
Food becomes tasteless and time slows down: what happens to our body while flying on an airplane

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Food becomes tasteless and time slows down: what happens to our body while flying on an airplane
Food becomes tasteless and time slows down: what happens to our body while flying on an airplane

Video: What Happens To Your Body During A Flight? 2024, July

Video: What Happens To Your Body During A Flight? 2024, July

Flying is one of the coolest things in the modern world. Thanks to him, unlimited possibilities open up for us. We can be anywhere in the world in a relatively short period of time. But despite how great it is to travel through the air, our bodies were simply not designed for this. In fact, flying a plane is stress for the body. But what exactly is happening?

You lose your sense of taste

Food on the plane is soft and defective, or so our taste buds say. While airlines can be infamous in other ways, the food they feed us is not purposefully tasteless. Our bodies ruined the taste of food served on the plane, if we ate it on the ground, it would be beautiful.


The conditions in modern airplanes act so that our sense of taste and smell is destroyed. Airplanes are under pressure, so we do not need oxygen masks during the flight, but it is still less in the cabin than on the ground. Our taste buds simply cannot work the way they do it in a familiar environment.

But the real culprit of the airline’s fresh food is our nose. 80% of the sensation that we call "taste" comes from the smell. Our noses are simply not designed to work in dry conditions of low pressure, so they do not pick up the smell like on the ground. This destroys any hope of a proper tasting of airline food. Studies show that interior noise can also interfere with proper tasting of products. Do not blame the flight attendants. The plane itself is to blame.

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Anyone who took off his shoes during the flight knows how painful it is to try to put on his shoes again after that. When we fly, our legs swell and become swollen. This is because blood from the rest of our body slowly begins to collect in the lower part of our legs during the flight.

Disruption of blood circulation mainly occurs when our bodies get stuck in cramped positions for a long time. Without legroom, we are forced to remain in a position that causes our blood to build up. There are several ways to prevent this, including wearing loose clothing and getting up periodically during the flight. Leggings and skinny jeans are simply not suitable for such a trip, no matter how good they are.

Air travel can cause blood clots in older people, those who take birth control, and anyone who has recently had surgery. Clots are a serious ailment, so be careful when flying. Deep vein thrombosis is the worst “souvenir” you can bring from a trip.

Aircraft dehydrate you

Have you ever wondered how air conditioning works in the cabin? They cannot just pump air from the outside, which is why planes draw air from the engine. Aircraft turbofans are giant air intakes, so they draw in a lot of air. Most of it goes into combustion, which provides traction for engines. But part of it is pumped out of the compressor (front of the engine), cooled and pumped back into the cabin.


Water molecules tend to settle near the surface of the planet, making high altitude air super dry. The cabin air conditioning ultimately has less humidity than the driest deserts and it blows right into our faces. In short, this creates a huge dehydration problem.

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The problem is not only the inconvenience of thirst. Dehydration increases the risk of colds and other respiratory illnesses, and can also be fatal for people with severe asthma. Therefore, do not forget to bring some extra water for the flight and a strong moisturizer for skin care.

Time moves a little slower for you due to the relativity effect.

The flight is quite surprising for many reasons, but one of the strangest features is that it technically allows us to travel in time. Don't worry too much, planes won't turn us all into Marty McFly, but we travel in time. Little.


Einstein found that when an object begins to move, there is a corresponding decrease in the speed of the passage of time. If the spacecraft moved at a speed close to the speed of light, the time for this astronaut would go very slowly, although for the rest of the Universe it travels at the same speed. When the astronaut reaches his goal, he will age much less than the rest of the universe. In fact, he traveled to the future.

What is crazy in the theory of relativity is that it always works, even at low speeds. During a six-hour flight on an airplane, travelers move fast enough for the rest of the world to age one millionth of a second faster than them. After the flight, any person on board will “travel in time” for one millionth of a second into the future.

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This is not just some crazy idea, it really has been tested. In 1971, scientists put ultra-precise atomic clocks on airplanes and sent them around the world. They were able to measure the incredibly small discrepancy between the clock on airplanes and the clock on the ground. Therefore, the next time we finish the flight, we will certainly greet everyone as "the future people of the Earth."


Your skin becomes much more prone to acne.

Dry cabin air harms our bodies, including increasing the likelihood of acne. Leather is simply not designed to deal with super dry conditions. To solve the problem, skin cells begin to over-compensate for dry conditions, producing even more fat, which in turn causes acne. Airplanes make our own skin cells work against us.

Oddly enough, flying from east to west makes it even worse! As we move in this direction, the intersection of the time zone continues to reset our internal clock. Basically, our bodies can no longer understand the normal day / night cycle. This really negatively affects our hormones, as they work on a normal 24-hour schedule. When this schedule is disrupted, the body eventually overproduces hormones, including those that form acne. This is a huge problem, especially in the modeling business.

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Is there any salvation from these changes?

Fortunately, there is salvation. Beauticians recommend blotting dry skin to keep it moisturized using serum and sunscreen. Because airplanes are closer to the sun, ultraviolet rays also damage the skin, so sunscreen helps. This must be done if you are a model or fly on a romantic date.


Increased gas production

Anyone who has flown knows that for some reason, as they rise into the air, everyone feels bloated. It’s a terrible thing to blow gas on an airplane where there is no escape but an impromptu parachute jump. But why do planes spoil our digestive tract so much?

This question has everything to do with fast ascent and descent. Aircraft are under pressure. As the gas in our bodies was stored on the ground, it begins to expand when external pressure increases. Our skin cannot release gas, so we just continue to swell and swell until flatulence is the only way out.

Gassing in the intestines is a problem from which there really is no escape. Waiting for the end of the trip and landing the aircraft is an option, but extremely inconvenient. Even airlines know that this is a problem, and they purposefully offer low-fiber foods, hoping to relieve some pressure. But these are only interim measures: on airplanes we are all bombs awaiting an explosion.


You get angrier because you have an existential crisis

Some people think that air travel is the coolest thing in the world. No matter how inconvenient they may be, flying in the sky is a magical experience. But there are those who are angry, alarmed and upset. New studies show that this is not due to food on the plane or flatulence of passengers.

Flying in the air and looking at the big world is an amazing experience, but it really makes people nervous of a large group of people. People are really annoyed when they are not in control, but we can usually pretend to completely subordinate our lives. This cannot be done when you look out the window of an airplane. Air travel makes us realize how little we control the world, and this truth really infuriates some people.
