
Traffic sign paid parking in traffic rules

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Traffic sign paid parking in traffic rules
Traffic sign paid parking in traffic rules

Video: Parking sign difficulty || Driving test Sweden || In English 2024, July

Video: Parking sign difficulty || Driving test Sweden || In English 2024, July

In recent years, innovations have appeared in our lives that have come as a surprise to many. One of them was the levy of parking fees for vehicles in the central districts of Moscow. Without questioning the feasibility of this project, we will try to figure out how and in what amounts payment is made, what sign of paid parking is provided for traffic rules.


Measures to streamline the parking of vehicles

The increase in the number of vehicles on the roads of Russia has created a number of problems. Among them, one of the most relevant is the difficulty with finding parking spaces on the busy streets of large and small cities. Paradoxical as it may seem, the driver is sometimes forced to leave the car not where he needs it, but where it is not prohibited.

However, it can be very difficult to find such a place, because it is not for nothing that in Section 12 of the Rules of the Road provides for more than ten cases in which stopping or parking is prohibited. Given that they are joined by some types of road markings, which also limit the parking space, it is quite clear that this cannot but add excessive nervousness to traffic.

Sign "Paid parking" in traffic rules

To simplify the task of drivers, the information road sign 6.4 “Parking (parking place)” was specially established. It indicates that the platform in front of which it is installed, or some part of it, is specifically designed for parking vehicles. But our life is so arranged that you have to pay for everything (except for the cheese lying in the mousetrap), therefore the joy of drivers is often overshadowed by the sign 8.8 “Paid services” attached to this sign. About how the paid parking sign looks, the photos posted in this article will tell.

In our country, for owners of personal vehicles, there are a lot of paid services (as opposed to free ones). It’s enough to mention the transport tax, insurance, fuel and lubricants and even travel on a number of highways. Therefore, the paid parking sign (photo below) is not something exceptional. He informs the driver that a fee is charged for using the parking area.


Signs that are widely used today

The paid parking sign has become as objective an reality as rain, snow or price increases. It is impossible to fight him - you need to adapt to him and, if circumstances force you to be in the zone of his action, try to correctly fulfill all the requirements and not incur additional troubles in the form of fines provided for disobeying his orders.

Paid parking signs in Moscow can be seen in the territory bounded by the outer radius of the Boulevard Ring, the Kremlin and Moscow embankments. The sector within Chekhov Street and Tsvetnoy Boulevard reaches the outside of the Garden Ring.

Designations of a paid parking zone

In order to accurately determine whether the action of the “Paid parking” sign extends to the area where the driver intends to leave his car, he must carefully look at exactly which road signs in front of him. First of all, make sure you have the sign 6.4 “Parking (Parking space)”.

Then pay attention to whether there is a paid parking sign under it - "10 15 20" (image of coins), which was mentioned above. In addition, a billboard can be installed on the road with an inscription informing that the driver is entering the area where a parking fee is charged. It is important to keep in mind that if these signs are not present, then parking in this territory is free.


The driver, before leaving the car in his chosen place, should bear in mind that the presence of appropriate markings and information posters may indicate that, entering the parking zone, he did not see the sign "Paid parking zone" in a timely manner. In this case, it is recommended once again to verify its absence.

It should be borne in mind that the paid parking zone ends when the driver sees the same paid parking sign in front of him, but crossed out by inclined lines. Similar information may also be contained in the boards with the inscription “You are leaving the paid parking zone”. It is important to note that the “Paid parking” sign does not apply to the yards.

Questions related to paying for a parking space

Having finished the conversation about what sign the paid parking is indicated, it is necessary to understand how it is paid. This will help to avoid many troubles. If the driver is in the exact area where the signs for paid parking are installed (in Moscow or another city), it is very important that the payment is made correctly and on time. To do this, he must know a few simple rules of this unpleasant, but necessary procedure.

The sign "Paid parking zone" informs you that you have to pay, but does not indicate how much. You should know that the price in this case is fixed - one hour of parking costs fifty or sixty rubles. If you left the car for less than fifteen minutes, parking is not paid. There are several forms of payment. The most common is to transfer the payment amount via SMS.


Pay for parking using mobile devices

To do this, the driver needs to send an SMS message to the number 7757 from the smartphone or any other mobile device with the text indicating the parking number on which he is located and the registration number of his car. An asterisk is placed between them. For example: 1004 * 006 a 254. Such a message means that the estimated parking time does not exceed one hour, and fifty rubles will be debited from the driver’s account.

In case of a longer parking, X2 or X3, etc., is added to the text of the SMS message. In this case, the number after the letter X indicates the estimated number of hours spent staying where the paid parking sign is installed, and funds will be debited accordingly. When fifteen minutes remain until the end of the indicated time, the driver receives a message with a proposal to extend, if necessary, the duration of the service provided to him.

To do this, he sends a new SMS with tex to the same number: X + a number from 1 to 24, indicating the duration of the parking. The rules also provide for the early completion of parking and the preservation of funds in the customer's parking account. In this case, the text of the SMS message is limited to one letter S or C, and the saved amount can be used the next time.


Parking facilities

An alternative form of payment is payments made through parking meters, which some Moscow parking lots are equipped with. Payment in this case is made using bank cards or scratch cards. Detailed step-by-step instructions for making a payment can be found directly at the parking meter.

Internet application for paying parking time

In areas where the "Paid parking" road sign is installed, it is also possible to pay for parking via mobile applications. To do this, you must first register and create a "Personal Account" on the website of the Moscow parking space, as well as download and install a special program. If all this is done, then, once in the parking zone, the driver must open the application and log in by entering the PIN code received earlier. Then, indicating in the corresponding columns the parking number and the duration of the parking, he presses the "Park" button. To extend the time spent in the parking lot, the "Renew" button is provided, and for early departure - "Leave".

Difficulties in paying for parking

In order to avoid problems associated with paying for the time spent in the territory where the sign "Paid parking" is installed (the area of ​​the plate "Paid services"), you should follow simple rules. First of all, since payment by cash is not accepted, it is necessary to check your mobile phone bill in advance and, if necessary, top up it. If you plan to park on a parking area equipped with a parking meter, it is advisable to purchase a scratch card in advance.

Considering possible interruptions in the operation of the mobile communication system, it is recommended to wait for an SMS message about debiting funds from the account, otherwise misunderstandings may arise. When making a payment, you need to keep in mind that a number of telecom operators charge a fee for such services. As a rule, it does not exceed 6.5%, but this should also be taken into account. Finally, some corporate rates do not include upfront payments. In this case, if the driver’s account does not have enough funds, he will receive a message that the payment has not been made.


In addition to all of the above, each driver should be prepared for the fact that the parking meter, with which he intended to pay off the state, does not currently accept payments. One should not be surprised and all the more angry - everything new must first be "earned".

Actions in case of impossibility to pay for parking

If, for some technical reasons, the payment still failed to be made, you should not despair. In this case, you need to call the Unified Contact Center by phone +7 (495) 539 22 99 and provide your data: parking number (usually indicated on the information board) and car number. In this case, a payment attempt will be recorded, and the operator will inform you of the number under which this appeal has been registered. It is generally accepted that in the event of a penalty for non-payment, this number will help to appeal the decision.
