
Gorbachev's biography: a short version

Gorbachev's biography: a short version
Gorbachev's biography: a short version

Video: Gorbachev's Perestroika - History of Russia in 100 Minutes (Part 33 of 36) 2024, July

Video: Gorbachev's Perestroika - History of Russia in 100 Minutes (Part 33 of 36) 2024, July

Gorbachev’s biography began in the village with the remarkable name Privolnoe, in the Krasnogvardeisky district in the Stavropol Territory. Mikhail Sergeyevich was born in the spring (March 2) of 1931 into an ordinary family. His father was a tractor driver, his mother a collective farmer. However, on the mother’s side, Gorbachev’s grandfather was the chairman of the collective farm, despite the fact that he had to go to prison in connection with charges of participating in a counter-revolutionary conspiracy. During the war, the family of the future Secretary General of the Communist Party almost lost their father - they received a "funeral" in 1944. But after some time the grief gave way to joy, because a letter came from Sergei Alexandrovich stating that he was alive but wounded in the leg.


After the war, Mikhail worked with his father at MTS, and here Gorbachev's biography indicates his first achievement: at the age of 16, the boy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for high grain grinding. Further perseverance and perseverance allowed the young man to get a medal after graduation, to enter Moscow State University (Law Faculty) in 1950.

Gorbachev’s biography reports that during his years at the institute he was distinguished by activity, showed himself in the party field (he joined the CPSU in 1952, was a Komsomol activist). In 1953, he was married to a student of the philosophy department of Moscow State University, Titarenko Raisa Maximovna, who would later become the first lady of the USSR. In 1957 they will have a daughter (Irina).

After high school, the couple went to the Stavropol Territory, where Mikhail Sergeyevich received distribution (to the regional prosecutor's office). Here the biography of Gorbachev received a new round of development. At the destination, he worked only 10 days, after which he was appointed deputy head of the Komsomol propaganda department. Further, an active young specialist with good organizational talent was appointed to leading positions in the city and regional committees of the Komsomol, and then in the regional committees of the CPSU.


At the age of 39, Mikhail Gorbachev, whose biography indicates a rapid rise in the party system, became the First Secretary in the regional committee of the CPSU of Stavropol. Historians believe that in his position he was able to develop and partially implement a long-term program for the development of the region. Here he was noticed by party bonuses from the center who came to rest (Kosygin, Andropov), which contributed to the fact that in 1978 Gorbachev was elected secretary of the CPSU (in the Central Committee).

Gorbachev's biography reports that already at that time he traveled a lot abroad on the functioning of agriculture. Some sources do not exclude that foreign intelligence could recruit him or his wife. He quickly entered the Politburo, and in March 1985 was elected Secretary-General. Immediately after the election of Gorbachev, his biography came to the top post in the West, while none of the Soviet leaders was honored with such "honor" in such a short time.


From 1985 to 1991, under the leadership of Gorbachev, perestroika took place in the country, the results of which are assessed ambiguously, relations with the countries of the Western world have changed. In 1991, the powers of the head of state were removed from Gorbachev. He founded the Gorbachev Foundation (1992), created the Green Cross environmental organization, survived the death of his wife (1999), starred in films and commercials (Pizza Hut), organized parties, movements and forums to solve various problems. It is believed that he lives in Moscow, although the last significant anniversaries celebrated abroad (London). This is the biography of Gorbachev briefly.