
Actor Pavlenko Dmitry Yurievich: biography, filmography and interesting facts

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Actor Pavlenko Dmitry Yurievich: biography, filmography and interesting facts
Actor Pavlenko Dmitry Yurievich: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Dmitry Pavlenko is a talented actor, well-known to Russian viewers for his roles in the films “ABC of Love”, “Forensic Experts”, “St. John's Wort”, “Nan love”, “Daddy's Daughters.” Supernaturals ”, etc. In addition, for more than 20 years he has been a leading artist of the Moscow Drama Theater. M. Ermolova.


Actor's family

Pavlenko Dmitry Yuryevich was born on April 10, 1971 in the Solnechny Mine, located in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, in a creative family. The actor’s mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, has been working as a director on Chita television for many years, and his father Yuri Vasilyevich devoted his whole life to the study of geology, defended his doctoral dissertation, and is engaged in teaching. Dmitry has an older sister Elena, who, although she did not become an actress, is also a creative person.

Children and teenagers

The childhood of the future actor passed in Chita, where he studied at secondary school No. 38. From an early age, Dmitry was attracted by the mysterious world of cinema. The boy grew up in the films of Tarkovsky, Bergman and Fellini, who went with his mother to watch in the recreation center of Mashzavod. In the future, he dreamed of becoming a director.

After graduation, Pavlenko went to enter the biological faculty of the University of Irkutsk, but failed his entrance exams. Returning to Chita, for a year he mastered the profession of amateur director in the local cultural enlightenment school. During this time, he realized that the real vocation of his life was not directing, but acting.


Admission to Sliver

In 1989, Dmitry Pavlenko came to Moscow to enter the Theater School. Schepkina. For exams, he prepared a program lasting about 4 hours, containing countless fables, poems, and excerpts from prose works. Dmitry was very worried and from nervous tension before entering in a short time he lost 12 kg. The members of the examination committee could not resist the pressure of the young man. Having successfully passed the exams, Dmitry was enrolled in the Shchepkinskoe school for the course of the famous actor V. Safonov. After graduation in 1993, Pavlenko was invited to the troupe of the Moscow theater “Sphere”. Actor of the Drama Theater. He became M. Yermolova by chance: he came for an interview with a friend whom he simply wanted to support. As a result, Dmitry was invited to the theater troupe, but his friend was not.


Theatrical career

Work in the Theater. Ermolova for Dmitry Yuryevich began with a small role in the play "Pupil", staged on the play of the same name by A. Ostrovsky. In it, the young artist played the drunkard Neglitentov and appeared in only one episode. But this turned out to be enough for the director of the theater Alexey Levinsky to notice Pavlenko’s talent and invite him to one of the main roles in his production of “Wedding. Anniversary ”, which premiered in 1994. The actor’s collaboration with Levinsky continued in subsequent years. Dmitry played with him as a journalist in Meshchansky Wedding, Kleant in Imaginary Sick, Lomov in Medved, Podkolesin in Marriage, Chvankin in Death of Tarelkin, Don Juan in Don Giovanni.

In addition to Levinsky, Pavlenko collaborated with other directors of the Theater. M. Ermolova. He played Scipio directed by A. Zhitinkov “Caligula”, a young man in “Invitation to the Execution” by V. Fokin, a teacher in the “Comedy Evening” by M. Borisov, Leonardo in “The Beloved Slave” by R. Israfilov, Louis Lamar in “Not trust your eyes ”M. Smolyanitsky, etc.


Movie work

The biography of Dmitry Pavlenko is inextricably linked with the cinema. The actor’s debut on the set took place long before he entered the theater school. In 1983, Dmitry, who at that time was 12 years old, played the pupil of the Vasya Kubik orphanage in the film "Garden", which tells about the years of World War II. The shooting took place at the Belarusfilm film studio. While working on the film, the teenager met Aristarchus Livanov, Galina Sulima, Dmitry Matveev and other famous actors.

The following filming for Dmitry took place during his student life in Moscow. In 1991, a student of a theater school was invited to a small role in the youth melodrama "Cute Ep", directed by O. Fomin based on the eponymous work by G. Mikhasenko.

Popular role Dmitry Pavlenko brought the role of Victor Zombie in the serial film "The Alphabet of Love", which was shot during 1992-1994. After the release of the film on the screens of the young actor, they began to recognize on the street and ask for autographs.


Today in the filmography of Dmitry Yuryevich Pavlenko, there are more than 70 works in the cinema. The artist played prominent roles in the films Detective Dubrovsky's Dossier, Cage, Stop on Demand-2, Clean Keys, The Death of the Empire, St. John's Wort, Barvikha, One Step from the Third World and others. In 2017, 3 films were released immediately with the participation of Pavlenko: "Father's Coast", "Doctor Anna" and "Unknown", and in 2018 the premiere of the film "To Paris" is expected, in which you can also see an actor.

The wife and daughter of the artist

The personal life of Dmitry Pavlenko for more than 20 years is associated with actress Natalia Seliverstova. For the first time, he saw his future wife shortly after his enrollment in the Shchepkinsky school, when he came to the Taganka Theater to watch the play “Fedra”. Natalya, who at that time was not yet a student of a theater school, was sitting in the auditorium with a classmate of Dmitry. Pavlenko immediately liked an attractive girl, but he did not dare to get to know her. A year later, Seliverstova entered the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School and began to work in the theater of O. Tabakov. Pavlenko repeatedly crossed her studies, but really young people met 2 years after the first meeting at a student party. Since then, they are always together.


On November 14, 1997, Dmitry and Natalya had a daughter, Polina. Since childhood, the girl began to get involved in ballet and after school she entered the Moscow State Academy of Choreography. Today, Polina Pavlenko is one of the most promising young ballerinas in Russia.

Family performance

Dmitry and Natalya are actors of the same theater. They often have to perform on stage together, playing either the bride and groom, or the brother and sister. In the fall of 2015, the couple presented their joint creation to the audience for trial - a performance for two, “Tyya”, created on the basis of the play by the Transbaikal writer A. Gordeev “Blue, slightly aquamarine sky”. The production is on the stage of the Theater. Ermolova, her director is G. Dubovskaya. Pavlenko and Seliverstova are the only performers of all roles in the play. Dmitry appears on the scene in the image of a drunk and shabby musician who does not give up hope of finding his love in his old years. Natalia plays a lonely young girl with oddities. Throughout the performance, the main characters gradually recognize each other and, finally, understand that they are two halves of one whole.
