
What do plants in the middle lane lack? Features of plants of the middle strip

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What do plants in the middle lane lack? Features of plants of the middle strip
What do plants in the middle lane lack? Features of plants of the middle strip

Video: Grade 07 #assignment# discussion 2024, July

Video: Grade 07 #assignment# discussion 2024, July

No matter how outwardly the plants differ from each other, all of them are united by the need for light, heat and water. In the absence of at least one of these factors, the vital activity of any green organism is inhibited or completely stopped.

What plants in the middle lane lack

Illumination is a very important condition for optimal plant growth. Without enough light, photosynthetic activity is reduced.


The short summer, which is typical for the regions of the middle lane, and a large number of cloudy days often lead to a reduction in the formation of chlorophyll, as a result of which the leaves of the plants become paler, their area decreases, and the stems stretch.

Even for frost-resistant species that grow in the northern regions, heat is what plants lack. In the middle zone of Russia, seedlings easily tolerate frosts, but at low temperatures all life processes in their bodies freeze.

Without water, no plant can exist. Some of them spend their whole lives in water, others grow on land, but water requires a lot. There are those who absolutely do not need a large amount of moisture. But without water, plant life is impossible. An insufficient amount of it may be the result of a too dry summer, when not enough rain falls. In such periods, life expectancy will depend on how much strength the plant has. Climatic conditions are somewhat more severe in the middle zone than in the south; therefore, the plant world is characterized by much greater endurance.

Features of herbaceous plants in the middle lane

In the seasonal climate typical of central Russia, many plants acquire some features. Perennial grasses have shoots crawling on the surface or underground, which can exist for many years. The aboveground parts of these plants live for one year, after which they completely die.


Annuals go through their entire life cycle in one season. Growing from seeds, they bloom, bear fruit and die. What is lacking in plants in the middle lane especially is the long warm season with enough sunny days.