
Children of nature - sparrow chicks

Children of nature - sparrow chicks
Children of nature - sparrow chicks

Video: Sparrow feeding their chicks in the nest 2024, July

Video: Sparrow feeding their chicks in the nest 2024, July

Did you find a sparrow wounded in your country house? Or, at the last moment, a cat was snatched from its mouth? In this case, letting out the chick is a pity and I want to cure him, but he needs some care. Let's try together to figure out how to care for sparrow chicks.

First of all, you need to know some information about sparrows. Read various articles and see how a sparrow chick lives in nature. A photo will help to see their habitat.

Children often ask parents the question of how many chicks a sparrow can have and what they need to be fed. The number of eggs depends on the type of bird. For example, in the laying of a house sparrow, their number ranges from 2 to 10.

Now we turn to the issue of feeding sparrows. We outline the main points of this process:

1. A chick, hand-fed, considers you to be his flock, so you have to keep it at home - it may not survive in nature.

2. It is strictly forbidden to feed the chicks with bread!

3. If you give a sparrow cottage cheese, then it must be washed with boiling water three times. Its fat content should be minimal - ideally 0%.

Sparrow chicks are more likely to survive in a real environment than in your home. If you find a bird on the street, then it is better to transplant it on some hill (fence, bush, barn, etc.). But if you still decide to feed the chick yourself, you need to read the article to the end.

You need to follow this “child” as if it were your own, or even more carefully. Caring for a young sparrow will take 15-20 minutes of time every hour. You need to feed the chick until saturated. The metabolism of sparrows is very high, which means that you can not leave them without food for a period of more than three hours.

Sparrow droppings must be removed immediately. Its appearance is an indicator of proper nutrition.


In nature, sparrow chicks feed on insects, so you can also bring such food to the chick. Feed them larvae of flies, ant cocoons. You can also give chopped chicken eggs, cottage cheese and even carrots to the birds. Naturally, birds need vitamin and mineral supplements. You can grow chicks on live cocoons, but not on one cottage cheese.

Sparrows can be kept in a small box. After the chicks of the sparrows grow up and begin to try to fly out of such a "nest", you need to place the bird in a small cage with soft and dry litter (you can take dry crushed grass or moss). At the age of 4-5 days, young sparrows need warmth.

It is most convenient to give food to chicks with tweezers. If the chick does not open its mouth, a slight click on its beak or shaking of the litter can help here. In extreme cases, it is necessary to open the beak by force. From the age of 15 days, teach the chick to eat on their own. Throw food around the cage. When the chick begins to pick up food from the floor, get him a feeder. Over time, you will need a wide cage so that the bird can fly. Do not forget to water the chick: put a pipette to the tip of its beak. Water must be boiled. Milk and other drinks should not be given.

Consider the composition of one mixture that can be prepared as feed for a young sparrow: grate carrots on a fine grater, squeeze out all the juice. Boil the egg hard and repeat the previous steps (except for squeezing). Add meat to the mixture. Use boiled chicken breast. Grind it with a knife, dividing into fibers. Do the same with lettuce or dandelion leaves (about a tablespoon). Now take 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, squeeze the liquid out of it. Next, add to the cottage cheese 2 tbsp. tablespoons of millet porridge (without salt and oil). Add a teaspoon of ground dry daphnia or gammarus, calcium glycerophosphate (1 tablet per liter of the finished mixture). Crush the eggshell (0.5 teaspoon). Now mix everything and let it brew. Then make small balls from the resulting mixture and start feeding the pet.

Now you know that sparrow chicks can survive at home. We can only wish you good luck in such a difficult matter as growing a sparrow chick.