
Dmitry Medvedev, Nikolai 2: similarities

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Dmitry Medvedev, Nikolai 2: similarities
Dmitry Medvedev, Nikolai 2: similarities

Video: Medvedev / Romanov - The amazing similarity 2024, June

Video: Medvedev / Romanov - The amazing similarity 2024, June

The Internet space has long become a convenient field for discussion, condemnation and approval of any, even the most delusional thought or idea. The movement, which was enjoyed by most users, spreads with lightning speed, goes beyond the limits of the World Wide Web and continues in real life. This happened, for example, with one of the most popular memes in our country about the similarity of the current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the last Russian Tsar Nikolai 2.


Origin of the issue

The whole history of the Romanov family has been shrouded in mystery for a hundred years, and therefore it becomes even more attractive and interesting for supporters of various conspiracy theories. Immediately after the terrible murder in the Ipatiev’s house in Russia, France and Germany, “miraculously surviving” heirs to the throne began to appear. Some of them even managed to gain popularity and established themselves in life due to scandalous fame.

But there is no reliable evidence of the possibility of saving someone from the royal family, especially since the remains of the emperor, his wife, children and servants were identified by geneticists and buried according to all Orthodox canons. But all these facts do not interfere with the emergence of new rumors about the surviving heirs to the throne, now related to modern Russia.

Reason for interest

A few years ago, Internet bloggers discovered a striking similarity between Medvedev and Nicholas 2. There were speculations about the reincarnation or the tsarist origin of Dmitry Anatolyevich, as well as many warnings about the special significance of this fact in the history of Russia. The movement gained extraordinary popularity among ordinary citizens and journalists, parallels about the similarities of Medvedev - Nikolai 2 began to be made by anyone who hit.

Such a keen interest arose not from scratch and is the result not only of simple curiosity, but one of the measures of the opposition forces to denigrate the existing government. The reactionaries had a great way to promote the “speedy” overthrow of Putin and his regime by comparing one of his leaders with the last Russian emperor who ruined the great Empire.



It all started with a comparison of photographs of two rulers of Russia. LiveJournal bloggers, using a computer program, painted Dmitry Medvedev a beard, the resulting one simply blew up the Internet. Closed information about the former president, inconsistencies in the fact of birth, questions about parents and his alleged Jewish roots also played a role.

Journalists tried to conduct a detailed comparison of external data and individual characteristics that Nikolay 2 and Medvedev possessed. The photo allows you to see the following similar features:

  • physique - both men are of medium height, stocky, with a head slightly larger than usual sizes;

  • eye shape;

  • structure of the face;

  • somewhat unusual shape of the ears.

Some historians notice the same smile and laughter of leaders. We can talk about the level of similarity that Medvedev, Nikolai 2 have for a long time, it all depends on the individual attitude to these two persons. In this matter, the reaction following the publications is interesting. Society exploded from dozens of assumptions about what caused this similarity.

Biographical parallels

Internet users went beyond simple comparisons of external data and tried to find common features in the life and work that Medvedev and Nikolai 2 led. Both rulers received a good education, the main focus of which is jurisprudence. According to the feedback of teachers and other witnesses, the future emperor was not distinguished by strong perseverance and excellent marks, although his teachers were one of the most famous scientists of those years, N. N Beketov and NN Obruchev.

Dmitry Anatolyevich graduated from Leningrad State University. A. Zhdanov and, according to fellow students, did not stand out either in his studies or in public life. His institute friend Nikolai Korpachev, who later became rector of St. Petersburg State University, noted the zeal and perseverance of a young energetic man.

But all these features with a high degree of probability can be attributed to millions of young men of different countries and times. It is difficult to compare the path of the heir to the Russian throne, brought up since childhood with the confidence that he is the anointed of God, and a person from an ordinary Soviet family, whose parents wanted a good education and a successful career for their only son.

Characteristics of the last Russian emperor

If, when comparing photographs, there is some degree of confidence in the assertion that Nikolai 2 is similar to Medvedev, then character comparisons can be made only approximately. The reasons may be the memories of contemporaries about the last emperor of Russia, as well as interviews, journalistic assumptions and observations about the addictions and worldview of Dmitry Anatolyevich.


A person’s publicity obliges him to behave in a way that society expects of him, but even a well-thought-out image does not always turn out to be durable and collapses due to small but significant acts or facts. Everyone knows that Nicholas 2 is called a weak and weak-willed manager. In favor of this are the events that occurred during his reign, which did not hide from the eyes of the people and put the emperor in a bad light.

Assessment of the emperor as a leader of the country

The crush during the coronation, the dispersal of a peaceful demonstration in 1905, the admission of the Civil War, mass arrests - all this confirmed Nikolai 2 the nickname Bloody. But Ivan the Terrible and Peter I were also not famous for their peace-loving actions, not this outraged the population, but the weakness of Nicholas as a leader.

Rumors creeping around Russia about the great influence on the emperor of either Grigory Rasputin, then Stolypin and other charismatic personalities. And Nicholas 2 himself was somewhat aloof from the tasks assigned to him.

