
Actress Polina Chernyshova: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

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Actress Polina Chernyshova: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series
Actress Polina Chernyshova: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

Polina Chernyshova is an actress who made herself known for the first time thanks to the series Quiet Flows the Don. In this television project, she embodied the image of a passionate Aksinya. While the girl can not boast of a large number of bright roles, however, she plans to surprise the audience more than once. What can you tell about her besides this?

Actress Polina Chernyshova: the beginning of the journey

The performer of the role of Aksigny was born in Moscow, it happened in October 1993. Actress Polina Chernyshova was born in a family that was not related to the world of cinema. As a child, the girl began to reach for creative activity. She had many hobbies, including choreography, singing, and dramatic art.


By the time she left school, Polina no longer doubted her desire to become an actress. On the first attempt, the girl managed to become a student of the Shchukin school, she was enrolled in the course, which was taught by Vladimir Ivanov.

Study, theater

Polina Chernyshova is an actress whose path to fame began in her student years. In 2013, the Vakhtangov Theater invited students of the Shchukin School to take part in the experiment. Students in the course of Vladimir Ivanov also received such an offer, Pauline was among the favorites.


The aspiring actress made her debut in the children's musical "Puss in Boots", the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the same name by Charles Perrault. In this production, the girl embodied the image of a state lady who suffers from an unrequited love for her master. The audience was delighted with the game Chernysheva, she received many positive reviews. The performance itself has won several prestigious awards, including the Crystal Blue Bird.

Also, actress Polina Chernyshova proved herself in university productions. She played Elena in the play “A Midsummer Night's Dream”, tried on herself the image of the cheerful cheerful widow of Barbara in “Late Love”. After graduating from the Shchukin school, the girl got a job at the Vakhtangov Theater.

The Quiet Don

Silent Don is a series in which actress Polina Chernyshova made her debut. The biography of the star contains information that this happened in 2015. The girl got the opportunity to star in this television project thanks to her classmate and friend Daria Ursulyak. The performances with her participation were visited several times by the director Sergey Ursulyak, who followed the progress of his daughter. The game of the young actress impressed him, thanks to which Chernyshova received one of the main roles in the series.


The heroine of Polina became Aksinya. The choice of director did not appeal to everyone. Earlier, this role was brilliantly performed by Elina Bystritskaya, many were sure that an inexperienced actress would not be able to beat the movie star. However, Chernyshova managed to create the image of a passionate and loving Aksinya, a real Russian woman.

It is known that the role of Pauline was not easy. In an interview, the actress talked about how unusual it was for her to work in front of the camera. In the theater, each performance was rehearsed many times, which was not possible on the set. However, the girl still managed to overcome her fear, evoke the necessary emotions in herself.

Interesting fact

Actress Polina Chernyshova, a biography whose personal life is considered in this article, responsibly approached the preparation for her role in The Quiet Don. According to the plot, her heroine becomes a mother, which was difficult for a young girl to play. Therefore, Pauline agreed to attend a real birth in order to understand what emotions a woman giving birth experiences.


Project producer Maria Ushakova found a doctor who allowed the actress to attend the birth. As a result, she coped brilliantly with an episode in which her heroine was preparing to become a mother.

Other roles

Where else did the actress Polina Chernyshova manage to take off by the age of 23, whose personal life and biography are considered in this article? The success of the series “Quiet Don” has led other directors to pay attention to the rising star. The girl got one of the key roles in the detective series Doctor Richter. The television project tells about the life and work of a team of diagnostic doctors.

This year, two new paintings with the participation of Polina are expected immediately. The actress got the main female role in the historical action movie Legend of Kolovrat, which tells about the events taking place in Russia in the 13th century. She also played Lida in the dramatic thriller Angels Die Twice.