
Actor Murad Radjabov: roles, biography, photo

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Actor Murad Radjabov: roles, biography, photo
Actor Murad Radjabov: roles, biography, photo

The peak of the acting career of Murad Rajabov occurred in the second half of the 1980s. Our hero is one of the most recognizable and successful Uzbek actors. He is loved and appreciated not only in his homeland, but also in other countries that were part of the USSR. He is less and less acting in films, and the reason for this, apparently, is the lack of decent offers from directors and producers.

In the project “On the Dark Side of the Moon” (the so-called television version of the film “Code of Silence”), his hero almost single-handedly fights with a corrupt system of local government, which puts him on a par with the popular hero of the multi-part crime drama “Octopus”, a brave commissioner Katani, brilliantly played by famous actor Michele Placido. It should be noted that the image of a strong-willed lover of the Uzbek actor turned out to be as vivid, convincing and memorable as his eminent colleague from Italy.


general information

Murad Radjabov - actor, director and theater figure. A citizen of Uzbekistan. In the track record of a native of the city of Tashkent, 52 roles in film and television. He began his career with a small role in the full-length project "First Passengers".

Roles and genres

The actor starred in such famous films as "Twins", "Code of Silence" and "Supernatural." In the latter, he played the father of Sardor.

Films with Murad Rajabov belong to the following genres of cinema:

  • Biography: "Buyur Amir Temur", "Youth of a genius."
  • Military: "Love and Fury."
  • Children's: "Rainbow of the Seven Hopes."
  • History: "Youth of a genius", "Meeting at high snows."
  • Crime: "Swing."
  • Adventure: "Khoja Nasreddin: The game begins, " "It was in Kokand."
  • Sports: "In the ring called."
  • Fiction: "The Little Healer, " "Wonder Woman."
  • Action: Payback.
  • Detective: "Twins."
  • Drama: "I'm sorry, " "Letters, " "Sarvinoz."
  • Comedy: "The Giant and the Shorty, " "Taxi Driver, " "Didn’t You See the Matchmaker?"
  • Melodrama: "My Elder Brother", "In Love".
  • Family: "Reserve House".
  • Thriller: Drongo.
  • Fantasy: "Constellation of Love."


Relationships and Roles

He starred with actors Leonid Yarmolnik, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Viktor Pavlenko, Shukhrat Irgashev, Nazim Tulyakhodzhaev, Javlon Hamraev, Rajab Adashev and others.

He participated in the projects of directors Zinovy ​​Roizman, Ravil Batyrov, Bakhrom Yakubov, Eduard Khachaturov and others.

He played in the movie the head of taxi drivers, father-in-law, father, dean of the college, messenger, clown, postman, chief of police, etc. He predominantly played the roles of protagonists, including in such famous films as "My Big Brother", "The Last Inspection", "Code of silence", "Taxi driver."



Murad Radjabov was born on May 30, 1949 in Uzbekistan, in the city of Tashkent. The father of the future actor worked as a train conductor, my mother was engaged in household work. Young Murad loved to draw and even wanted to become a professional artist. However, later he decided to enter a theater university.

In 1971, he successfully passed final exams at the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. While still a student, he got a job at the Uzbek Drama Theater "Young Guard". In 1978 he was awarded the State Prize of the Uzbek SSR for his work in the film "It Was in Kokand."

Murad Razhdabov bears the title of "People's Artist of Uzbekistan". Now heads the Drama and Comedy Theater. Mukimi


A family

Murad Radjabov is married. His wife is a history teacher. They have two daughters and a son. Daughters work in the medical field, and the son is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. One of the actor’s grandchildren wants to follow in his footsteps.

Strokes to the portrait

In 2016, in one of his interviews, the actor spoke about life and work. Interesting facts from Murad Rajabov:

  • The actor believes in fate and mysticism.
  • He is delighted with the work of directors Zinovy ​​Roizman (the actor starred in several of his films) and Uchkun Nazarov.
  • In his life, friends occupy an important place. Very worried when, due to circumstances, I can not see them.
  • She hasn’t acted in films in recent years, because she doesn’t see quality scripts yet.
  • He believes that only he can convincingly play the actor Murad Razhdabov.
  • The actor claims that he has a complex and explosive character. Calls himself an unpredictable person whose behavior is largely dependent on mood.