the culture

Shocking - is it indecent?

Shocking - is it indecent?
Shocking - is it indecent?

Video: 10 Incidents Caught on Google Street View 2024, June

Video: 10 Incidents Caught on Google Street View 2024, June

The word "shocking" is of French origin and means behavior that does not comply with generally accepted rules and norms. However, in France itself, this concept has a more neutral semantic connotation than today in Russia. For modern people, falling into the definition of “shocking” is one way to attract public attention to your person. He is often used by stars of show business, distinguished by non-standard and even sometimes scandalous behavior that can cause an ambiguous reaction of society.


Outrageous person. What is he like?

Nowadays, the foreign pop singer Lady Gaga, who calls herself the mother of monsters, can be called a deserved master of outrageousness. Since 2008, when the first album released by the singer made her popular all over the world, many are trying to find a clue to her phenomenon. What is the secret of the singer? Perhaps the fact is that for her the concept of “shocking” is not just a word, it is a style of her life that is consonant not only with her inner world, but also with the frenzied rhythms of modernity.

We can say that the success of the famous singer is the result of a successful combination of a well-calculated commercial approach with the unique properties of her character. The audience, instantly buying up all the tickets for her concerts in any country in the world, insanely loves everything that an extravagant diva offers: her outrageous dresses, surreal show productions and the endless pressure of aggressive sexuality.

Eclecticism in clothes and outrageous

As for Russian artists, long before Lady Gaga appeared on the horizon of show business, the Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova shone on the stage in the image of an alien from space.


No wonder she said that everything related to the concept of "shocking" - this is she herself. Those images that Aguzarova tried on in Soviet times and what she wears now are almost impossible to limit with any stylistic framework. She literally invented her own fashion, combining several seemingly incompatible directions in one suit. Today, this style of clothing is called eclecticism.

In addition to Zhanna Aguzarova, Sergey Zverev, Boris Moiseev, Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugachev, Lolita Milyavskaya, Verka Serdyuchka, who are not only owners of unfading creative potential, but also amaze the audience with their colorful outfits, can be called no less vivid and recognizable figures on the Russian stage. impudence and bright stormy temperament.

However, strangely enough, not all scandalists or behaving contrary to public opinion of individuals can be classified as shocking personalities.


Recent acts of vandalism and desecration of shrines, as well as feelings of believers, whose initial goal is to attract public attention to performers and their political views, cannot claim the title of truly shocking behavior. Still, the concept of “shocking” is something from the category of contemporary art that can surprise people and bring them aesthetic pleasure.