
Julia Gnuse: involuntarily tattoos

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Julia Gnuse: involuntarily tattoos
Julia Gnuse: involuntarily tattoos

Tattoos as a way of self-expression are incredibly popular in the modern world. Arousing intense interest, they are applied to the visible part of the body and indicate the interests of the wearer, how he breathes and what worries him. Important events that have occurred in a person’s life are reflected in drawings or inscriptions.

Images associated with personal experiences are often applied to places hidden by clothing. Many do not stop with one or two tattoos, beginning to systematically cover their bodies with “eternal” designs, which do not necessarily carry a hidden meaning.

The girl in question is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed lady in the whole globe.

What is porphyria?

Julia Gnuse was not about to become infamous; she lacked a vain desire for fame at all costs. The holder of the world record was born in 1959 in the state of Michigan (USA). After 30 years, she was overtaken by a serious ailment - porphyria.

Scientists consider it a rare genetic disease in which the reproduction of hemoglobin is impaired. A toxic substance called porphyrin, which affects human skin, accumulates in the body. It becomes incredibly sensitive to sunlight, acquiring a reddish-brown tint and bursting in the light.

Council of Plastic Surgeons

Living in constant torment, Julia Gnuse turned to plastic surgeons to restore her previous appearance. The fact is that the skin of a desperate woman was covered with non-healing ulcers and ugly scars. Specialists could not help the unfortunate in any way, but they gave advice - to decorate a body dotted with bumps with tattoos so that the ugly marks of the disease were not so noticeable.


Illustrated lady

Although doctors advised putting the image in tone with the unnatural color of dark skin, the woman acted in her own way, deciding to have a colored tattoo on her legs. The first result pleased her so much that Julia Gnuse decided to repeat the experiment she liked. Beautiful bright drawings completely hid terrible scars that caused a lot of trouble.


At some point, Julia, passionate about tattoos, realized that she wanted to decorate those parts of the body that were not affected by ulcers. Now she covered with color drawings almost the whole body and admitted her dependence on embellishments.

Julia Gnuse: before and after (photo)

Julia does not like to consider photographs taken during the period of exacerbation of a terrible disease. The delicate female skin bursting from the sun's rays caused her too much physical and mental suffering. But now she is happy to pose in front of the cameras, saying that she has stopped complexing and finally fell in love with herself. She knows that the scars that deform her skin have not disappeared, but they are not visible under the abundance of colored tattoos, which have at least four hundred on her body.


Complexes are a thing of the past

She says to herself that Julia Gnuse before and after drawing drawings on the body are completely different people. In the past, a shy and insecure woman remained with all the complexes that prevent her from living. Now Julia has become a strong and energetic lady who has been visiting a tattoo parlor for more than 10 years. She does not hide colorful drawings, but is happy to take pictures at various events. Not striving for popularity, nevertheless, the woman gained world fame.