
What is an oasis and how to explain its occurrence

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What is an oasis and how to explain its occurrence
What is an oasis and how to explain its occurrence

Video: 3 19 OASIS Intro Scoring Conventions 2024, July

Video: 3 19 OASIS Intro Scoring Conventions 2024, July

From childhood we know that in the desert it is very hot, there are huge sand dunes, along which camel caravans go. Of course, this is true, but all the rules have their own exceptions. Among the hot sand, where you can not find even a drop of moisture, there are real wonderful green islands. It is there that the traveler, thirsty for thirst, strives to get there, as the old song says. If you are interested in this natural phenomenon, and you want to know what an oasis is, get to know them better.

What is called an oasis


If you believe the interpretation that the dictionary offers, then oasis is called such sections of the desert, which are supplied with water from underground sources or from natural wells. Another publication supplements this definition, clarifying that soil moisture can be both natural and man-made, artificial. The term has a figurative meaning. So, you can call the country of dreams and freedom an oasis. As a rule, in the deserts these islands are densely populated, tourists tend to get there.

How do green islands in the desert


The oases owe their origin to undercurrents located close to the surface of the earth, or to artificially dug wells. About what an oasis is told not only by explanatory dictionaries, but also by experienced travelers, geographers who personally saw this miracle. Distinguish natural formations of various sizes. This may be a small site with three palm trees and a small pond, or a huge area containing cities. As a rule, they border large rivers. The history of many oases is so ancient that it spans several millennia.

The most famous oases


If you happen to see this phenomenon - lush vegetation in the middle of the endless sands heated under the sun, you will never forget this sight. The most famous desert oases are natural formations located in Africa. In Niger, in the heart of the Sahara itself, lies a real miracle. The oasis of Timiya is famous for its lush gardens. The locals even cultivate vegetables. Not so famous is Shebik's oasis. It is located in the mountains in Tunisia. If you get to know him better, he will leave the most vivid and unforgettable impressions about himself. A small picturesque lake, a waterfall, palm trees growing on stones. The two most interesting oasis are located in Libya. The real paradise on earth is Gaberone. He is famous for his large saltwater lake. The ruins of an ancient Bedouin settlement have been preserved on its coast.

To understand what an oasis is, it is enough to visit the fabulous Ubari, located in the same country. Decorate a green island in the desert of the amazing beauty of the lake. Ponds are quite numerous. There are about twenty of them. Their diameter is impressive - about one kilometer, and a depth of thirty meters. Egypt is famous for its picturesque corners. The oases of this country attract picturesque rocks of the most unexpected and incredible forms. You can meet geysers beating from the ground. There are hundreds of them in oases. Baharia is striking in its landscapes, which give the impression of being on another planet. In this oasis, Bedouins live in several villages. Settlements are surrounded by palm groves, and mountains and sand dunes extend around an islet of greenery. The inhabitants of Peru are also familiar with what an oasis is; their local natural wonder is called Huacachina. Located five kilometers from the city of Ica, it is considered one of the largest oases in the world.

Plant diversity


Thanks to natural springs and artificially dug wells, the best conditions for vegetation are created on the arid desert land. For example, the oases of Africa are famous not only for a variety of palm trees. Since the land is actively developed by people, cultivated plants are cultivated here. For example, you can find pomegranate, citrus, date trees. Grow vegetables. In China, Turfan oasis is famous for its vineyards. Tourists can get a lot of impressions by visiting the local botanical garden, which is irrigated by an ancient system created two thousand years ago. Under the canopy of trees, coolness reigns, which contrasts so much with the scorching-hot desert and mountains, where the temperature can reach seventy degrees.