
Human activity is a special form of social activity

Human activity is a special form of social activity
Human activity is a special form of social activity

Video: MAN 2024, July

Video: MAN 2024, July

Human activity is a peculiar form of interaction with the surrounding reality. This is a difficult category. Activity is the activity of a person, as a result of which there is a transformation of the environment of existence and the person himself. This is the activity of individuals, proceeding either collectively or in solitude, alone with the outside world. But, whatever it may be, it cannot be considered separately, it cannot be removed from social relations, from the life of society. This system is included in the system of social relations, without which human activity does not exist at all.

The similarity with animals is that a person also adapts to living conditions, but the cardinal difference is as follows: his activity is transformative in nature. Therefore, animals live in a natural environment, and people live in a social environment, which is the result of their conscious work, where a number of relationships are established: social, political, economic, legal, etc. In the animal world, such relationships simply do not exist. The reality surrounding people is the result of their creations.

Human activities are focused due to the fact that he has consciousness. As a result, we get a certain result, which was laid in the mind. The goal should be consistent with the possibilities. Everything that helps to achieve the goal in the process of labor is called tools. Only people are able to influence the environment using special means.

Any activity of a person has motivation, that is, a reason that prompts him to action. The motive arises under the influence of needs and interests. The main motive is the desire to satisfy one's own needs, the main source of human activity.

Basically, human activity is divided into physical and spiritual. Physical is the transformation of various natural objects or public objects. The spiritual is to change human consciousness.

Practical activity is a practical change in the environment and society, including the person himself. Only the transformation of nature is material and production, and the transformation of society is a social and organizational activity.

Cognitive activity of man is multifaceted and diverse. There is a comprehension of values, which finds expression in ideology and worldview. A person is able to create material and spiritual values, that is, to engage in creativity. But the motives of human behavior are not only conscious, but also unconscious. In creativity, a special role is given to intuition.

For a full existence in society, various spheres of activity are necessary. Also, people who are different in their characteristics prefer a particular sphere closer to them.

Spheres of human activity, there are eight of them:

  1. Pedagogy. Introduces people to social values. It includes the formation of society, starting with kindergarten and ending with higher educational institutions. Educators, teachers are engaged in it.

  2. Management sphere. Includes all management organizations of the company. Managers, officials, public servants are engaged in it.

  3. The science. Creating new achievements that are designed to make the world a better place. Scientists are engaged in it.

  4. Art. Creation of spiritual values. Artists, writers, poets, artists are engaged in it.

  5. Ecology. Designed to improve the quality of life. Research institutes, ministries, various associations are engaged in it.

  6. Economy. Increase in material wealth. Bankers, entrepreneurs, workers are engaged in it.

  7. The medicine. It is called upon to improve the condition of mankind; these are hospitals, polyclinics, and other health-improving institutions; doctors and other medical workers are engaged in it.

  8. Physical Education. This is a lifestyle. Athletes, as well as ordinary citizens, are engaged in it.