
Alexander Fironov is the idol of many

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Alexander Fironov is the idol of many
Alexander Fironov is the idol of many

The appearance on the blue screens and on the stages of new actors cannot but please the audience. After all, this suggests that cinematography is developing, the theater is growing. And this is very important for the cultural development of mankind. If before there were few such actors and they could all be named (and what kind of people they were!), Now you won’t remember everyone, because there are a lot of them. In this article, we will examine in more detail who Alexander Fironov is - the famous and beloved actor.

Rising star

Fifteen years ago, a young and ambitious actor Alexander Fironov appeared on television screens. Pleasant appearance and acting skills made him a favorite idol of many viewers. What is the actor doing now, what are his achievements?


Fironov received special popularity after starring in the television series "Soldiers", where he played the unflappable, very competent sergeant Nesterov. His wide smile and blue eyes, competent speech, perfect acting skills did not go unnoticed. The audience watched with great interest his play in the film. He was also given the role of Demyan in the youth series "Sasha + Masha."

The actor took part in the series “Real Boys”, “Poor People”, “Baby” and “Fizruk”, there is a small episodic role in “The Legend of Koschey, or In Search of the Thirtieth Kingdom”.

Acting skills, determination and activity in cinematography allowed Alexander Fironov to rise to great heights. And this will make it even more popular and beloved.

Directorial activity of Fironov

Alexander Fironov is not satisfied with acting roles alone. He is trying to try himself in directing. Together with Alexei Chistikov in 2011, they shot a military adventure film called “Aliens Wings”.

The film tells about the pilot Rudakov, who hijacked a German plane and joined the partisan detachment. Both Germans and the second secretary of the regional committee Kezhaev are hunting for the pilot. What will happen next - it remains only to think over or watch a movie from beginning to end. And there are six episodes in the film.


Denis Rozhkov, Mikhail Trukhin, Vitaliy Kishchenko, Glafira Tarhanova, Galina Stakhanova and other famous actors starred in the film by the novice director Fironov. The participation of such famous actors suggests that Fironov will be a successful and sought-after director and actor.

In addition to this film, Alexander became the director of the famous video for the song “You Are Everything!” (author Ed Shulzhevsky).