
Anton Pokrepa: the first husband of Anna Khilkevich

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Anton Pokrepa: the first husband of Anna Khilkevich
Anton Pokrepa: the first husband of Anna Khilkevich

Anton Pokrepa is the first husband of Anna Khilkevich. Five years of relationships included both cohabitation and legal marriage. Young people legalized relations after several years of meetings and common life in the hope that further life will turn out happily. But, alas, feelings for each other died away, and the couple broke up. Today, one can only remember the past romance.


The youth series "Barvikha" was the starting point for the development of relations between future spouses. Anton Pokrepa and Anna met on the set, the girl played the role of Vicki - a frivolous girl, Anton acted as the project administrator. The character that Ana was to play did little to match the true appearance of Khilkevich, and Pokrepa noticed this fact. In life, Anna has two higher educations, both diplomas received with honors; the girl speaks several foreign languages ​​and is free to support any proposed topic. Such characteristics pleasantly dazzled Anton when he got to know the young actress better and realized that the girl in front of him was very worthy.



Before getting married, Anton Pokrepa and Anna Khilkevich met for some time, then lived together, arranged a common life. The relations between the young people were strong, calm: Anya perfectly found a common language not only with her husband, but also with his mother. Mother-in-law Khilkevich even now, after the divorce of the couple, maintains a warm relationship with the former daughter-in-law. The wedding was elegant, the guests and the newly-made spouses themselves had fun with all their hearts, champagne flowed like water, and the feast rattled the whole world.
