the culture

What to answer to "good morning" so that the person would be pleased

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What to answer to "good morning" so that the person would be pleased
What to answer to "good morning" so that the person would be pleased

A beautiful morning is the key to a good day. Few will argue with this statement. However, usually morning can rarely be called fabulous. For most of us, it sounds like a fuss and a hurry. This, of course, will not charge you with vivacity and energy for the whole day.

But how nice it is when someone close to us suddenly begins to make our morning really good: brew us aromatic coffee, prepare a delicious breakfast, and at least just sincerely, with all my heart I wish you a good start to the day.

In this case, the question arises: what to answer to "good morning"? How to thank a person for a pleasant wish?


A smile will make the world brighter

If you want to show that a person’s wish is pleasant to you, the first thing to do is smile back. Wishing good morning, he wanted your mood to rise, and his positive sent to you too. Sometimes it’s hard to smile when it's not even seven in the morning, but a smile should not be like a grin or an evil grin. She must be sincere, friendly and natural. A smile will show the interlocutor that his words reached the addressee, were accepted. So he achieved his goal and your morning, indeed, has become a little kinder.


The magic word "thank you"

Do not hesitate to answer “good morning” for a long time, just thank the person for the attention with which he has treated you. Say thank you. This will already be enough for the interlocutor to understand the mutual disposition towards him. And again, do not forget how you say it. Words of gratitude should come from the heart and sound softly. The person to whom you say thank you should not doubt for a second the sincerity of your words.

Having learned to thank people for the smallest little things, you will see how they are pleased to make them for you, and how they will want to please you more and more.
