
Fedor Fedorovich Chaliapin - son of the famous father, biography, films

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Fedor Fedorovich Chaliapin - son of the famous father, biography, films
Fedor Fedorovich Chaliapin - son of the famous father, biography, films

Fyodor Fyodorovich Chaliapin was none other than the son of the famous Russian opera bass Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. He had a great acting talent, which was recognized both in Europe and in the USA. The list of films in which he starred is quite large, because he did this from 1926 to 1991.


Chaliapin Fedor Fedorovich: biography

He was born on October 6, 1905 and lived until September 17, 1992. Moscow became the hometown of Chaliapin. The first wife of his father - Italian prima ballerina Iola Tornagi - became the mother of twins Fedor and Tatyana. By the way, in this marriage they had four more children.

Son Fedor received an excellent education in Moscow and could speak three languages. A little later, after the Bolshevik revolution (in 1924), he left his family and moved to his father in Paris. It is known that Boris, his brother, became an artist and quite famous.

Soon, however, Fedor Fedorovich Chaliapin was tired of being in the shadow of his father and left France for Hollywood, where he began his acting career. Then they shot a silent movie. His career began successfully, he was lucky, because then he spoke with a noticeable accent.


Acting profession

However, he did not get the main roles. The time of the onset of the sound film did not bring Fedor much fame. Nevertheless, Fyodor Fyodorovich Chaliapin perfectly played the role of the dying Kashkin in the movie "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1943). The public remembered and recognized him very well.

After the war, he went to Rome to continue his career as an actor there. For twenty years, from 1950 to 1970, he played a large number of strong and characteristic roles.


For many years he will not see his mother, but in 1960, during the Khrushchev thaw, she would move to him in Rome. Of all the family relics and values, she will bring only her father's photo albums.

In 1984, he would ensure that his father's ashes were transported from Paris to Moscow and reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Fedor Fedorovich Chaliapin: films

Surprisingly, the success to the younger Chaliapin came when he was already in old age. It all started with the film “The Name of the Rose, ” starring Sean Connery, where Fedor played the role of Jorge of Burgos.

Then there was his other bright role in the movie “Power of the Moon” (in 1987), where he played the old Italian, the heroine’s grandfather, played by the popular American singer Cher. Then there were other films - “Cathedral” (1989), “Stanley and Iris” (1990).

He played his last role in The Inner Circle (1991), this picture tells about life in the Soviet Union during the Stalinist dictatorship.

Fedor Fedorovich Chaliapin died at 86 years old (in September 1992) in his home in Rome.



Touching on the theme of my son, I want to get a little distracted by Father F.I. Chaliapin (1873, Kazan - 1938, Paris) - an unusually talented person who, in addition to his vocal gift, had other talents - an artist, graphic artist, sculptor, and even acted in films.

His parents were ordinary peasants. As a child, Chaliapin Fedor (his biography contains these exact facts) was a singer. His artistic career began with the entry into the troupe of V. B. Serebryakov. Then there were wanderings and talent development. One day, fate threw him to Tiflis, where he began to seriously engage in staging his voice, and all thanks to the singer Dmitry Usatov, whom Chaliapin could not pay for singing lessons, and he studied with him for free.

Success search

In 1893 he moved to Moscow, and a year later - to St. Petersburg. Criticism and the public were stunned by his stunning voice. He began to perform parts from the stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

Then the famous Moscow philanthropist S. I. Mamontov persuades him to go to the opera in it (1896-1899). Mamontov allowed the singer to do in his theater literally everything that he wanted - complete freedom of creativity. Since 1899, Chaliapin is already on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

In 1918, Chaliapin became the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater and received the “People's Artist”, and then, in 1922, he went to work in America. The then leadership of the country was concerned about his long absence. Once he donated money to the children of immigrants, but this was considered for the support of the White Guards, and Chaliapin was deprived of the title of “People's” in 1927. Only in 1991, more than fifty years after the death of the singer, this order was regarded as unfounded and the title was returned.