
Actress Nina Ivanova: biography, photo. Best Roles

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Actress Nina Ivanova: biography, photo. Best Roles
Actress Nina Ivanova: biography, photo. Best Roles

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Video: Ntakizere cyuko bazafatwa twari dufite | Twaganiriye na murumuna wa Jeanette n,umugabo we 2024, July

Nina Ivanova is a talented actress who became famous in the days of the Soviet Union. Thousands of fans appeared at the beauty after the release of the painting "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", in which she embodied the image of a young teacher Tatyana. Unfortunately, subsequent unsuccessful roles forced the star to leave the acting profession forever. What is known about her life, her creative successes?

Nina Ivanova: childhood

The future star of Soviet cinema was born in Moscow, it happened in 1934. No one can say if Nina Ivanova would become an actress if it were not for the will of chance. Victor Eisymont invited a charming girl to star in his new picture when she was only ten years old. The debut for the young actress was the military drama "Once Upon a Time", in which she received a difficult role. Nina became the heroine of Nina - a schoolgirl, forced to survive the horrors of the siege of Leningrad with her family.


For the first time starring in a movie, Nina Ivanova did not at all think of herself as a star. As soon as her participation in the filming process was completed, the girl calmly returned to the lessons. The parents of the little actress, worried about whether their daughter would miss too many classes at school, breathed a sigh of relief.

Star role

It was not shooting in the drama “Once Upon a Time” that made Nina think about the career of the actress; she regarded this experience as just a fun game. Having received a certificate in which there were only five, Nina Ivanova submitted documents to a medical university. She easily passed the entrance exams, but did not have time to start her studies.


It all started with a proposal from a friend who studied at VGIK. The guy persuaded Ivanov to star in his graduation short film. By chance, the tape caught the eye of Marlena Khutsiev, and the director at that time was just busy looking for an attractive young person who could play Tatyana in his film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street."

The heroine of Nina was the girl Tatyana, whom the young steelworker falls in love with without memory. Ivanova fits perfectly into the image of a charming teacher who teaches in evening school. Many young ladies even began to copy the hairstyle of the actress, who became famous overnight, did not spare their hair in attempts to get naughty curls.

First love

Not only a profession, but also a life partner found on the set of Nina Ivanova. The biography of the star shows that it was during the work on the film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" that the young actress met her future husband. Operator Radomir Vasilevsky became the chosen one of “teacher Tatyana”.


Only a few dates were required for Nina and Radomir in order for love to develop into a stronger feeling. Barely waiting for the end of the filming process, young people tied the knot. The actress and cameraman settled in Odessa, the first years of their life together were happy for them.

Strip of failure

Nina Ivanova is an actress, despite her talent and beauty, she remained the star of one role. After the release of “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, no one could doubt that a brilliant future awaits the leading woman. Unfortunately, fate decreed otherwise.

Of course, Ivanov, who had a lot of fans, began to actively attract other directors to the shooting. It is difficult to say whether the young star with roles was lucky or the problem was her lack of acting education, but other films with her participation “did not work out”.


Nina Ivanova, the actress that can be seen in the drama “Love must be valued, ” she embodied in her the image of the young lady Tony, who is unfairly accused of an unseemly act. She also starred in the film "The Heirs", playing the girl who was born in November 1917, the same age as the new government. In addition, in her filmography there are such tapes as “Such a guy lives, ” “Easy life, ” “Gray disease.”