
Andrey Shevelev, Governor of the Tver Region: biography, family

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Andrey Shevelev, Governor of the Tver Region: biography, family
Andrey Shevelev, Governor of the Tver Region: biography, family

This is not the first year in Russia that there has been a successful practice of early resignation of regional heads. The President carries out regular staff rotation, positioning it as a natural process, not in vain. Unfortunately, not all governors in our country justify the trust placed in them by the “supreme commander in chief”. Some come across in bribes, others simply can not cope with the tasks, and still others, in general, lead the entrusted region not to prosperity and prosperity, but to total devastation and financial crisis. The “last”, in particular, is the former head of the Tver region - Andrei Shevelev. Moreover, the residents of the region themselves gave a low rating to the work of this official.


And the “zero” rating of the effectiveness of the above-mentioned governor is confirmed by real facts. Firstly, corruption in regional power structures intensified, secondly, the budget deficit increased many times, and thirdly, the economy of the Tver region is in critical condition. Farms go bankrupt, in many settlements there is no electricity and heat supply. Residents have repeatedly appealed to the Kremlin so that “serious” personnel changes are made in the system of regional state administration. And finally, in 2016 their requests were heard. Andrey Shevelev and his team were deprived of authority. What is known about the former governor of the Tver region?

An officer with a flawless biography

If you carefully study the biography of the official, you get the impression that Andrey Shevelev is a person with an unblemished reputation.

He is a native of the city on the Neva. Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich was born on May 24, 1970. After some time, the family moved to the city of Bely (Tver region), where the future official was issued a certificate of incomplete secondary education.


And the eight-year-old man graduated with honors. Then Andrey Shevelev became a cadet of the Kalinin Suvorov Military School.

Studying “military affairs” and participating in military operations in the North Caucasus

In the summer of 1987, he entered the Higher Airborne Command School (Ryazan). In 1991, the young man received a red diploma in the specialty "engineer for the operation of armored and automotive vehicles." Then, Shevelev Andrei Vladimirovich goes to serve in Pskov as a fighter of the 76th Guards Airborne Division. In this military unit, he rose to the rank of assistant commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion. A graduate of the Airborne Command School took part in the settlement of a number of military conflicts that unfolded in the 90s on the territory of Chechnya, Georgia, and Ingushetia. During the Chechen war, Andrey Shevelev, whose biography is of particular interest to political scientists, was wounded during a special mission. Soon he was awarded the Golden Star medal and awarded the title Hero of Russia.

In the summer of 1997, he joined the ranks of the officers and staff of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School and taught the necessary disciplines for the cadets.


The following year, Shevelev in his homeland led the public charity fund of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation.

The beginning of a political career

Then Andrei Vladimirovich began to show interest in politics and joined the United Russia party, which at the end of 2003 nominated him for the post of candidate for the State Duma (single-mandate constituency of St. Petersburg). He was a member of the Central Auditing Commission. As a result, he receives a seat of parliament, which will hold until 2007. In the country's main legislative body, Shevelev will work in the committee on credit organizations and financial markets as an assistant to the chairman. After some time, Andrei Vladimirovich will receive a law degree from the Presidential Russian Academy of Public Administration.

Positions in regional executive bodies

In the spring of 2008, Shevelev was appointed to the post of first deputy head of the government of the Ryazan region. Andrei Vladimirovich in a new quality for himself focused on solving problems within the region.

In July 2011, an official was transferred to work in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation, namely, in the Tver region. And Shevelev got the highest post. It should be noted that the newly made governor invited those with whom he worked in the Ryazan region to his team.


Naturally, this led to increased tension in relations between Andrei Vladimirovich and some influential representatives of regional elites.


One way or another, but some political scientists, despite harsh criticism of Shevelev, do not want to agree that he is a “negligent” governor. What facts do they justify this position?

Attracting investments in the region

Back in 2012, the International Investment Forum was held in the Tver region. At this event, over 20 agreements were signed on raising funds in the region. At the same time, experts say that as a result of the forum, many settlements were able to receive subsidies, the volume of which increased from year to year.

Business Assistance

Political scientists also believe that Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich provided support to enterprises in the region. In particular, he helped solve the financial problems of the Tver House-Building Plant, which was previously a major participant in the construction market.


In addition, he drew attention to the difficult situation with the Tver Carriage Works and ensured that the company had new orders.

Deceived investors

The ex-governor of the Tver region also assisted deceived equity holders and helped those to obtain the coveted living space. For this, a special law was adopted at the regional level, where the principle of allocation of compensation plots was spelled out.

Shevelev Andrey Vladimirovich (Governor of the Tver region) was also involved in the implementation of sports projects. In particular, he initiated the construction of Ice Palaces in the region entrusted to him.


There are many who consider Shevelev’s work at the governor’s post unsatisfactory.

First of all, they remember the closure of two maternity hospitals in the region. The popularity rating of the governor rushed down after the flow of immigrants from the Central Asian republics increased in the Tver region. As a result, the criminal situation worsened, and local residents ceased to feel safe.


The level of corruption has become prohibitive. Moreover, those who at least somehow try to make public the mistakes of the authorities are exposed to threats from the same regional officials.

In addition, Andrei Vladimirovich is accused of the fact that when he was still acting as head of the region, on his initiative a ban was introduced on the holding of the popular rock festival Invasion in the region. The governor of the Tver region motivated his decision by the fact that in his patrimony "African swine fever" broke out.

Residents with relief and understanding took the news of the resignation of Shevelev, which took place in the spring of 2016.