
What is ecology?

What is ecology?
What is ecology?

Video: Introduction to Ecology 2024, July

Video: Introduction to Ecology 2024, July

Ecology is a relatively young science. But, despite this, this concept is quite common in our lives. It is used in relation to its various parties. When it comes to goods or products, the term “environmentally friendly” is used. To understand a large amount of information and understand what ecology is, we will consider this question in more detail.

Ecology is a collection of scientific knowledge about the interaction of animate and inanimate nature and its consequences. She considers the connections that are the basis for maintaining life in the environment that surrounds us. But at the same time, other disciplines are studying this science. All of them constitute a totality called biology.

To understand what ecology is, you need to consider the objects of its study. It includes not only the field of natural factors, but also the conditions that are necessary for their existence. Although biology is the basis of ecology as a science, it also rests on other areas of knowledge.

The history of ecology is only about 150 years old. But during this time she went a difficult way and allowed to create a more complete way of organizing life on the planet and the interaction of living and non-living forms.

The basic concepts of ecology were formed at the very beginning of its inception. Even in antiquity, people began to study the behavior of living organisms in a changing environment. With the development of scientific and technological progress, a change in views on this science took place.

So, answering the question of what ecology is, we can say that this is a science about the numerous relationships of living organisms between themselves and other environmental factors. These connections are diverse, but they are all subject to a specific order and form communities and systems.

All living organisms are divided into ecosystems. One of the participants in this whole process is a person. It also has certain relationships with the environment and has an impact on its condition.

There are several relationships that ecology studies.

The first type is the relationship between organisms. It includes food and non-food chains.

The second type is the relationship of organisms with the environment. Here we consider the influence of the environment and its changes on the organisms that are present in it.

And the last view is the interconnections in the ecological systems themselves.

Ecology can be divided into several areas: autecology, biocenology, ecosystem and population ecology.

Biocenology and population ecology study the life of living organisms and their interactions.

In connection with the development of humanity and ecology itself as a science, many new directions have arisen.

Particular attention is paid to the interaction of man, the environment and the living organisms that are present in it. It so happened lately that it is people who have the greatest impact on the ecological state of nature.

With the development of technological progress and as a result of violent human activity, nature is polluted. This has different consequences. Sometimes an ecosystem is able to recover on its own. But this takes some time and non-interference on the part of people.

In another case, the help of people is required so that the environment and living organisms can return to their original state.

In the worst case scenario, returning what was lost is no longer possible. Such consequences are most disastrous.

Ecology, the definition of it as a science, includes the study of changes in the environment and the consequences that they will have for an ecosystem of any scale as a whole. Environmentalists sound the alarm and draw public attention to the problems of environmental pollution and the facts of the extinction of certain species of living organisms.

What is ecology? This is what all of humanity must worry about in order to preserve our environment.