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Army Special Forces - the elite of the Russian army

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Army Special Forces - the elite of the Russian army
Army Special Forces - the elite of the Russian army

Video: Russian Army - Elite Special Forces | 2019 2024, July

Video: Russian Army - Elite Special Forces | 2019 2024, July

The successful implementation of any military company depends on the availability of information about the enemy’s forces, their armaments and strength. Since ancient times, before the start of a large-scale offensive, volunteer squads were formed from volunteers, which were introduced into the territory of the enemy to collect data or to conduct sabotage. The development of armaments and the enrichment of the experience of military operations improved the methods of conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations and served as an impetus for the creation of various paramilitary groups, each of which performs its own highly specialized task.

Specialized Army Unit

Fighting involves numerous casualties, the destruction of houses and buildings. Victory in wars is often given a very high price. Based on this and having a decent centuries-old combat experience, the army leadership realized the urgent need to create special professional groups to perform special tasks. So in the regular armies of different countries a special unit appeared - army special forces.

What is it intended for and how does it work?

The army special forces of different countries, with differences in the specifics of training, weapons and camouflage, has one task assigned to it - the quick and silent elimination of the enemy.

To this end, the most vital organs of the enemy are affected, which excludes any possibility of resistance and guarantees instant death.

Army spetsnaz in its work uses camouflage techniques that have certain differences in units of different countries. It all depends on the environment characteristic of a particular locality, weather and seasonal conditions in which you have to operate. Proceeding from this, the army special forces are equipped with a special uniform adapted to the colors of the area and special means for firearms - silencers and flame arresters that allow them to be used freely behind enemy lines, without fear of betraying themselves with the sounds of gunfire or flashes of flame.


Special forces carry out intelligence work, regardless of environmental conditions and the situation in the enemy camp. The final result is the information received about the armament of the enemy, its strength, and the characteristics of the terrain on which further open combat operations are to be conducted.

What information does special forces get?

Intelligence conducted by special forces is considered effective if it is able to provide the army leadership with the necessary information:

Information about the enemy.

This information about the topographic location of those objects that are subject to capture, and an assessment of the degree of their protection. The report should contain data on the quantity, quality and location of enemy firepower, on the possible proximity of reserve combat units, on the distance from them to captured objects, on the time and methods of approaching enemy reserves in the event of a direct combat collision.

Terrain data.

The report contains information on the terrain, the presence of natural obstacles (gorges, ponds), its nature and the possibility of overcoming it. This also includes data on settlements, which must be taken into account in order to ensure an inconspicuous approach to interesting objects of capture.

History of creation

In order to identify, neutralize and eliminate terrorist groups, carry out sabotage and counter-terrorism combat missions behind enemy lines, the Russian Federation uses special combat units and units of special services, armed forces and police.

Russian special forces has its own history.

On July 29, 1974, the “A” department was formed in the USSR, which until 1991 belonged to the seventh KGB department. Today, this unit is still operating. This is a special counter-terrorist unit “A” of the FSB, known to all as the special forces “Alpha”, recognized in the world as one of the most effective.


In 2011, the team of detachment “A” under the FSB of Russia participated in the world championship of special forces, where it won the first two places and was recognized as the best international brigade.

Special Forces: Unit “A”. Functions

Its main task is to carry out specific military force measures to search for and identify terrorist organizations, to neutralize and further destroy armed criminals. Alpha Special Forces is engaged in the release of hostages, in negotiations with terrorists. The detachment is designed to capture aircraft and water vessels, land vehicles and storm buildings with hostages held there. Often, the services of Detachment “A” are addressed during riots in prisons and colonies, since the unit is considered to be elite and is highly effective. This made him in demand when performing military operations in “hot spots” and in other situations complicated or out of control.

World analogues

Such a special unit is not the only one in the world. High efficiency in the fight against terrorism was shown by American special forces. The good material support of the groups made it possible to conduct numerous experiments, which made it possible to achieve high performance. Fighters of such detachments during the assault on fortified buildings suddenly penetrate inside for terrorists - at points that, unlike door and window openings, are not controlled by them. This significantly reduced the mortality rate in US special forces.


Almost all developed countries have similar anti-terrorist units, which are not much different from each other. They also perform the function of anti-terror in their state and the tactics of their actions are similar.

About combat training

Fulfillment of tasks requires each fighter of a special forces detachment of enormous physical and psychological stress. This is due to the fact that the special forces detachment carries out its functional tasks mainly either in the rear of the enemy, or in a terrain completely unsuitable for normal human life.

Staying in an extreme environment, in harsh conditions, without communication with the outside world requires each member of the special forces physical and psychological health, fitness and moral readiness to withstand possible loads.

A lot of feature films and documentaries and series have been shot about the special forces of the airborne forces, where it is colorfully shown how spectacularly and effectively the special squad works. But behind that side, visible to the audience, there is another, which consists of everyday and tedious briefings and trainings, the high demands placed on the fighters by their leadership.

Special forces training is carried out under the supervision of experienced instructors. The task of training is to transfer the wards of knowledge and the formation of their practical skills necessary to perform combat missions. During the exercise, both standard and highly specialized skills are taught to fighters.

What does the training of special forces include?

1. Standard skills:

  • hand-to-hand combat;

  • fire, psychological and general physical training.


2. Highly specialized knowledge and practical skills:

  • silent movement behind enemy lines, which includes the ability to covertly overcome water and engineering barriers, swamps, navigate the terrain at night;

  • fulfillment of tasks for monitoring and collecting information in urban conditions and settlements;

  • effective camouflage: the form of special forces is selected for the fighters depending on the conditions of the terrain on which the work is performed - it can be mountains, forests, desert, marshland or a surface littered with snow;

  • orientation on the ground with or without a topographic map, the ability to notice and distinguish traces;

  • the ability to carry out radio reconnaissance and use other means of technology for this purpose;

  • survival skills in difficult conditions for the human body;

  • psychological training and obtaining the knowledge necessary for the provision of urgent medical care.

