
The rich are preparing for the apocalypse: how the luxurious bunker for millionaires works. Photo

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The rich are preparing for the apocalypse: how the luxurious bunker for millionaires works. Photo
The rich are preparing for the apocalypse: how the luxurious bunker for millionaires works. Photo

Video: Inside the doomsday bunker for the super rich 2024, June

Video: Inside the doomsday bunker for the super rich 2024, June

Everyone is afraid of the onset of the apocalypse … Someone is simply afraid. Someone is trying, like Noah, to build an ark with their own hands. Someone seeks refuge in the open spaces. Well, someone is preparing for possible disasters by investing in a bunker. There are a lot of bunkers around the world, they began to build them a very long time for the rulers and their entourage. Now this type of salvation is also available to those whose finances are clearly "not singing romances." In Kansas, built a bunker for the rich, apartments in which cost about $ 3 million. What is there inside? You are interested?



The bunker goes 15 floors underground, the wall thickness is about three meters. The roof, made in the form of a sphere, is able to withstand gusts of wind up to 500 miles per hour. This facility is able to protect about 80 people from a nuclear disaster.


The shelter belongs to the American Larry Hall, who has already sold all the apartments, but continues to finish and improve his "ark". And this is not his only project.


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The bunker contains a stock of provisions for five years in advance, drinking water comes from an artesian well (passing through multi-level filters). Air also goes through several types of cleaning. All apartments are equipped with modern furniture and appliances. Instead of windows on plasma walls, reproducing landscapes of the choice of the owner.


In addition to residential premises, the bunker has: a swimming pool, a gym, a library, a medical center and a cinema. The owner also arranged a hydrophobic garden where you can grow about 70 types of vegetables and fruits.