
What kind of animal master Shifu from the famous cartoon "Kung Fu Panda"?

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What kind of animal master Shifu from the famous cartoon "Kung Fu Panda"?
What kind of animal master Shifu from the famous cartoon "Kung Fu Panda"?

Video: Kungfu Panda All Characters in Real Life as Animal 2024, June

Video: Kungfu Panda All Characters in Real Life as Animal 2024, June

American animated films produced at all times have been and will remain loved by the kids of the whole planet. Created with love, sparkling, understandable to children, humor and incredibly colorful - they excited and excite children and adults, forcing them to look forward to the continuation and memorize the main characters by heart.

Songs and quotes taken from cartoons and sounding from the lips of grateful spectators - this is success. On the eve of the decade since the first part of the cartoon “Kung Fu Panda” was released on the world screen, I would like to recall and talk about its heroes, or rather, finally deal with the question: “What kind of animal master Shifu is this great indestructible mentor and example to imitate the cute puffy Poe, who was loved by many for his spontaneity, clumsiness and desire for a dream?"


Detailed examination of the master Shifu and its distinctive features

If someone forgot and cannot remember the features of the master Shifu, who taught the great five from the cartoon to the martial art of Kung Fu, then it makes sense to outline this character a little. This must also be done in order to understand what kind of animal master Shifu is. After all, the topic of today's material concerns this very issue.

It is worth noting that Shifu is not a huge and formidable teacher, but a small, the size of a weighty cat, furry animal with protruding ears and dark circles around the eyes. This is not enough to accurately identify and classify this hero as a specific animal species. Small details are needed here, because when you notice a little, it’s easy to understand the true meaning.

So, returning to the kung fu teacher, you can notice he has a rather fluffy striped tail, which in its coloring has a red and white color. By the way, a combination of these two shades can be seen on the whole body of Shifu: ears, head and even paws. The habits of the hero are quite sharp and accurate. Perhaps this is enough to find out what kind of animal master Shifu is.


A few words about the panda Poe

All people love pandas. These lazy, clumsy, but, no doubt, good-natured cubs are able to touch even the most insensitive person. Panda Poe in the cartoon of Dream Works Animation is just the very example of a fat man who has to himself from the first second of meeting. It seems that he is only capable of lazy hanging out with frequent long snacks, but everything turns out to be completely different, as in life.

Few people know that pandas in nature have remarkable strength and are endowed with a huge number of teeth, which they easily bite a thick reed stalk at one time. Such manipulation is sometimes not immediately given to the holder of a sharp machete or poleax. By the way, their distinguishing feature is the dark circles around small black eyes, and Master Shifu also has them. However, the teacher of the magnificent five is completely unlike a huge panda. So what kind of animal master Shifu?

Red pandas? And what are these?


Many people do not even suspect that there are representatives among the pandas that are very different from their dark-wool counterparts with huge black circles around the tiny black eyes of the beads. These are creatures that are vaguely reminiscent of pandas (in their usual perception), which weigh in comparison with a well-fed cat or a medium-sized dog, nevertheless belong to the form of pandas and, in fact, they are. The tail of these animals is extremely fluffy and painted in two colors: red, the main one in the color of the whole body of the baby, and white.

By the way, due to the abundance of red color in the color of the animal’s hair, they are called red pandas, and very often in the literature they are denoted as small pandas. In general, this is absolutely the same animal. What "Kung Fu Panda", Shifu Master and other cartoon characters have something to do with this? Yes, the most direct. The thing is that it is precisely such a detailed description that will make it possible to understand the essence of the article and solve its main question.

The number of exact matches is equal to 100%


The listed features and features of the red panda perfectly match the description of the master Shifu. What kind of animal appears on the TV screen in the image of the famous strict teacher of martial art kung fu now becomes absolutely clear. This, without a doubt, is a red panda, which, unlike its overweight counterpart, is quite agile, energetic and agile. In addition, she has an undeniable advantage and feature: a long fluffy tail. An ordinary panda, beloved and recognizable by many, is not endowed with such an accessory.

By the way, because of the tail and color, Shifu is often confused with a fox. However, the bear traits from the cartoon, which are strikingly different in size, nevertheless have a related trait - these are the so-called "glasses" worn by mother nature on each and every individual of the species of pandas.