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Ethnographic Museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia, Ulan-Ude: photo, address, opening hours

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Ethnographic Museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia, Ulan-Ude: photo, address, opening hours
Ethnographic Museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia, Ulan-Ude: photo, address, opening hours

In the picturesque part of the city of Ulan-Ude is the ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia. On its territory, which is approximately thirty-seven hectares, more than forty interesting architectural monuments are housed, as well as an amazing exhibition of eleven thousand objects. It is considered one of the largest open-air museum complexes in Russia, the purpose of which is to familiarize visitors with the history and culture of this region.

Historical facts

The idea of ​​creating such a unique complex belongs to the famous and talented academician Alexei Pavlovich Okladnikov, who brought his ideas to life in 1973. Thus, an ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia appeared.

It was founded thanks to the decision of the Council of Ministers of Buryatia. The department took care of the preservation of historical and cultural monuments of Transbaikalia, so it was decided to create such a museum complex.



From the day of its opening to the present, this interesting exposition has been very popular among the population of the Buryat Republic and its guests. Throughout the year, more than one hundred thousand tourists and local residents can come here for an excursion. This figure is a great indicator for this region. The Ethnographic Museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia (Ulan-Ude) acquaints all its visitors not only with the history of the region, but also with its material and spiritual culture.

The whole complex is divided into several thematic departments, in which each of the visitors will be able to discover something new about ethnic groups and nationalities of the republic. The interest of people in this place does not wane over time due to the fact that the ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia is in constant development. New expositions and exhibitions are regularly created here, which attracts visitors from all over the CIS countries.


What to see?

This park-type museum complex consists of six exposition sections that are isolated from each other by means of natural landscapes. The sequence of their location coincides with the chronological periods of development of this region.

The ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia (Ulan-Ude) begins with its archaeological department, where you can see recreated and authentic monuments of ancient times, preserved from the time of ethnic Buryatia. Then comes the Even sector, where various utensils, plague and sheds of this nation are demonstrated.

After it follows the Buryat department, which is a whole collection of yurts made of felt and wood, in the center of which is the Dugan - a religious building in the Buddhist religion. Then visitors get into the pre-Baikal sector, where they can see how the houses of the Buryats with different incomes looked. The Trans-Baikal department will introduce guests to the history of links and hard labor of this region.

Then comes the old-housing sector, where you can see the house of the arable peasant, built back in 1881. Near it are a barn, a barn and other outbuildings. Perfectly complements this exposition of the hut of the Cossack chieftain.

After it follows the Old Believer department, which is considered one of the most interesting places in the museum and can introduce guests to buildings cut down in the tradition of wooden architecture. This exposition is made in the form of a traditional one-way street, on which are located the houses of Old Believers, exiled to the Siberian Territory in the eighteenth century. The ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia ends with an urban sector. Here is a collection of residential buildings of old Verkhneudinsk.

All exhibitions of this complex in the open air reflect the material and spiritual culture of nationalities in the form of various settlements that were characteristic of a particular ethnic group. Therefore, they can consistently tell visitors about the history of the settlement of the region and all the cultural processes that took place in this region from ancient times to the twentieth century.


Pets' corner

In addition to the main departments, the wildlife sector operates in this museum complex. In it you can see almost all representatives of the Siberian fauna. This area is regularly replenished with new species of animals and birds. More recently, Amur tigers, deer and the red wolf settled here.

In this sector, you can also see rare animals of Transbaikalia and learn to respect them in order to avoid their complete extinction.


In addition, this museum complex also hosts a variety of visiting exhibitions in city educational institutions, thanks to which students can get acquainted with the culture and life of the Buryats, Evenks and other nationalities of this region.

Also, the staff working in the museum actively participates in various scientific practical conferences, as well as conducts research activities. Even on the territory of this park-type complex, festivities are held every year in honor of the largest cultural events taking place in this republic.



People like to come whole families to the ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia. Photos taken on its territory show that there are always many visitors of different age groups. The guests of this amazing complex like the fact that all the exhibits displaying the life and history of the peoples inhabiting the Buryat Republic are collected here.

The public, who comes here on excursions, notes that all the buildings assembled here are authentic and brought from the countryside. Thanks to this, you can see how people used to live in this region, and fully experience the spirit of the era.

Children love to come here to see the animals that inhabit the zoo and breathe in the forest air. The whole family can easily get out into this complex, as it works according to a convenient schedule.


Useful information

On Mondays and Tuesdays, the ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia rests. The hours of operation will look like this:

  • From September 16 to June 1 on weekdays the complex receives visitors from 09:00 to 17:30, and on weekends from 10:00 in the morning to 18:30 in the evening.

  • In the summer, it opens at 10:00 and closes at 18:30 on weekdays, and on weekends from 10:00 to 19:00.

The cost of an adult ticket is 150 rubles, students can see the exposition for 100 rubles, and schoolchildren and pensioners for 90 rubles.