
Baltic salmon: lifestyle features and fishing

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Baltic salmon: lifestyle features and fishing
Baltic salmon: lifestyle features and fishing

Video: A Quest for Baltic Salmon | Laplanders 2024, June

Video: A Quest for Baltic Salmon | Laplanders 2024, June

The Baltic species of salmon is one of the most valuable among commercial fish. Its popularity is due to its high taste and dietary qualities. This gave an impetus to the development of fish farms that grow various types of salmon both for sport fishing and for selling fresh weight fish. Some photos of Baltic salmon and its description will be discussed in this article.


Lifestyle and lifespan

Salmon is a fish of the passing species, living both in freshwater reservoirs and in marine, oceanic, salty environments. Salmon inhabiting the Baltic Sea spend the bulk of their life there, but go on to freshwater bodies to continue the genus. This happens when an individual reaches the age of five. Salmon chooses calm and shallow places with a rocky or sandy bottom for spawning.

When Baltic salmon spawns, its color takes on a darker shade. Because of this feature, a kind of hook becomes noticeable on the jaws of the males. Females also have it, but it is not so pronounced. During spawning, salmon feed is extremely scarce, which leads to some depletion. The meat color turns pale, and the fat content is significantly reduced, as a result of which the fish loses its taste and quality values. Therefore, the capture of Baltic salmon, as well as other members of the family, is prohibited during the spawning season.

The average life expectancy of salmon ranges from 9 to 10 years, but some individuals in the natural environment can live up to 25 years.



Baltic salmon spends most of their lives in the sea. It feeds mainly on herring and various crustaceans. Less commonly eating gerbil. When salmon goes to spawn, it stops eating.

Young specimens most often feed on zooplankton. In addition, smelt and vendace are a favorite salmon treat. It is to search for this delicacy that he regularly moves around the pond. Often, Baltic salmon ashore is suitable for searching for insects living in the coastal strip. They also become an excellent food for young individuals.


Salmon breeding

In most cases, salmon spawning takes place in fresh water. It can be both the sources of rivers and small streams. An important factor is the presence of running water. This is due to the fact that the ancestors of modern salmon were fish that lived exclusively in fresh water. Thanks to a long evolution, the ancient ancestors of salmon were able to adapt to life in the salt water of oceans and seas.

Salmon spends most of its life in its permanent habitat - the sea. He actively eats and gains weight. After 5 years, puberty fish are sent to spawn. It is noteworthy that the places of spawning grounds were not chosen randomly. Salmon goes exactly where he was born.

In places of spawning, the appearance of salmon is undergoing significant changes. The shape of the body and its shade are changing. The color changes from silver to bright with black spots. The jaws are also greatly modified. In males, they become hook-shaped, with the bend of the lower jaw pointing up and the top down. With spawning, salmon also undergo strong changes in the stomach and liver, which makes its body loose and non-greasy. Therefore, it loses its taste (as mentioned above).


What does Baltic salmon look like - main features

Scientists have proven that the ancestors of salmon appeared in the Mesozoic era, as evidenced by a number of findings. In modern times, this type of fish looks very similar to the herring family. The length of adult Baltic salmon can reach from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. Mass, in turn, can also fluctuate. The body of the fish has an elongated shape and is covered with silvery round scales. The fins are not prickly and are located in the middle of the abdomen. A notable feature of all salmonids is their small adipose fin.

Salmon breeding

Due to its popularity and high taste, this fish is quite expensive. Therefore, more and more fish farming enterprises are breeding salmon, which brings them a good income. This process is facilitated by the fact that the fish returns to spawn in fresh water for spawning. For breeding fish farms are used, which are mainly built near rivers. Fish going to spawn are caught, eggs are collected and fertilization is carried out.

The resulting fry are grown and released into rivers. They go to sea, grow and feed there, and after a few years already adult individuals return here to spawn, which are caught here.
