
Letter of thanks to parents: writing style and rules

Letter of thanks to parents: writing style and rules
Letter of thanks to parents: writing style and rules

Video: How to Write a Thank-You Letter 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Thank-You Letter 2024, July

The moral values ​​and principles of a person largely depend on the atmosphere in the family in which he grew up. Therefore, it is sometimes so important to write a letter of thanks to parents in order to encourage their efforts and inspire hope that they are raising their child correctly. After all, they also want to realize that their work is appreciated! Workers are handed a letter of thanks for the work done, but what is worse than the parents who put a piece of their soul in their child? Therefore, today we will try to figure out how to write a message so that dads and mothers are truly happy and do not doubt for a moment your sincerity.


It is best to start a letter of thanks to parents with a personal appeal to them. Believe me, nobody will be pleased if you just make copies of letters for the dads and mothers of all your thirty students! A letter of gratitude to parents should begin with the words "dear Ivan Ivanov and dear Ivanova Anna Sidorovna, " and not with the phrase "dear parents." Even if you are going to send a standard text to everyone, it’s best to write your own message anyway - you will make it clear to everyone that you really appreciate their efforts to raise children. Although it is best, of course, to compose a personal text of a thank you letter to the parents of each of the students. Each child has its own abilities and talents that can be praised. No need to write a thank-you note to parents, which occupies a page of handwritten text, but rather spend time on its beautiful design. You can, of course, type a letter on a computer, spending much less time, but whether mom and dad will like this approach is still a big question.


There are no uniform rules for writing letters of thanks to parents. Perhaps the only way that all sorts of manuals for beginning school teachers come together is that letters should be written correctly and in an official business style, begin with an appeal and end with a signature, date and seal. As for the text itself, then you have to show a little imagination. Think about what words it was nice to hear about your child yourself. You can also get acquainted with the information regarding the occupation of the parents and understand what values ​​they most celebrate in people. And then you can emphasize in the letter those qualities of the child that his mother and father want to develop in him.


Perhaps a little flattery will not hurt here, because nowadays people have less and less reasons for joy, and children sometimes so need praise instead of constant parental reproaches. Remember that all children are talented, and your main task as a teacher is to reveal these talents and encourage their development, so sometimes you need to slightly embellish the child's successes to encourage him. Perhaps it is your letter of thanks that will make the parents finally pay attention to their child, which, in the end, will encourage him to new achievements!