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Architecture of the future: current trends, features and interesting ideas

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Architecture of the future: current trends, features and interesting ideas
Architecture of the future: current trends, features and interesting ideas

Video: Building the architectural future with new technologies 2024, June

Video: Building the architectural future with new technologies 2024, June

Readability is a property that architecture has. It personifies time and reflects the development of society, its culture, history, aspirations and dreams. Architecture is created by people and for people. All events leave their mark on architecture. But there are projects that take us far ahead, reflecting futurism. Such an architecture is waiting in the wings on paper before being embodied in forms and reborn from an idea into a building.

Search for new ideas

The main concept of future projects is cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness and ergonomics. Every year, building materials are being improved, which cannot but affect the quality of new structures. An architect is an artist painting an urban landscape. What will he be like? What surprises will the architecture of the future bring to man? The search for new ideas does not stop. Designers, designers, technologists work together on projects. Biologists have already joined the process.


Many are attracted by the biomorphism of architectural forms, imitating the natural nature. The big breakthrough was the possibility of computer design. Thanks to the use of innovative computer technologies, the architecture of the future promises to be unique, thought out to the smallest detail and striking even the most sophisticated minds of mankind.

Biomorphism is gaining momentum, embodied in new masterpieces. Modern construction technologies make such buildings look like living creations with intricate bends in the structures. Thanks to a technological breakthrough, the architecture of the future is buildings of any geometric shape. Such buildings will be filled with sensory sensors that capture the slightest climate change and, accordingly, trigger a response system.

Reality and fantasy

Projects such as the Suite Vollard tower represent dynamic architecture. Of course, much has already been implemented, affecting even now most people. However, this is only the beginning. If you look into the UAE, you really understand that humanity has decided to take a chance and translate the biblical tower of Babel into reality.


In principle, the architecture of the future is always first described by science fiction writers. It is they who are trying to look far into the beautiful, painting fantastic paintings on the pages of their works. A special place in this area is occupied by science fiction. For example, the book of Futurological Congress by Stanislav Lem is of great interest. It not only describes the giant city-skyscrapers, but also presents the concept of total virtualization of our reality in the form of a matrix. More than once humanity has witnessed the implementation of technologies that were much earlier described in works by science fiction writers.

From ancient pyramids to the present

At one time they built in earnest and for millennia. An example is the Egyptian pyramids. Already in the Middle Ages, buildings were designed for centuries of service. The service life of modern structures ranges from 50-100 years. According to the new concept, especially the western one (although, most likely, the architecture of the future in Russia will not differ much from the foreign one), the building's service cycle is calculated in advance. The project initially laid down the technology of installation, dismantling and disposal of the structure. The fact is that modern houses before their destruction become obsolete morally and can no longer meet their functional purpose.


In general, the architecture of the future, the best projects of which are amazing, will be aimed at functionality and harmony. The cost of energy and labor resources will force in the future that there will be more reconstruction and less demolition. Architectural masterpieces will be preserved, but are likely to change.


The world is moving towards globalization. It is not a fact that this is good, but humanity cannot escape this process. If we imagine that everything will develop in a peaceful stream, then humanity will come to understand the importance of rational use of earthly resources, total landscaping and the development of environmental technologies.


Many of the projects presented today for public viewing and showing us how incredible the architecture of the future can be implemented include the use of unified building materials-constructors reminiscent of Lego. The trend of using glass with variable transparency is gaining momentum. Sensors that can make the house “smart” are already widely used. The question of the importance of optimizing space has already been raised today.

The architecture of the future will have less pretentiousness. Modern construction trends are aimed not only at functionality and optimization, but also much attention is paid to hybridization. Already today it is important to create a harmonious natural exterior. We expect a powerful development of landscape design, landscaping, integrated into the urban conditions of farms and gardens. Transport will also be subject to significant changes.



Already today, the modern architecture of the present and the future is aimed at using computer technologies that allow sending a computer model to production and using it, bypassing intermediate stages, to make construction details. This will make the construction clean and very fast. Technologies will make it possible to make the architecture more durable, but at the same time light, ephemeral. The facade of the building will be able to change its appearance: a window, masonry, etc. In other words, it will be able to visualize the real world or imitate the desired picture.

Mankind has already faced the need for maximum optimization of space: urban, personal, working and leisure. Gradually, urban industry is transformed into a more compact and dissolved in space. It will be environmentally friendly, including through the development of 3D printing.



In general, the list of signs of the architecture of the future may be as follows:

  • Lack of subordination to the availability of certain resources and an orientation toward the search for the most comfortable places of resettlement, including work, recreational and leisure space, as well as a sports area.
  • Hybridization, space optimization with effective connection to telecommunication systems.
  • Technological equipment of houses will radically change towards saving resources and equipping with smart sensors.
  • Homes from consumers will turn into energy suppliers.
  • Efficiency of water consumption will increase due to the reverse cycle.
  • The houses will be equipped with a system of protective filters from the harmful effects of the environment and to maintain the right balance of atmospheric pressure.
  • Building materials will be so advanced that they will allow the construction of massive cities above the ground and even under water.
  • Cities of the future allow architecture to connect with land pedestrian streets and airways.
  • Concrete reinforcement will be replaced with carbon nanotubes made of cement composite, which means that buildings will become 16 times stronger.
  • Steel cables will be replaced with diamond ropes that can withstand 100 times more load.

Attitude to real estate

Perhaps people of the future will become easier to relate to their housing, which will lead to the development of rent. The circumstances of life will change so quickly that there will be a need for frequent housing changes. It is also possible that few will own private houses, because land is an irreplaceable resource. Most likely, it will be the privilege of the rich. However, wait and see …
