
What is the Luftwaffe, and who led this organization?

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What is the Luftwaffe, and who led this organization?
What is the Luftwaffe, and who led this organization?

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We all know from the lessons of history and historical films that the Luftwaffe organization at one time caused great damage to the Soviet country. Everyone heard this name, but not everyone knows what it was.

What is the Luftwaffe

This organization was a complex structure, within which there were also several opposing leaders. Therefore, if in a few words, in a simple way, to describe what the "Luftwaffe" is, then it may not be the right impression.

The Luftwaffe is the official name for the Third Reich German Air Force. The organization began to take shape in 1933 under the leadership of Hermann Goering. Goering was the second leading person after Hitler and possessed almost unlimited power.


Before the start of the war, Germany was divided into several so-called air districts, whose leaders were directly subordinate to Hitler. Officially, the structure of the air force developed by 1942 and did not change. The commander of the Luftwaffe was Hermann Goering.

What is the "Luftwaffe SS", will fully help to understand the historical encyclopedia.

The history of the Luftwaffe began in 1910, when the first aircraft began to be produced. After Germany lost the First World War, the world community forbade this country to have its own aviation, but in 1922 this restriction was partially lifted.


At the beginning of World War II, it was the air forces of Germany that brought her easy victories. Thanks to them, Poland, Norway, France were captured. The main units were fighter, bomber and attack aircraft.

German Air Force Anthem

It is believed that the German air force had its own anthem. For a long time there has been debate about what the Luftwaffe anthem is and whether it really exists.

But the story is simple. The song Was wollen wir trinken, which many take for the Luftwaffe march, actually has nothing to do with the war, Germany and German aviation. In addition, some sources claim that the song was a hymn of the German Empire during the First World War. They attributed it to the Irish Republican Army. But these conclusions have no basis.


The name of the song is translated literally into Russian like this: "What are we going to drink." The song was performed in 1976, thirty-one years after the end of the war, by the Dutch musicians of Bots. The German choir Oktoberklub just performed his version of this famous song with a political connotation. The song became popular in the seventies of the last century precisely after the Dutch performed it. Prior to this, the people passed on word of mouth only old Breton motifs. It was a peasant song dedicated to the end of the harvest.

Flight of the Valkyrie and the Luftwaffe

Hitler Germany’s Air Force is credited with yet another version of the anthem. This time we are talking about the second part of the Valkyrie tetralogy by the German composer Richard Wagner.

Wagner wrote the opera for several years, in his work he paid great attention to the details and entertainment of the play. This music is at once frightening, exciting, solemn and warlike. Hitler, after listening, also admired this energetic tune, comparing it with the best fighters of his military aircraft.

“Flight of the Valkyries” began to be associated with the German air forces after the scene with helicopters in the film “Apocalypse” was voiced precisely by Wagner's work.

In fact, Flight of the Valkyries is not related to the Luftwaffe.
