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Landing knife: description, creation history, purpose and photo

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Landing knife: description, creation history, purpose and photo
Landing knife: description, creation history, purpose and photo

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The landing knife belongs to the category of cold cutting weapons. It is combined with a blade with a blade and handle. Modern alloys in aggregation with alloyed elements and non-metallic components make it possible to create modifications of various strengths and purposes. A special category includes combat varieties for performing narrowly targeted operations that are beyond the ordinary options


Landing knife sling cutter

The specified model is a special device for cutting slings, belts, ropes and ropes. As a rule, it is equipped with a blade with a diamond-shaped concave configuration. Sharpening is done by sertorector way.

This type of weapon was developed in the 30s of the last century as an auxiliary tool for paratroopers. He helped parachutists get rid of an unopened or tangled dome. In this regard, this modification has become an integral accessory of ammunition in most armed forces of world states.

The story of the creation of a sling

Parachutes went into widespread consumption among flight crews in the early 1920s. Over the course of 10 years, many improved and new modifications have been developed that are not distinguished by reliability. For intentional jumps they began to be used in the 30s.

For example, the parachute structure in Nazi Germany had the inability to quickly assemble the dome by adjusting the slings in length. In this regard, fighters in a gusty wind often found themselves in an uncomfortable position, when they were dragged along the ground and overturned. The landing knife allowed it to free, had compact dimensions and light weight. The first modification was the Kappmmesser sling cutter and the FKM cutter. They began to apply them massively in 1937. The indicated versions were distinguished by their strength and ease of operation, which made them popular all over the world.


German landing knife of times of war

The initial two modifications of the weapon in question were developed before the end of the Second World War. Among the features - the presence of clamping devices on the scabbard, allowing you to place the knife on different parts of the uniform (shaft, belt, tunic). This type of wearing has become the prototype of the modern method of transporting such devices.

The first variation of the M-1937 was produced from 1937 to 1941, the design is similar to the classic pen-like analogue with a standard blade and a drop-shaped tip. Its fastening was carried out with the help of copper rivets to the handle of walnut or oak. On it was placed a bracket for fixing the cord. In the stowed position, the blade was located in the inside of the handle.

To open the sling cutter, a lot of effort was not required. To do this, one hand pressed the spring clip on the back of the handle, tilted the device forward and performed an intense swing. The German landing knife was laid out under the influence of gravity. The next pressing of the locking lever and the turning of the tool tip up, provided its folding. Such a system of transformation has become the reason for its names (“inertial” or “gravitational”).


The blade of the landing knife was made of nickel-plated stainless steel. Its length was 105 or 107 millimeters, the thickness of the butt - 4.0-4.2 mm. The design is non-separable type, also note the high strength of the material and resistance to corrosion. The configuration of the blade is swept, the heel on the right side was equipped with a lateral longitudinal protrusion.

The weapon construct includes a pile in the form of an awl, focused on unraveling slings and knots, searching for mines. The specified tool was in the hinged compartment (length - 93 mm). This element was not equipped with a latch, it was held in an open position using the shape of the heel in the form of the English letter Z. The knife was carried on special pockets of parachute pants under the right knee of the equipment.

To extract weapons, the fighter must unfasten the buttons and pull the landing knife by the cord, which was fixed with one edge to the handle handle, and the second to the jacket. Such a system made it possible to quickly remove the tool, while guaranteeing its safety. The main disadvantages of the product were the fuse spring, which often fails and structural features that complicate cleaning in the field.


Next modification

The first version of the landing knife, the photo of which is below, was produced by Paul Weyersberg & Co and SMF, as evidenced by the corresponding branded logos on the blade. The second generation of the weapon in question M-1937 was produced from 1941 to 1945. The modification had several modernizations, it was easily transformed into elements without the use of additional devices, it was easy to clean, it had high maintainability, up to replacing a broken blade.

