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Pillar of Alexandria. Sights of St. Petersburg

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Pillar of Alexandria. Sights of St. Petersburg
Pillar of Alexandria. Sights of St. Petersburg

Video: Saint Petersburg ? Alexandria Mud Flood Evidence 2024, July

Video: Saint Petersburg ? Alexandria Mud Flood Evidence 2024, July

Whoever did not happen to be in St. Petersburg himself, he heard about one of his symbols thanks to the works of Pushkin. "I erected a monument to myself miraculous …". For the great poet, this landmark of the city on the Neva was a true measure of height in all senses of the word. I would really like to know: what is it, the pillar of Alexandria?


About pillars and pillars

By the way, ignorant people sometimes say not a pillar, but a pillar. What is the difference? Theoretically, no: the pillar is a long-standing name for the word we know well. But in fact, the difference between the two concepts is enormous: the pillar is just something long and dull, and the pillar is both an architectural column and a symbol of the majestic, bright. You can say “pillars” about outstanding people, you can say about monuments.

Strictly speaking, the term “pillar of Alexandria”, which is familiar to the ear, is not strictly correct: in fact, the name of the landmark is the Alexander Column. But the words thrown by Pushkin sunk into the soul, and it was the unofficial name that stuck. And because the view of the monument is consistent with the architectural definition of the pillar, and because the structure is really magnificent.


Granite miracle

The Alexandrian column in St. Petersburg was erected in 1834, its location is Palace Square. The order to the famous architect O. Montferrand was made by Emperor Nicholas I. This monument, executed in the Empire style, was dedicated to the autocrat’s older brother, Alexander I - the inspirer of the victory of the Russian Army over Napoleon.

Work on the project of the monument was not easy, various options were discussed. The task was formulated: to get a structure that looked like a column of Trajan in Rome, but superior in height to the Vendome in Paris. Such a narrow framework did not allow Montferrand to fully show individuality, and the design of the monument can easily guess, albeit modified, but other people's ideas. Nevertheless, the monument is unique in its own way: it has become the highest among other triumphal buildings in the world. The architect, abandoning additional elements adorning a monolithic column 25.6 m high, emphasized the natural beauty of pink polished granite.


The total height of the structure, together with the angel statue installed on top, exceeds 47 meters. Such impressive dimensions do not allow us to consider in detail what constitutes the pillar of Alexandria. Photos, on the contrary, allow you to appreciate all the features of the monument, and in particular, the magnificent composition in its upper part.

About angels and eagles

The monument is not only an object of enthusiastic admiring, but also a complex engineering structure. Both the column itself and the angel crowning the monument by B. Orlovsky are held without additional supports due to their own gravity. Such an architectural solution has long caused fears of citizens, suggesting that the monument would suddenly collapse. To dispel these fears, the architect began to walk in the mornings right at the foot of the column.

The magnificent figure of a bronze angel deserves special attention. One hand is lifted up to heaven, in the other he holds a cross trampling a snake. The statue should symbolize the peace that the Russian Army brought to Europe, freeing it from Napoleon. The appearance of the angel somewhat resembles the facial features of Emperor Alexander I.

The surroundings and the fence of the monument are striking in their sophistication and complexity of execution. The monument to the Pillar of Alexandria is surrounded by a 1.5 meter bronze fence, the project was also authored by Montferrand. Two-headed and three-headed eagles, as well as trophy guns, were present as decoration of the fence. Unfortunately, in recent years, these magnificent birds in large numbers "die" at the hands of barbarian citizens, and they are replaced by copies.


From the history of the monument

The pillar of Alexandria was opened on August 30, 1834 (after five years of work). Installed in the very center of Palace Square, the monument became the final touch in its design. The opening ceremony was attended by the entire royal family, headed by the emperor, as well as numerous representatives of the diplomatic corps. A solemn service was taking place at the foot of the monument, a huge kneeling Russian army was built on the square.

The history of the pillar of Alexandria is rich in events. The monument survived the revolution, and the war, and the rainy climate of St. Petersburg. Of course, it is restored from time to time, but basically the work is only cosmetic in nature.

Monument and the USSR

The hardest construction was in the first years of Soviet power. The space near the monument was changed, the fence in the 30s of the last century was melted down on cartridge cases. Before the holidays, the angel that was poorly combined with the principles of atheism was covered with a red cap made of tarpaulin or masked with balloons being lowered from the airship.

They say that the question of changing a religious figure to a cult one was discussed repeatedly and quite seriously (at first it was about Lenin, then about Stalin). But, fortunately, these ideas were never realized, and the angel takes its rightful place. The plans for replacing the bronze bas-reliefs of the pedestal with new ones, which will be based on revolutionary subjects, have not come true. Later, the Pillar of Alexandria received a fence, carefully recreated from old photographs and historical materials. Her solemn presentation took place in 2004.

Summer garden


The Alexander Column, although it is a kind of visiting card of the city, there is something to see besides it. Sights of St. Petersburg can amaze even the most sophisticated tourist. For example, the Summer Palace of Peter I. This is one of the oldest city buildings, made in the Baroque style and does not at all look like a royal monastery. Peter, equipping the Northern capital, dreamed of building a summer residence resembling Versailles. Famous architects and gardeners did not work in vain - the place where the palace complex is located (Summer Garden) impresses with its beauty and sophistication. The park to this day remains the favorite vacation spot of citizens and the goal of pilgrimage to many tourists.

Bronze Horseman

Those who have never been to the city on the Neva also know about this attraction from Pushkin’s works. “He stood on the shore of the desert waves, the great thoughts are full” … Who are these words about? About the man, about the monument?


With the light hand of the great poet, the Bronze Horseman was nicknamed one of several monuments to Peter I in the city. The monument really looks like a copper one, although it is made of bronze. Its author is the French sculptor Falcone, who showed in his work a new and partly unexpected image of the founder of the city. Catherine II, who commissioned the sculpture, wanted to see Peter look like the Roman emperor in his full dress and with all the attributes of power. Falcone acted in his own way. His Peter is a rider on a rearing horse. As conceived by the author, a horse covered in a bear's skin and a serpent crushed by hooves are all ignorant and wild, but subdued by the emperor. The figure of Peter himself is power embodied, the desire for progress and unwaveringness in upholding his principles.

The Bronze Horseman is not just one of the city’s many magnificent attractions. This figure is iconic in its own way; a lot of local stories and legends are made of it.


If you try to list at least the most famous sights of St. Petersburg, you can easily get confused with the names - there are too many of them. And yet there is a place in the city that any tourist is obliged to visit (we are not talking about the townspeople at all - they should be here as often as possible). This is the Hermitage - the legendary art museum! The complex occupies 6 buildings, each of which is a historical monument, and the main one is the Winter Palace. The museum has collected about 3 million exhibits, among which the immortal creations of Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Raphael. It is impossible to list all the masterpieces stored here. But it’s worth trying at least a part of them to take a look.