
Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich: biography, family, photo

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Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich: biography, family, photo
Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich: biography, family, photo

Rector Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich (Voronezh State University) is a well-known person in Voronezh. He lived all his life in this city, worked at the university for many years and headed it. Famous people always attract increased public attention. People are interested in how their life evolved. We will tell about the biography and achievements of Dmitry Alexandrovich Endovitsky in all details.


early years

Dmitry Alexandrovich Endovitsky was born on December 3, 1970 in Voronezh. He lives in this city in Central Russia all his life, his family and career are closely connected with him. Nothing is known about the childhood and parents of the future rector of the Voronezh State University. Obviously, the child Yendovitsky was active, in it today everyone notes amazing boiling energy.



The future rector, professor Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich studied well at school. In addition to studying, he played with pleasure in the school theater, in high school he even began to think about how to choose the profession of an actor for himself in the future. But the father categorically did not approve of his son’s intentions and advised him to choose the profession of an economist.

In 1988, after graduation, Endowitzky entered the University of Voronezh at the Faculty of Economics. At that time, he did not even suspect how fateful the choice of the university would become for him. In his student years, and they fell during the period of social and economic changes in the country, Dmitry worked in the student group "Vitamin", engaged in the sale of fruits and vegetables.

Voronezh University

After graduating from the university, Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich does not leave the walls of his alma mater. He begins to teach at the Faculty of Economics. But the money was sorely lacking, so on the weekends he traded on the market. Although he was ashamed to face the meeting colleagues and students, he had to survive somehow.

In 1994, he was sent to study in Ireland. And on his return, in 1995, he begins to write a dissertation and is closely engaged in teaching. This time was very difficult financially, recalls Dmitry Alexandrovich. He says that he had a choice: to go into business to feed and support his family, or to stay at his favorite job at the university, but at the same time to experience hardship. He chose the second and today does not regret at all. In 1999, he became the head of the department of economic analysis and audit. In 2002 he received the title of professor. In 2006, Yendovitsky was appointed vice-rector for economic development of the university and innovation. For an academic environment, he is making a fast-paced career. The indefatigable energy of Dmitry Alexandrovich is beneficial to the university, the university is developing and keeping pace with the times. The young scientist and vice-rector are ambitious in a good way, and this allows him to conquer new career steps.


Scientific activity

Even after graduation, Dmitry Alexandrovich Endovitsky made his life choice - he decided to engage in science. In 1995, he defended his thesis on the effectiveness of long-term investments. In 2000, she successfully defends her doctoral degree. Dmitry Alexandrovich does not stop there. Under his leadership, 50 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were written and successfully defended. He leads the dissertation council at Voronezh State University, and serves as editor in the journal Economic Analysis. In addition, Yendovitsky runs the Chinese Language Center at Voronezh State University.

Dmitry Alexandrovich has over 260 scientific publications, 15 textbooks and monographs. Its citation index is 553 points. At the same time, Yendovitsky does not stop studying, he systematically improves his qualifications. So, in 2012, he studied in Skolkovo under the program "New leaders in higher education." He also maintains productive scientific relations with universities in the USA, Ireland, France, Spain, Austria, and China. He has accounted for more than 10 major projects, including the opening of the “Oxford Russian Fund” and the Center for Chinese Language and Culture in Voronezh.



In 2011, Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich, whose biography is inextricably linked with Voronezh University, becomes rector. Under his leadership, the university received a powerful impetus to development. He established productive partnerships with large industrial enterprises in the region, built a modern swimming pool for students and teachers, and reconstructed the concert hall. On the initiative of Yendovitsky, a number of joint companies and production lines were created with large Voronezh enterprises, on which the scientific developments of university scientists are being introduced, students undergo practical training and produce popular products. Dmitry Alexandrovich is the chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Voronezh region.


Over the years of active and productive activity, Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich received many awards. Including the order “For contribution to science”, a medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a medal “For Merit to the Fatherland”. As well as a number of different prizes and prizes.



The rector of VSU is a versatile person, he has many hobbies. In Voronezh, the collector of dolls Endovitsky Dmitry Alexandrovich is well known. Wife and daughter share this hobby. The family collects dolls from around the world in national costumes. Now in their collection there are already more than 100 copies, and the Endovitskys showed their collection in 2016 in the Voronezh Museum of History. Dmitry Alexandrovich says that he loves to travel and study. In addition, he plays sports, is a candidate for master of sports in acrobatics. Dmitry Alexandrovich uses his seething energy for the benefit of the people, he works as a deputy of the City Duma from the United Russia party.