
Anatoly Nesmiyan (El-Murid): biography, activities and reviews

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Anatoly Nesmiyan (El-Murid): biography, activities and reviews
Anatoly Nesmiyan (El-Murid): biography, activities and reviews

Vivid political, economic and even military events often attract the interest of many users. Most of them are eager to stay up to date with certain events and keep their finger on the pulse. All this is possible thanks to numerous national journalists, streamers and bloggers. This is precisely the well-known Anatoly Nesmiyan who publishes LJ posts under the nickname El Murid. We will talk about him further.


Brief biographical information about the blogger

Nesmiyan Anatoly Evgenievich (his biography is associated with a number of conflicting data) was born in August 1965 in Ukraine. His native village, where he spent all his childhood, at that time was called Krasilovka. This small village was located in the Kiev region. However, the capital itself was still very far away. This is where the future blogger graduated from high school.

Later, Anatoly Nesmiyan moved to Russia with his parents. Having settled in the capital, he applied to the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. Having passed the exams, our hero entered the Faculty of Chemistry. After graduating from high school, Anatoly went in search of work.


First earnings and self-employment

During his stay in Russia, Anatoly Nesmiyan changed not one, but several works at once. However, not one of the professions he mastered has taken root. A strict and serious young man could not find a suitable place for himself that fully corresponded to his needs and opportunities.

This continued until 1991. Starting from this time, the author decided to open his own business and engage in private enterprise. At that time, he managed to develop a number of projects related to the media and printing. For example, under his strict guidance, OOO Pechatny Dvor and a printing center for business documentation were created. A little later, Anatoly Nesmiyan even opened his own pub, which he called Bier-Hoff.


Law and tax troubles

Despite the fact that Nesmiyan managed to achieve certain heights in business, his business was far from being as excellent as he would have liked. Either because of envious people or competitors, representatives of various services began to drop in more and more often into the offices and representative offices of the entrepreneur.

A little later, he was even accused of tax evasion and various financial transactions in business. Because of this, Anatoly Evgenievich Nesmiyan (El Murid) was detained. After a bit of scandal and trial, the blogger was released, pledging to pay the fine agreed upon by the court.

However, this administrative offense slightly spoiled the biography of our businessman, who decided to change his activities and do something more calm. At least he thought so.


Start blogging

Since 2011, Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid) began to maintain his own blog in LJ. At this moment, he came up with the nickname El Murid and an avatar in the form of a human head in an eastern headdress. By the way, in miniature this image resembles a fly. That's why many ill-wishers call this blogger a "annoying fly", but more on that later.

Topics and interests of a blogger

In his LJ blogger Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid) described the problems associated with the political and military situation in the Middle East. Here he wrote about Libya, Syria and other countries. The author covered real events related to civil wars and “color revolutions”. Later he began to position himself as a “military expert” and “orientalist”.

First awards and recognition in the blogosphere

As it turned out, the activities of Nesmiyan as a blogger were highly appreciated not only by the rapidly growing number of his subscribers, but also by recognition from other prominent figures in the blogosphere. So, in 2011 he was called the "Blogger of the Year" and awarded the "National Prize in the field of the blogosphere." This award was presented to him by representatives of the Russian Biographical Institute. They praised him for his contribution to the development of modern civil society.

Work for ANNA-NEWS and new responsibilities

Exactly one year after receiving his first award, El-Murid was invited to an independent news agency called Anna-News. According to some reports, he was called by the head of the channel, Marat Musin, who repeatedly expressed sympathy for the blogger.

Later, Nesmiyan began to position himself as an expert of this news agency. On his behalf, he increasingly appeared on various video projects, wrote on the pages of the publication “Vzglyad”, starred in the program “Neuromir” and “Day-TV”.

A few months later, in collaboration with the leader, Anna-News published a book called Libya, Syria. Further everywhere! ” For her, both authors were awarded the International Prize of the Union of Writers of Russia.


Coverage of events in Ukraine

After the coup d'etat in Ukraine, the political, economic and military intrigues of Kiev got into the informative piggy bank of the blogger. The topics of his posts increasingly became the Crimea, Donetsk (DPR) and Lugansk (LPR). Despite the fact that bloggers most often take a neutral position, Anatoly increasingly supported the militia, Strelkova and harshly criticized the Minsk Agreements. According to some reports, he even came to the conflict zone several times and personally met with Strelkov.