
Doubles - is it true or fiction? What is the probability of meeting your double?

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Doubles - is it true or fiction? What is the probability of meeting your double?
Doubles - is it true or fiction? What is the probability of meeting your double?

Video: What Are The Odds Of A Double Yolk Egg? |Probability | Statistics | Independent Events vs. Dependent 2024, June

Video: What Are The Odds Of A Double Yolk Egg? |Probability | Statistics | Independent Events vs. Dependent 2024, June

Unique appearance is the main parameter, thanks to which people who have not seen each other for years can recognize each other in the crowd. It is the individual facial features that help a modern person to unlock his smartphone. A photograph of a person is an obligatory component of a passport that helps to identify a person.

We are used to our appearance being unique. However, sometimes the illusions of one's own uniqueness shatter against reality. And in rational nature, a failure occurs, as a result of which it periodically stamps twins. What are doubles? Is this a mistake of nature or is their occurrence due to a higher purpose?

The phenomenon of the existence of twins

According to geneticists, the probability of the existence of two surprisingly similar to each other people is quite high. After all, all the individuals living today are descended from a significantly smaller number of ancestors. This means that the set of genes inherited by descendants is quite limited.

Yes, their number, taking into account constant mutation and evolution, is enough to make people different from each other. But theoretically, to provide a unique appearance to more than 7 billion people, they may not be enough. And an excellent proof of this is the case of meeting doubles. A double is a very similar or almost indistinguishable person.


In addition, it is believed that the genome of humanity coincides 99.9%. And only 0.1% is responsible for the individuality of each of the people. There are even fewer genes responsible for appearance. Therefore, even, it would seem, with a huge number of DNA combinations, the chance of the formation of similar external data has a right to exist.

Why can faces look like?

First of all, all people are representatives of the same species. We are connected by approximately similar proportions of the body, the structure of the face and our needs often coincide.

In addition, from a mathematical point of view, all people are to some extent related to each other. Calculations helped to find out that after 8 generations each person can have about 250 relatives, and after 30 generations this number can exceed 1 million. Therefore, it is logical that there is a chance of meeting with some kind of fifty-cousin whose amazingly pronounced the same genetic set from his ancestors.