
Alexander Zheleznyak: biography, family and photos

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Alexander Zheleznyak: biography, family and photos
Alexander Zheleznyak: biography, family and photos

There are many who want to become successful people, in particular bankers. But not everyone understands that there is considerable work behind wealth. One of such successful people is the chairman of the board of the Life banking group, Alexander Zheleznyak. The biography of this person will be the subject of our conversation.


early years

Alexander Zheleznyak was born on May 31, 1966 in Moscow, in the family of lawyer Dmitry Zheleznyak. Sasha's parents were quite responsible and respected. In 1973, he went to first grade at a local school.

After receiving secondary education, in 1983, young Alexander entered the Moscow State Law Academy, which, five years later, successfully completed, thus obtaining the profession of a lawyer.

Legal activity

The next three years of Alexander Zheleznyak’s life are connected with legal practice. Until 1991, he was a member of the capital's college of lawyers. Zheleznyak himself claims that he loved his work very much. And I could not even think that I would be professionally engaged in activities not related to jurisprudence. But fate decided otherwise.

First steps in business

In the early 90s, a radical change of regime took place in the country. It is no wonder that many people decided to try their strength in a new field for themselves - entrepreneurship, but, unfortunately, not everyone managed to realize themselves in this field.


Alexander Zheleznyak decided to go this way. In 1990, Sergey Leontyev addressed him with a proposal to start a business and become a companion, with whom the hero of our story maintained friendly relations from childhood. A year before, Sergey Leonidovich opened his own business by organizing a foreign economic center called Probusiness. Now, Alexander Zheleznyak was invited to cooperation in the business sphere. The biography of Alexander Dmitrievich says that his life in the future was connected specifically with business.

The main activity of the Probusiness group at that time was foreign economic consulting and trade mediation. But to expand the capabilities of the center, it was necessary to create a powerful financial basis. Sergey Leontiev believed that such a foundation could be his own bank. It was with the aim of creating such an organization that Alexander Zheleznyak was invited to cooperate, who, having thought a little, accepted the offer of partnership.

Opening of Probusinessbank

So, it was Alexander Zheleznyak who became the chairman of the board of the newly created banking structure. “Probusinessbank” - this is what this financial institution was called. It was officially opened on July 7, 1993.


In the same year, Alexander Dmitrievich, wishing to receive a comprehensive financial education in order to be able to solve complex professional problems, began his studies at the Government Finance Academy at the Faculty of Banking, which he successfully graduated in 1995.

During the time that Zheleznyak Alexander Dmitrievich devoted to his studies, Probusinessbank received the status of a commercial bank and a state license. So it is precisely 1995 that can be considered the starting point of the beginning of the active financial activity of this banking institution.

Bank Development

Already in 1996, Probusinessbank entered the top ten most actively developing banks in the country and in the TOP 40 largest financial institutions in Russia. This fact itself spoke of the right development strategy that Alexander Zheleznyak chose. The expert reviews on the work of this banking structure from the very beginning were completely positive.


In 1997, Probusinessbank reached a new level of development, as it was assigned an international credit rating. The Bank was gaining momentum in its activities, and its potential capabilities no longer fit into the format of the limited liability company, which it was originally from. Therefore, in 1998, it was decided to reformat the bank into an OJSC to attract more investors' funds.

Thanks to the wise leadership policy, Probusinessbank relatively painlessly survived the default time of the Russian government and began 1999 in the leading positions, taking first place in the country in terms of car loans. In subsequent years, the bank only increased its financial strength.

And Alexander Zheleznyak himself, in the early 2000s, in addition to managing the financial institution, also wrote rather interesting scientific papers in the field of finance, and in 2003 he defended his dissertation, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

Creation of the Life Financial Group

At the same time, in early 2000, Probusinessbank began an active company to purchase controlling stakes in regional banks, including VUZ-Bank, Express-Volga, Bank24.ru and several others. This state of affairs required the introduction of uniform standards for all controlled financial institutions. So the idea of ​​creating a single banking group.


She received her real embodiment in 2003, when the Life financial group was created. Sergey Leontyev became its president, and Alexander Dmitrievich Zheleznyak became chairman of the board.

Further professional achievements

The creation of the Life group was a significant step along the career ladder of Alexander Zheleznyak. This was already the management of not one bank, but a whole group of financial institutions.

With the beginning of the work of this holding, a whole series of new opportunities for self-realization opened up for its leader. For example, it was Alexander Dmitrievich who developed a unique program for assessing customer loyalty to the bank, which was carried out using a questionnaire. Also, the banking group conducts wide charitable activities.

The Life financial group basically abandoned the use of credit committees, which are widely used in other institutions of the country of such a plan. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the consideration of the case by the credit committee takes a lot of time, which is a kind of bureaucratic obstacle to quickly obtain a loan. And secondly, the committee is a collective body that does not provide for personal responsibility for an incorrect decision. If the decision is made by a specific person, then you can ask him later. At the moment, as practice shows, the rejection of credit committees in the structures of the Life financial group has fully paid off.

In addition, Alexander Dmitrievich in 2007 defended his doctoral dissertation and became a doctor of economic sciences.

In the service of the Fatherland

However, Alexander Zheleznyak was not only engaged in purely banking activities - he worked hard and for the good of Russia as a whole. So, he is a member of the Council of Experts of the State Duma on combating corruption. He is the one who owns the well-known bill to prevent money laundering, which was adopted by parliament and signed by the president. In addition, Zheleznyak is a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, holding a position on the Banking Commission.


Alexander Dmitrievich takes an active part in the recovery of troubled banks as an expert, collaborating in this regard with the Central Bank of Russia.

The activities of Alexander Zheleznyak, of course, were noticed by state bodies, and in 2014 he deservedly received the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland". He was also awarded the title "Honored Banker of Russia" and the corresponding badge.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the chairman of the board of the Life financial group sometimes likes to visit the cool parties of the elite, not much is known about the details of his personal life. What is hiding Alexander Zheleznyak? His family consists of four people. In addition to the head of the family, she includes a rather young wife, the marriage of which took place on September 7, 2002, and two daughters, born in 2004 and 2007.

With a beautiful young wife, Alexander Dmitrievich sometimes appears at various events, such as, for example, in 2013 at the tenth annual “Flower Ball”, which was held at the Efrussi villa in France, but, nevertheless, even the name of his chosen one is not disclosed to the general public.

In addition, it is known that the famous banker is fond of cars and skiing. But the main hobby for him is work. It was to her that Alexander Zheleznyak devoted his life. Probusinessbank is a family for him and a professional field at the same time.


Interesting confusion

There is another famous person in Russia with the name Alexander Zheleznyak - a photographer by profession. Due to the complete coincidence of names, sometimes confusion arises when information regarding one of them is perceived as information about the second. Meanwhile, they are not even relatives, but just namesakes.

Alexander Zheleznyak, who is engaged in photography, is much younger than the financier - was born in 1978. He gained wide fame as a travel photographer and traveler, having plowed almost the entire water area on his yacht. Alexander Zheleznyak is trying to capture the camera on all corners of the Earth. The photos taken by him are truly admirable. But this, as they say, is a completely different story.
