
Egor Stroyev: biography and photos

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Egor Stroyev: biography and photos
Egor Stroyev: biography and photos

One of the long-lived politicians, Yegor Stroyev, whose biography has been associated with high political posts for more than 25 years, is an example of survival in any situation. He always found a job for himself and was fully realized in several forms: scientist, governor, politician, party functionary.


From shepherd to agronomist

On February 25, 1937, in the village of Dudkino, the Oryol Region, in the family of a peasant, the future governor Yegor Semenovich Stroyev was born. The family lived for four hundred years on the Oryol land, the ancestors of Yegor Semenovich served Ivan the Terrible and worked on poor land, earning their daily bread. Difficult times fell to the times of little Stroyev: war, occupation, restoration of the country, and the boy had to work from an early age. He began as a shepherd, while studying at a school that opened as soon as the Germans were driven out of the village.

He was always eager for knowledge, received high marks and wanted to become educated. In 1955, Yegor entered the Michurinsky Fruit and Vegetable Institute, specializing in agronomy, in the correspondence department, while continuing to work on the collective farm, but quickly went up the career ladder: foreman, head of the division, agronomist. Stroyev knows how to get along with people, loves to work, knows his job and makes informed decisions - all this ensures his advancement.


Party career

In 1958 he entered the ranks of the Communist Party, this was a completely natural step for him, he believed in the leading role of the party and was confident that he could do a lot in his ranks for his land.

In 1963, he began his career as a party leader from the lowest levels: deputy chairman of the party committee on the collective farm, then head of the ideological work department, secretary of the executive committee, chairman of the district committee, and so on.

In 1967, he entered the Academy of Social Sciences and graduated in 1969. For 20 years, he has grown to the post of first secretary of the Oryol Regional Committee of the CPSU and works in this capacity during the most difficult times of the perestroika for the party. He actively supported Gorbachev’s ideas, advocated the introduction of a market economy, this support opened the way for him to the party’s central committee, where he was included in 1989. He becomes the secretary of the Central Committee, deals with agricultural policy issues and prepares rural reforms. Until 1991, he was a member of the Politburo, and when the party ceased its activities in its previous form, Stroyev returned to his previous occupations. In 1991, Egor Semenovich did not support the recognition of the Emergency Committee and after that he temporarily left the political scene.


Path in science

In 1991, Egor Semenovich Stroyev received a Ph.D. in economics from the totality of previously published works. In the same year, he received an appointment to the post of director of the All-Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding, which was located in his native Oryol region. Here he worked for 2 years, applying his knowledge in the specialty "agronomist-breeder".

In 1994, Stroev defended his doctoral dissertation on the methodology and practice of agrarian reform and became a doctor of economic sciences. He is an academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. During his scientific life he published more than 60 works.

State level career

In 1993, Yegor Stroyev was elected to the post of head of the administration of the Oryol region. He knows his native land better than anyone, he has his own vision of the revival of the region, and therefore he received support not only from the population, but also from the authorities. If there are natural leaders, then one of them is Yegor Semenovich Stroyev. The governor, by the first decree, doubled the salaries of the villagers, then began to carry out reforms and demanded that the government provide benefits for the village. In the same year, Stroev was elected to the Federation Council, in which he would work until 2014, from 1996 to 2001, he served as chairman of the Federation Council, in fact, being the third person in the country.

Oryol Oblast in the person of Stroev found a prudent and smart leader, for several years he led the region into leaders in agricultural production, raised his standard of living, and carried out social reforms. Yuri Semenovich always upholds the need for economic reform, he is a supporter of evolutionary changes in the economy and has consistently implemented his ideas in the entrusted region.

In 2009, Yegor Stroyev resigned as governor of the Oryol region, but continued to represent the region in the Federation Council. In 2014, Stroyev resigned from this post, remaining an honorary member of the Federation Council.


For his work, Yegor Stroyev has repeatedly received awards, he is the full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, has the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the October Revolution. He received many times thanks, bonuses, honorary badges of various meanings.

Criticism and incriminating evidence

Any notable public figure is criticized. Often, journalists talk about the illegal earnings of politicians and governors, and Yegor Semenovich Stroyev is not ignored by their attention. The whole truth about his business is unknown. But the media claim that his wife and daughter's family own significant business assets in the Oryol region. Stroyev does not enter into a skirmish with journalists and says that he has a clear conscience and that he has no enemies, since he always acted according to the law and in accordance with moral principles. His family and relatives have various commercial enterprises in the Oryol region, but, according to Stroyev, there is nothing illegal in this.

The governor was repeatedly criticized for his commitment to the government line and for the local cult of personality. But Stroyev is only joking in response to these accusations.
