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What does IMHO mean?

What does IMHO mean?
What does IMHO mean?

Video: What does IMHO mean?meanings of text phrases; TL;DR,TBH and so on:) 2024, July

Video: What does IMHO mean?meanings of text phrases; TL;DR,TBH and so on:) 2024, July

Very often in forums and posts the word "IMHO" is found. It is clear that in front of us is one of the "representatives" of network Internet jargon. But what does IMHO mean? How can I decipher this strange word?

Wikipedia suggests looking at the history of his birth. It is assumed that he began with the English phrase "In My Humble Opinion", which can be literally translated into our great and mighty Russian as "in my humble opinion." And if you use the abbreviation of the English words that make up this phrase, you get nothing more than four letters that give sounds, which in the Russian language are indicated by the letters "and", "m", "x" and "o".

So, the meaning of the word “IMHO” is explained by a rather long phrase. That is, a person who has expressed his own opinion about something knows that there are other options for judgments. He does not insist that his point of view is the only true one! However, she also does not want to be silent.

This is on the one hand. But the Russian soul always surprised foreigners. Their logic is inexplicable. Saying the word "probably", sometimes we express not doubt or assumption, but just a firm conviction. The same thing often happens with the word "IMHO".

Here the user writes on the forum post: "You are wrong, you need to act differently in this case!" And adds a modest “IMHO” at the end of the performance. What does it mean? Assumption or doubt of their innocence? Not at all!

Perhaps this happens just because some Slavs do not know the exact translation of the phrase that gave life to the slang word. And, having seen such a turn, the wits have come up with their own original way of decoding the abbreviation, only not in English, but in Russian.

What does “IMHO” mean in the understanding of those who do not have a sense of humor? There is no question of any doubts here, everything is concrete and clear. “I have an opinion - challenge the hell!”

In fact, there are a great many ironic options for answering the question of what “IMHO” means. Basically, the first part of the transcripts practically coincides, and only the second one varies.

If you try to list them briefly, you get something like this:

  1. condemn the horseradish;

  2. hell will refuse;

  3. I want to voice;

  4. albeit erroneous.

Or there are still such interpretations: “Individual opinion of the owner of the answer”; "The true opinion - you will refute the hell!" And some, the most firmly convinced types, are even inclined to the fact that there is only one clear and true answer to the acute question, which means “IMHO”: “I want to refute the existing opinions!”

However, no matter how cynical the cynics may venture out in their wit, nevertheless, this word indicates more likely the subjectivity rather than the objectivity of the Internet user’s statement. “IMHO” most likely acts as an analogue of the introductory words “in my opinion”, “in my opinion”, “in my opinion”, “in my experience”, “according to my observations”, “I think so”, “this is my personal opinion ”and others. And, just as the listed expressions should be separated by commas in a letter, the same rules exist for IMHO.

Another thing is when the question is posed, what letters to write this word: uppercase or lowercase, Russian or English. There are no clear rules yet. Someone writes the whole word like the generally accepted abbreviations of hydroelectric power stations, traffic police, university, using all capital letters. Others write the whole word in lower case. And some even use English. But all this does not matter.

Not only the story of the origin of the word is interesting, but also its path to a simple Internet user. It is believed that the first time it was used in a science fiction film. From there, the abbreviation was picked up by professional FIDO network programmers, and only then this word made its step towards universal popularity, firmly entering into the speech of all other layers of the Internet society.

Those who advocate the purity of a great and mighty Russian sprinkle ashes on their heads when they have to read the correspondence of today's youth. “YapaTsolom”, “Rzhunimagu”, “Spocky-Noki” and other “newly formed” running words. So, “IMHO” against their background looks like just a modest abbreviation of a long phrase, a sort of tracing paper of the English abbreviation.