Description of the Prime Minister of Russia

Medvedev is similar to Nicholas 2 just by this popular impression of the rating of government. From the very moment he appeared on the political slope, oppositionists, journalists, and simply opponents of the system saw in his figure only another way of V.V. Putin to prevent a stranger from reaching the top and leave power in the same hands.

Like Nicholas 2, popular rumor prescribed Medvedev's weakness in character and the approval of not his own initiatives, but those that he was ordered to promote. The Russian presidential duo is often compared with the manifestation of a monarchy, where democracy is out of the question, and the similarity found between the two rulers only fueled this opinion.


Moral issues

The image of the country's leader should always be, if not ideal in everything, then always strive for excellence. The people are pleased to think that a trustworthy and moral person stands above him, even if it is only an appearance. Therefore, the issue of morality of rulers has always been given much attention.

The similarity of Medvedev and Nicholas 2 in matters of morality is unequivocally difficult to assess unequivocally. About the last Russian emperor, there were two directly opposite opinions. One ordered him to serve Christian ideals, the image of an ideal husband and father, and the other, created mainly to denigrate the king, spoke of his pride and unwillingness to listen to ordinary people. This duality is reflected in many studies on Nicholas 2, most considered him a good and gentle man, but a weak and short-sighted ruler.

As for Medvedev, it’s even more difficult to judge here, since you only have to evaluate the media picture, and there are almost no honest reviews of loved ones, there is no direct information about the politician’s personal life that could possibly clarify the situation. In the camp of the opposition, there is an opinion that Dmitry Anatolyevich is addicted to representatives of the chosen people, helping Jews to establish their positions in Russia. And if Medvedev himself is not considered a descendant of the Romanovs, then he is certainly considered to be a Jew.

Board Results

Almost a hundred years are separated by the time in power of Medvedev and Nicholas 2, epochal changes in life, culture, technological progress and politics stand between these two people. But those who want to become famous or approve their own crazy ideas still try to draw parallels of what is happening in Russia, imperial and modern.


So, the Russian poet Evgeny Gusev deduced several facts uniting the results of the reign of two rulers. True, much of the following is the statement of the reactionary and the opponent of the current government, so the analogy of Medvedev - Nikolai 2 may seem too far-fetched:

  • both were leaders of the same country;

  • there is an increased filling of prisons, especially by people who are dissatisfied with the regime;

  • government values ​​are flowing abroad;

  • in the army, degradation and mass reductions;

  • According to the results of the Russo-Japanese War, Nicholas 2 was forced to surrender a substantial territory in the east of the country, while Medvedev “presented” Norway with a train in the Barents Sea;

  • both under the king and under the president, social policy crashed in terms of the fight against drunkenness and drug addiction;

  • under both rulers coins of denomination of 10 rubles were issued, and on a sample of 2011 (the Nikolaev money came into use in 1911) the two-headed eagle of the provisional government is depicted;

  • both leaders did not have the support of the masses, and in some cases their actions were cause for discontent or laughter.

The opinion of the opposition poet seems very far-fetched and unnatural, but to one degree or another, it reflects the real opinion of society about the two Russian leaders.

The attitude of the masses towards the last emperor

As already mentioned, Nikolai 2 and Dmitry Medvedev did not have the proper authority among ordinary people. Everyone knows the story of the coronation day of the last Russian emperor, when more than a thousand people died due to the disorganized actions of the authorities in the Khodynsky field. This event was immediately accepted by the people as a formidable sign of the future troubles of Russia and did not add credibility to the young monarch.

Moreover, at that time in the country in almost every city revolutionary moods were already ripening, so we can say that Nicholas 2 did not come to power at the right time. Underground agitators made every effort to portray the emperor as a weak, proud and stupid ruler who does not care about the people's needs. So, by the beginning of World War I, the level of trust in the tsar and in general the monarchy fell sharply.


Public Opinion About Medvedev

The conditions under which Dmitry Anatolyevich came to power repeat the story of Romanov only in part. Medvedev was not perceived as a full-fledged leader, although propaganda made every effort to separate him from Putin and make him an independent politician. Not only were the Russians dissatisfied with Medvedev’s candidacy, part of the population didn’t have any interest in what was happening on the political arena, while the other considered it to be “an extension” of Putin and therefore did not see any special changes.

It was obvious to everyone who remained the leader in the country, so the majority of the population was limited to jokes and caustic remarks. But the opposition intensified, then the first “shocking" exposures of the origin of the newly elected president appeared. It should be noted that a frivolous attitude to Medvedev remained after his powers as the head of the country were completed. Everyone cited his unsuccessful comments, discussed clothes, behavioral flaws - especially the case of sound sleep during the opening of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. So for lovers of the cyclical nature of history, “popular dislike” is another reason to figure out how Dmitry Medvedev and Nikolai 2 are similar and different.

Reincarnation hypothesis

One of the most delusional and from that fun assumptions about why the two rulers are alike is the idea of ​​moving souls. It would be very funny if you do not take into account that almost a quarter of the population of Russia, potential spectators of the Battle of Psychics, believes in such nonsense.

Nikolai 2 and Medvedev, whose resemblance is striking, but not surprising, in some online publications are presented almost as the embodiment of the spirit of evil that has been sent to our country to destroy it. One can only hope that such an assumption is only part of a joke or a fun banter.