
American writer Poppy Bright: biography, features of creativity and best books

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American writer Poppy Bright: biography, features of creativity and best books
American writer Poppy Bright: biography, features of creativity and best books

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Poppy Bright is a splatterpunk author who has many bestsellers on her account. This is a bright and extraordinary personality, which in his works touches on many contemporary topics. Poppy Z. Bry is an American writer with a great syllable. Her work has a huge number of both admirers and opponents. Someone writes her works among the favorites, while others do not want to hear anything after reading the first pages. But it can be clearly noted that her work is becoming a shock. Among many other authors, Poppy Z. Bright stands out.



Native Poppy from Kentucky. She was born in 1967. My father taught economics at the New Orleans Institute. When the writer was 6, her parents divorced. Then the mother took the girl to North Carolina, but she often came to visit her father. And by 1993, she returned back to New Orleans.

In July 1989, at a concert by Government Cheese, she met her husband, Christopher DeBarr. The eccentric chef, who was dancing at the concert, then went up to Poppy and tried to make him dance with him. He sunk into her soul, and they were together for a long time. However, the marriage broke up in 2011, and now the writer is in a relationship with the artist and photographer Gray Cross.


As you know, New Orleans is considered a city of free views, informals from all over the country, as well as from around the world come to visit carnivals, and it is here that Bright feels comfortable. The writer often said that she was to be born in the body of a gay man, so it is not surprising that it was New Orleans that became the favorite city and refuge of such a creative person.

And in 2011, her dream came true, she changed sex, becoming a homosexual man. In general, it took almost a year to achieve the goal. Now the writer feels absolutely harmonious. And bears the name of Billy Martin.


Hurricane Katrina

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina pretty much destroyed New Orleans. Poppy Bright was one of the few who remained in the city, after which she nevertheless had to leave him briefly, however, she became one of the first 70, 000 who returned home. The writer strongly condemned people who left their homes forever, saying that there is something more important than their own security. Feel at home and feel the place that takes you. Later, this event was reflected in the works of Poppy.


Creative activity

With Gothic novels, horrors, as well as small stories, Poppy Bright began her creative activity. The books "Lost Souls", "Drawings on Blood", "Exquisite Corpse" can be attributed to the most famous.

The entire work of the writer has undergone many negative reviews both from critics and from readers, but nevertheless there were many connoisseurs and people who considered something special in her books. Therefore, if anyone is looking for something unusual, then Ms. Bright's books will surely shake the imagination.

Then they turned to her from an agency that publishes a series based on the legendary comic book “Raven”, and the writer was invited to participate. She wrote a work that in general style coincides with the narratives. "Raven: The Heart of Lazarus" tells of a hero who returned from the world of the dead to restore justice.

And by the beginning of the two thousandths, she was moving from the horror genre to comedy, not leaving her creative activity in the direction of documentary literature, as well as work in the journal “Chile Pepper”.

And at first glance, it may seem that the main topic that Bright Poppy Zad reveals is homosexuality. But this is far from the case. In fact, the syllable is perfectly polished, and the books themselves are filled with unusual plot twists, interesting characters, but in general, the main thing that the writer talks about is love.


Courtney Love: The Real Story

In 1996, Courtney Love, widow of the legendary soloist of the Nirvana band Kurt Cobain, turned to Poppy. At that time, there were many rumors that it was Courtney who was to blame for the death of her husband, and in order to debunk all such conversations, she decided that someone should write her biography, and of all the authors she chose Poppy Bright, believing that this is the person who can perfectly present the information. Courtney read the book Lost Souls. And after a long work, the writer gained access to many personal materials. And in 1997, the book “Courtney Love: The Real Story” was published.

Exquisite Corpse

Andrew Compton is a serial killer and homosexual who is serving a life sentence in prison. He is in his cell and discusses life and death and his actions. He is less than 30, and on his account more than three dozen victims, and, unlike many other maniacs and killers, he does not repent of his deeds. They are not driven by any complexes or experience, he is from a good family, he has no problems communicating with girls, he just likes to kill.

One of the main characters is the young man Tran. He is gay, because of which he quarrels with his parents and leaves home. Also, his ex-boyfriend has AIDS. He is scared of a possible impending death. He meets Jay Byrne and wants to start a relationship with him, not yet realizing that his new acquaintance is much more dangerous.

And another character is the cannibal Jay Byrne, he is no longer young, noble, careful, attentive and for many years kills people in New Orleans with the same cruelty as Andrew.

And by the will of fate, the two killers collide, Compton manages to escape, and he decides to go to New Orleans in search of new victims, where he encounters Jay. The latter wants to kill a tourist, but Andrew manages to contrive and escape. They share their experiences and experiences and decide to commit murder together. The first to be killed is a drug addict. Everything else, they enter into a love affair.

After they still decide to kill Tran, the ex-boyfriend tries to save him, but it's too late: he manages to kill only Jay, but Compton escapes. And the only thing he regrets is that he did not kill his lover.

The book has many cruel scenes, unexpected plot twists, as well as detailed descriptions, which creates an incredible atmosphere. It touches on many contemporary problems, as well as issues that were raised by the classics. All this is written in a literary and interesting language peculiar to Poppy Bright. Reviews about the book were ambiguous, rather, even radically opposite. But, as mentioned earlier, after reading, few could remain indifferent.


"Lost souls"

A work that has become a bestseller in the splatterpunk genre. A story in which vampires are presented not just as mythical creatures, but as a separate biological species. The book tells about their life in modern society and loneliness, people who are also alone and lost in their thoughts and feelings, seeking protection in any things.

Christian is a vampire who is more than three hundred years old, he is the owner of a bar in the French Quarter. But he is alone and hopes to one day meet a soul mate, to finally stop suffering from loneliness.

The three vampires - Moloch, Twig and Zillah - travel around the country and have not felt anything for a long time, and the only thing left for them is attachment to each other.

Steve Finn works at a music store and plays in the Lost Souls band with his friend, whose name is Spirit. He is also an extraordinary character, he often receives visions.

Another hero is a guy named Nobody who feels lonely and lost, his peers and parents do not understand him. Finding no other way out, the teenager decides to run. After he finds out that he is actually the son of Zillah and a vampire, that is why it was difficult for him to live in a human family. His real mother died in childbirth, and Zillah did not know that she was pregnant. And when the guy gets into the Lost Mile, the main events begin to happen around him.