya, who painted portraits of her beloved face every day until his death. As the widow recalls, it changed instantly and seemed to reflect his entire short lived life.
