
Brilev Sergey: biography, photo, family

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Brilev Sergey: biography, photo, family
Brilev Sergey: biography, photo, family

Video: Путинский пропагандист — подданный королевы Британии 2024, June

Video: Путинский пропагандист — подданный королевы Британии 2024, June

Modern journalism is rich in vivid characters with a scandalous reputation, and Sergey Brilev embodies the classic ideal of an international journalist. He is educated, charming, intelligent, has a distinct civic position. Where do journalists like Sergey Brilev come from? The biography of this person is full of interesting facts, but it all began, as usual, in childhood.


The beginning of the way

The future journalist was born in 1972 in an exotic place - in the capital of Cuba, Havana. Sergey Brilev, whose biography, family and life from the very beginning was atypical for Soviet reality, was born on July 24 in a bright sunny country. The family of the future luminous journalism was engaged in establishing trade partnerships with Cuba, and this, in a sense, became decisive in the fate of the boy.

Ordinary-unusual childhood

The first days of his life, baby Sergey Brilev was in Cuba, and he spent his childhood years traveling between Uruguay, Ecuador and Moscow. This time left an indelible mark in the soul of the child, and he forever imbued with love for South America. On the whole, Sergey Brilev, whose family often moved, spent his childhood years quite normally, he read a lot, grew up as an inquisitive child. The peculiarity of his childhood was that from an early age he was often in a foreign language environment, and he developed the ability to foreign languages ​​and an irresistible craving for travel. All this determined the vector of development of Brilev.

Years of study

The future journalist Sergey Brilev went to school in Moscow. Known for its liberal approach, school number 109 was able to develop his best qualities in a boy. In high school, Brilev was engaged in school theater, which also helped him later in the development of his main profession.

At the end of school, the question of where to go was practically not for Sergey. He wanted to engage in international activities, was fluent in foreign languages, so MGIMO's choice was not unusual for him, and admission to this prestigious university was successful. The Faculty of International Journalism has helped to develop all the best qualities of Brilev; in his student years, he continues to study languages ​​and plays in the institute theater. To improve his Spanish, Sergey Brilev leaves Moscow and MGIMO for a year and leaves for Montevideo to graduate from the Institute of Foreign Languages. English and Spanish, as well as knowledge of life in Latin America, later became a “starting capital” for the journalist in the profession.

After graduating from MGIMO in 1995, Sergey begins to actively engage in journalism, seeking to realize his potential. He will continue to study a lot, will take a promotion course at the London BBC office and at the Agency for International Development in the USA, will go to the University of Westminster in the management department, but will not graduate due to his high employment at work.


Becoming a profession

Brilev begins to write journalistic materials as a student. He got a job at Komsomolskaya Pravda in the department of science and education and gained experience as a correspondent. While studying in Uruguay, he also writes articles in Spanish for the publications El Observador, Economico and the local newspaper La Repablica. At the same time, he manages to touch television journalism, but so far this path does not become the main thing for the beginning author, he gravitates to "paper" creativity and stubbornly writes. After working for several years in the major newspapers Komsomolskaya Pravda and Moskovskie Novosti, Brilev nevertheless tends to think that television is more interesting for him; he works with several television companies as a freelance correspondent. But when the offer comes from the federal channel "Russia", he leaves everything and gets a job in the program "News".


Television career

Work on television brought Brilev fame and allowed him to realize his potential. He began his career as a news correspondent, this time allowed the journalist to develop operational skills and the ability to accurately choose the angle of coverage of the event. Changes in professional status occurred unexpectedly. When Brilev was retraining in London, he was asked to temporarily replace Andrei Gurnov, who was then Vesti's own correspondent in the UK. Circumstances turned out so that Sergey remained in this role for several years. He improved journalistic skills, gained mastery, held meetings with famous people, and his materials became more mature and noticeable. All this led to the fact that on Russian television in 2001 a new news anchor appeared - Sergey Brilev. Photos of the journalist began to appear in the secular chronicle, but this path was not easy from the very beginning. So, on the very first day the journalist had to broadcast for many hours, because it was September 11th.


Sergey’s career was more than successful, his track record over 14 years of work included such programs as “News on Saturday”, “Direct Line with the President of Russia”, “Fort Boyard”, “Fifth Studio”. And besides, Brilev became a recognized expert in Latin America, here he was again helped by the old connections established in his student days. He became a high-class interviewer, he managed to talk with such persons as Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush and many top officials of the states, and outstanding politicians of the world.

Special Achievements

Brilev considers his journalistic success a meeting with US President Barack Obama. This interview was coordinated for 2.5 years, until, finally, the journalist got the opportunity to ask questions.

Over the years of his productive work, Sergey received many awards, among which there are orders of Honor and Friendship, commemorative medals "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" and "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan", thanks from the management of the television company "Russia" and the President of the country.


The most significant in the life of any journalist are professional awards. So, in Brilev’s piggy bank there are two TEFI figurines, one given as the best news anchor, the second as the best host for information and analytical broadcasts. He was also awarded such distinctions as the “Crystal Pen” award and the award “For exemplary Russian language” especially significant for a writing person.

But perhaps the most important achievement of Sergey Brilev is the love and trust of viewers, his programs are always highly rated, and this is exactly what makes a journalist develop and move forward.

Journalistic handwriting

Over the years, Sergey Brilev has developed a recognizable author's style of work. He sets out the information in a logical manner, without unnecessary emotionality and escalating the atmosphere. Even when he had to broadcast in difficult times, for example, all the same day on September 11, he maintained restraint, continued to analyze the situation and at the same time was able to express sympathy and support to all viewers.

The visiting card of Brilev is large interviews with world politicians. In these materials, the journalist demonstrates high professionalism, fluency in information, the ability to ask even complex questions without clicking on the interlocutor. Of particular pleasure to the author is obviously the meeting with the politicians of the “beloved” region - Latin America. In such interviews, the journalist does not even hide his great interest and love for these countries.

Another sign of Brilev’s style is his direct participation in the events covered. His correspondent spirit did not run out; in a month he makes up to 80 flights around the country and the world to find himself in an interesting place, meet people and see everything with his own eyes.

Man writing

The desire to express his thoughts on paper does not leave Sergey Brilev, he believes that the print press is more analytical, deep and serious, and therefore he continues to write, but in a different format. The rich experience and experience of an international journalist who has seen a lot in his path translates into books in Brilev’s book. He publishes the journalistic work Fidel. Football. Falklands ”in the form of a Latin American diary, in which, in an exciting way and with sincere love, talks about the life of the countries of this continent. Brilev's second book, Forgotten Allies in World War II, is a journalistic investigation and talks about how the "small" countries of Africa and Latin America participated in the war.