In addition, due to a decrease in funding due to military operations, the products were no longer covered with a nickel-plated composition, instead of which oxide deposition was used. Versions of the 44-45th years were made of carbon black burnished steel. This was displayed on the exterior of the knife (guard and retainer differed in a darker color). A few more changes are related to manufacturers. Their lineup was replenished by EA Heibig, and the brand was put in the form of a factory code. At that time, these weapons became part of the ammunition of paratroopers, tankers and the German Navy.


The knife of the paratrooper from German manufacturers turned out to be practical and useful, in connection with which, units of other countries actively began to produce sling cutters, redrawing the product taking into account specific needs. Among other manufacturers after the Germans, the first was the English company George Ibberson & Co. The model is an almost identical replica of the German analog of the second generation.

The only difference from the Wehrmacht landing knife is the handle, the manufacturing material of which is fiberglass with embossed stripes. The weapon was intended for special units of Britain. Currently, such products are very rare. According to some reports, all available modifications after the war were buried in the North Sea.

Another well-known English analogue is a device for paratroopers under the name Trois FS. It was developed by a couple of Shanghai police officers, and the peak of active operation was in 1939-1945. This model was popular with the British commandos during the assault operations.


American variations

In the US Army units, the development of landing knives was also actively carried out. Description of the M-2 modification is given below:

  • configuration - a knife with one blade;
  • type of unfolding - automatic using the button;
  • equipment - spring-lever, which serves as a lock, bracket.

In the folded state, a cantilever spring was placed along the occipital part of the handle. She laid on the stopper, unlocked by pressing a button. The design of the product also included a stopper from self-opening, which is a safety slider configuration. The weapon was worn on the chest of a special overalls.

Modification of the M-2 was appreciated by the landing forces of the United States, it was recommended for use by flight teams with some structural modifications. The updated version received the name MS-1, was made in the form of a folding option, on the reverse side of which a hook-shaped sling cutter with a concave tip was provided. Since 1957, this model was included in the equipment of the crews of pilots during emergency and rescue operations.



Separately, it is worth highlighting the landing bayonet-knives. In this direction in the Soviet and Russian army developed several variations:

  1. Bayonet to Mosin rifle. This truly terrible melee weapon inflicted deep penetrating and non-healing wounds. This feature is due to the tetrahedral shape of the needle blade and the small inlet, which makes it impossible to really assess the depth and severity of the lesion.
  2. Bayonet for AK (sample 1949). It is worth noting that the first Kalashnikov assault rifles were not equipped with bayonets at all. The product "6 x 2" appeared only in 1953, had a blade identical to its counterpart to the SVT-40 rifle, however, with a different locking mechanism. In general, the product design turned out to be quite successful.
  3. The bayonet-knife of the 1959 model. This modification for the AK-74 was replaced by a lightweight and universal version, the basis for which was an experimental model developed by Lieutenant Colonel Todorov.


Equipment AKM and AK-74 (1978 and 1989)

The bayonet-knife of the 1978 model became a kind of visiting card of the USSR on the military market. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is known all over the world, in some countries it is even depicted on the elements of the coat of arms (Zimbabwe, East Timor). The product is made in a classic configuration for its segment, multifunctional, practical and reliable.

The 1989 version is a completely different bayonet-knife configuration, unlike its predecessor. The shape of the blade has changed, as well as the material for the manufacture of the handle and scabbard. The type of mount has also undergone modernization, sitting on the right in the horizontal plane. The developers believe that the modified configuration of the blade and the mount will allow avoiding the blade stopper between the edges of the enemy in close combat.

Airborne Knives

In this direction of arming the troops of the USSR and the Russian Federation, one can also note several practical and reliable versions. Airborne knives are represented by the following modifications:

  1. Staffing stroporez paratroopers of the USSR. Despite the extremely practical use of the product for trimming the details of an entangled parachute, the model definitely refers to combat types, and, quite seriously. The presence of a bilateral saw made it possible to inflict wounds of a ragged nature. And if you sharpen the dull part of the leaf end of the blade, you get a full-fledged melee weapon.
  2. Russian modern modification - a knife with automatic frontal ejection of the blade, which is sharpened on both sides. In this case, the piercing point is also absent.