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She was an angel, and she became even more beautiful. What today looks like a small supermodel from Russia Anna Pavaga

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She was an angel, and she became even more beautiful. What today looks like a small supermodel from Russia Anna Pavaga
She was an angel, and she became even more beautiful. What today looks like a small supermodel from Russia Anna Pavaga

Video: The Next Generation Of Most Beautiful Kids In The World 2024, July

Video: The Next Generation Of Most Beautiful Kids In The World 2024, July

The world first heard about Anna Pavag 3 years ago. Then the baby was simply christened - "the most beautiful girl in the world." What happened to her over this period of time, how did she change? Has Anechka turned into an ordinary girl or has she become even more beautiful?


It is known that her mother Catherine is actively engaged in promoting her daughter in the beauty industry. It is not surprising that in 3 years Anna not only successfully starred in many photo shoots, but also began to build a successful career in the sought-after young model.

Girl with an angelic smile

Thanks to her, Anya is recognizable and loved by many fans. For a long time, the girl was taken by Macaronis Kids Agency of St. Petersburg to her under a warm wing. Sometimes Pavaga travels to Italy to shoot.


According to her mother, the baby is very responsible. She never is naughty, like other children, she does not complain of fatigue. Anya is a real workaholic when it comes to her favorite business. And the girl is very fond of acting. Catherine says that no one forces her daughter to take part in shows and photo shoots - this is only her personal choice.

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Anna Pavaga, like all modern children, has her own Instagram page. She has a lot of subscribers, including not only fans, but also ill-wishers. At first, the girl was grieved by rude comments, she tried to answer everyone, explain … Now she waved her hand. Anya grew up and realized that it was impossible to please everyone, that there were many envious people in the world, especially with such a beautiful and popular girl like her.


Older brother

In the family, in addition to the 8-year-old Ani, the mischievous boy Misha also grows. He is often asked: what is it like to have such a charming and popular sister? He answers evasively. Like, like his father, he does not like publicity, so it’s hard for him to be the brother of a small model - he’s not able to bully to the fullest, he is in full view of everyone. Despite this, brother and sister are very friendly. Parents are sure that a real mathematician will grow out of his son. But Anechka, in addition to beauty, has a useful talent for understanding people. Therefore, the mother says that her vocation is to be a psychologist.
