
Actor Stanislav Zhdanko - biography, career, personal life

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Actor Stanislav Zhdanko - biography, career, personal life
Actor Stanislav Zhdanko - biography, career, personal life

Young and talented Soviet actor Stanislav Zhdanko. How little he managed to do in his 24 years. Only 4 movie roles, 3 of which were major. The star of a promising actor has gone out too early. And, despite this, he managed to become a favorite of the Soviet audience and a favorite of filmmakers.

Biography of Stanislav Zhdanko


Sibiryak Stanislav was born on July 12, 1953 in a small town near Omsk in a simple working-class family. The head of the family was the mother, who was struggling to provide for her children. She worked for days on end, but this did not stop the woman from raising a real man from her son.

Stas studied well at school. From early childhood, showed interest in cinema and theatrical art.

He saved the money that his mother gave her for lunch for trips to Omsk. The guy was very fond of traveling to this city to watch a performance in the theater or the premiere of a movie picture. Stanislav Zhdanko took the acting profession with all responsibility and seriousness. As a schoolboy, he studied the life and work of Soviet actors, tried to analyze their game and learn from the example of the masters.

After graduating from school, Stas went to Novosibirsk. There, the guy easily entered the theater school. Zhdanko was a talented and memorable student. It was at this time that he began to take the stage for the first time, participating in theatrical productions at the school. But soon Stanislav realized that he deserved more and decided to transfer to the Shchukin Theater School. So the young actor got to Moscow.

Theater work

In 1976, Stanislav Alekseevich Zhdanko graduated from the Theater School. Schukin. On the recommendation of teachers, the guy was hired by the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangova.

For two years of work in the theater, the young actor Stanislav Zhdanko managed to play in five productions: "Youth of the Theater", "Front", "Konarmia", "Waiting" and "Day-Day".

Film career


At the same time, Zhdanko began to actively act in films.

In 1976, the actor starred in his debut work, playing a major role in the film "Juveniles." After the release of the picture on the screen, young Stanislav came to success. He so well brought to life the image of the Force Bone that new job offers, like the all-Union fame, were not long in coming.

The next picture, in which Stanislav Zhdanko played the main role, was the film "Time chose us." The protagonist, Lieutenant Nebylovich, was long remembered by Soviet spectators, and Zhdanko's game was recognized as high-quality.

In 1977, Stanislav was invited to shoot a cameo in the film play "The Man with the Gun."

The last work of Stanislav was the main role in the film "Mistakes of Youth", which was filmed in 1978.


Actor Zhdanko Stanislav critics and directors prophesied a great future and stunning glory, but this was not destined to be fulfilled.

He was a favorite of the public and enjoyed great interest among the representatives of the opposite sex. But Stas himself in his youth was in love with charming actress Valentina Malyavina

Stanislav Zhdanko and Valentina Malyavina


As a student of a theater school in Novosibirsk, Stanislav fell in love with the beautiful actress of the theater. Vakhtangov. The troupe of the theater came on tour in Novosibirsk. Student Zhdanko did not miss a single performance. She attracted his attention - Valentina Malyavina. After each performance, Stas approached Malyavina and asked to leave an autograph on a postcard. This continued until the troupe left for Moscow.

A few years later, Stanislav Zhdanko himself became an artist of the theater. Vakhtangov.

However, he did not like Malyavina at all. The young and expressive actor liked to attract attention, widely gestured and waved his hands. Valentina Alexandrovna did not like this.

Everything changed after Valentina Malyavina saw a young man on the stage of the theater in the role of Raskolnikov. She was forced to recognize Zhdanko's talent. The guy’s game impressed an experienced artist. After the performance, she met Stanislav backstage, kissed and congratulated on the magnificent game.

Their next meeting took place at the celebration of the anniversary of the Vakhtangov Theater. Stanislav stood out by kissing the hem of a beautiful woman’s dress. So the romance of two bright actors began.

Valentina Alexandrovna was officially married and older than Stanislav for 12 years. But this did not bother the lovers at all, and soon they began to live together. These relations were actively discussed by the Moscow elite. Malyavina and Zhdanko constantly quarreled. Their quarrels were accompanied by screams, abuse and beating utensils. This relationship could not be called calm. The actors swore violently, but just as violently put up. Such a surge of emotions was necessary for two expressive artists.