
Is fatalism an excuse?

Is fatalism an excuse?
Is fatalism an excuse?

Video: Catastrophizing-How to stop making yourself depressed and anxious (Cognitive Distortion) Skill #6 2024, June

Video: Catastrophizing-How to stop making yourself depressed and anxious (Cognitive Distortion) Skill #6 2024, June

There is a rude saying among the people: "Born to hang himself - he will never drown." It perfectly conveys the essence of fatalism: faith in the predetermination of all events taking place in the world.


The belief that any factors do not depend on a person and his will, but are planned somewhere in advance, is not taken seriously by modern society. But … On the one hand, we are sure that fatalism is a completely outdated view of things. We perfectly understand the spontaneity of our own creativity, the unpredictability of scientific research. On the other hand, we are very familiar with the everyday manifestation of this concept. This is either a belief that your initiative will not lead to anything good, or disbelief in its successful outcome and results. However, belief in fatum exists not only at the household level. Philosophical and religious fatalism arose, probably, together with the appearance of man as a person. From these points of view, this means belief in the powerlessness of man before the universe, God, the forces of nature. The predestination of being is the essence of a fatalistic view of the nature of things.


The main trends of fatalism

  • Religious - faith in fate, divine predestination. Such faith is characteristic of adherents of all religions. She does not allow other views.

  • Philosophical and historical - the belief that nature and life develop independently of the will and activity of people. Disbelief in the will of man, his ability to change the world, in human initiative. Briefly, the provisions can be formulated as follows: cataclysms (wars, catastrophes, etc.) cannot be avoided, for every inevitable event there are objective reasons, therefore, the human will is nothing.

Is fatalism good or bad?


The doctrine of Fatum began to spread throughout the world in ancient times. There are people for whom today it is the basis of life development. Jews have the concept of fatum and lot. Judaists, however, believe that everything is predetermined, but there is a choice. In Islam, the concept of “cadar” indicates that everything in the world is created according to the just will of Allah and only him. Hindus believe in the Dharma: it is believed that "dirty" karma will lead the sinner endlessly around the world, forcing him, being reborn, again and again to "work out" his sins, while "pure" karma completes the cycle of rebirth. Similar concepts exist in Buddhism, Chinese, Japanese and other philosophies. For those who believe in fate or believe in God, fatalism is a combination of inanimate factors, the actions of the Almighty and the actions of man, as a predetermined consequence of these forces. The concept of fatalism is very convenient for some categories of people. All your life failures, lack of initiative can be attributed to the predetermination of life being. Fatalism is the belief that life is an already completed machine, and people are ordinary cogs in it. From this point of view, heroes, initiative people, all striving for progress are ordinary expendables, which should not be valued. From this point of view, terrorism, infanticide, and any other crimes can be justified. "So fate has determined." And who can go against what is predetermined long ago? Fatalism completely eliminates the concepts of “personality”, “good”, “evil”, “creativity”, “innovation”, “heroism” and many others.