Tasks and structure of the Russian Navy

During martial law, maritime special forces of the Russian Federation are engaged in:

  • mining of ships, paramilitary naval bases and hydraulic structures of the enemy;

  • search and further physical destruction of the enemy’s assets intended for a nuclear attack, and points performing their operational control;

  • the discovery of other enemy targets in the coastal zone, accumulations of manpower;

  • provision of landing activities in the coastal zone;

  • guidance and adjustment of air and ship artillery strikes against identified enemy forces.

In peacetime, Russian maritime special forces are engaged in the fight against terrorism and the exchange of experience with other special forces.

The staff of the maritime special squad includes 124 people - of which 56 are fighters, the rest are technical personnel. The soldiers in the squad are divided into units and operate autonomously. Each of these groups consists of 12 people. They are divided into groups of 6 people: an officer, midshipman and four sailors.

The Russian maritime special forces are represented by three detachments, each of which performs its own task:

  • The first detachment is intended to destroy enemy targets located on land. The tactics of the detachment’s action is to imperceptible underwater approach to the planned objects of the enemy with the further implementation of sabotage. Fighters act as divers and act on the spot as saboteurs of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

  • The second detachment is engaged in intelligence work.

  • The third detachment of naval special forces carries out underwater mining of ships, naval bases, places of deployment of manpower and other important enemy targets. The soldiers of the detachment train especially hard for the role of combat divers, since they operate mainly not on land, but under water - they conduct sabotage work and carry out attacks.


Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

In the Russian Federation, these troops belong and are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Following the law "On Internal Troops", the special forces of the BB performs the following tasks:

1. In peacetime:

  • ensure public order;

  • protect state-important facilities and goods during transportation;

  • make hostages free;

  • help other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system in the fight against crime.


2. In wartime and in emergency mode, in accordance with a certain law “On Internal Troops”, special forces of the explosives receive additional responsibilities - providing assistance to border security forces in ensuring territorial defense and security of the country, protecting the borders of the state.

Features of the work of special forces in the city

To perform a combat mission in settlements, Russian special forces use the following techniques:

  • overcoming obstacles;

  • hidden survey of the area;

  • silent penetration into the structure;

  • quick and effective storming of buildings;

  • stripping captured buildings.

1. Overcoming obstacles in urban areas. Work is carried out after a thorough examination of the situation. Before overcoming the obstacle that has arisen on the way, fighters of special forces inspect the territory for the possible presence of a hidden enemy. Before crossing the wall, the opposite part is inspected.

2. Inspection of urban areas. Buildings are ideally suited for this task; observation is recommended due to their angles. The main thing is to do it carefully, without revealing yourself with weapons or equipment.

3. When entering the building, window openings are especially dangerous, moving under which is necessary at a fast pace and crouching low. The fighter must be below the window cut. Window openings in semi-basement rooms are recommended to be stepped over.

4. During the assault, the advancement of special forces is carried out along the walls, and also involves passing through them, using faults and crevices. Doorways are overcome by throwing under fire cover of a partner. The throw should be made promptly and immediately aimed under cover.

Russian special forces, as special forces of other countries, during overcoming open terrain, in addition to using fire cover, use smoke screens. In this case, dashes are carried out from one shelter to another if there is a small distance between them. Such a promotion is carried out by a group with a mandatory interval between fighters in at least ten steps. Such a distance will prevent possible fire damage.

The American special forces during the assault use means to destroy the walls in the captured building in those places that are not controlled by armed criminals. The unexpected appearance of special forces fighters in the hole formed in the wall acts on the terrorists overwhelmingly - the effect of surprise is triggered. A moderate explosion, knocking out bricks and cinder blocks strictly along a certain contour, stuns an enemy unprepared for such an assault.

In the Russian special forces, the building is stormed right after a grenade is thrown into the window opening. There is a drawback to such capture tactics - the adversary can quickly react and throw it back. In this case, there is a high risk of destruction by fragments of your own exploding shell.

5. Scraping of the captured building. After the assault, the building is subject to a thorough inspection. To this end, one fighter takes a firing position outside the doorway and covers the group. Premises that have passed the check are marked with a symbol. Cleaning of special forces is carried out, moving up and down the flights of stairs. This allows you to "squeeze" the enemy to the lower floors, where it is easier to destroy or force out into the street and detain. It is undesirable to clean from the bottom up. This will give the enemy a chance to firmly gain a foothold on the upper floors or leave on the roofs of nearby buildings.

Outfit of special forces soldiers

According to the season, the form of special forces is winter and summer. Depending on the purpose, the equipment of special forces is divided into three types:

  • Field form. Used to perform combat missions, training and duty. It is also intended to be worn during martial law or a state of emergency. This type of clothing has the highest requirements.

  • Full dress. Designed for fighters during their stay at ceremonial state events: bearing an honor guard, receiving awards. It is also used during parades, holidays and weekends.

  • Everyday uniform. It is used in all other cases.

Workwear Material

The main requirements for the material from which the unit's workwear is made is the ability to ensure safety, high ergonomics and protection. To disguise special forces, a special fabric is produced that has a corresponding pattern. In each country, a pattern is selected for the fabric from which the special equipment is sewn, for a specific characteristic type of terrain.

Russian special forces use the “Surgat” colors, which take into account the typical characteristics of the national territory.

In addition to clothing, the form of special forces includes weapons, means of providing protection, navigation, life support, an individual first-aid kit and special elements are attached to it.