
Philip Bakhtin: curriculum vitae, activities and interesting facts

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Philip Bakhtin: curriculum vitae, activities and interesting facts
Philip Bakhtin: curriculum vitae, activities and interesting facts

Video: The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm 2024, June

Video: The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm 2024, June

He has long established himself as a competent, creative and talented journalist. The main thing in his profession is the ability to win the attention of an audience. And Philip Bakhtin possesses this quality, it is not without reason that he for a long time headed the Esquire media magazine, which had and has a huge army of readers.


But the interests of Philip Bakhtin are not limited solely to his professional activities. He is known as the initiator of important social projects. The journalist is the creator of a brand called "Country of Children", which in theory was a network of institutions for leisure activities for boys and girls. Kindergartens were supposed to appear in several Russian regions. Unfortunately, after some time, the project was closed for objective reasons. One way or another, but many are grateful to the Esquire chief editor for his good undertakings.

However, the journalist himself self-critically declares that so far he has not achieved significant successes in life. Who is Philip Bakhtin and how did he become the editor-in-chief of a popular magazine? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Ordinary guy from Vologda

So, the hero of our article is Philip Bakhtin. A curriculum vitae about this creative representative of the media will certainly be interesting to many. He was born in Vologda in 1976. Initially, the young man did not even think of connecting his life with journalism. Having received a certificate of maturity, he went to Pskov to enter the history department of the Pedagogical Institute. S. Kirov.


Having successfully passed the exams, he became a student of the above university. The young man did not show much zeal for studying historical science. The student KVN, which he enjoyed visiting, was much more interesting for him. One way or another, but having received a diploma, Philip Bakhtin suddenly realized that he was probably in a hurry to choose a profession. He wanted self-fulfillment, but he could not do this within the framework of the regional city.

Then the young man decides to go to the metropolitan metropolis, which provided great opportunities for unlocking the potential and realization of ambitions for all, without exception.

Search for yourself

But upon arriving in Moscow, Philip Bakhtin did not immediately understand what he wanted to do on a professional basis. The young man did not have any clearly expressed interests, except that he simply liked to communicate with "good" people. He decides to become a student at VGIK (directing department) and look around. No sooner said than done. And after some time, one magazine comes into Philip's field of vision.


We are talking about a print publication called "Poster". On its pages all the news of the world of entertainment was covered.

Bakhtin Philip after reading the material presented in the magazine, was completely delighted with the "Poster". The young man suddenly terribly wanted to work in this periodical, which was published twice a month. At one point, he gained courage, called the chief editor of "Poster" and asked him to record his candidacy for the staff of the magazine. What was the surprise of the young man when a voice in the receiver invited him to come for an interview.


It is noteworthy that Bakhtin Philip successfully passed it and became an employee of Afisha. Studying at VGIK the young man had to leave. Soon Philip was entrusted with writing articles in almost all sections of the journal, with the possible exception of operas and ballets. The self-taught journalist began to cover sports news in the Poster and step by step grew to the position of assistant director. But at some point, Bakhtin’s fuse was over, and he became bored of working in the journal team. The Afisha leadership also began to notice this, so the graduate of the history faculty was forced to write a letter of resignation.


However, already in 2003, journalist Philip Bakhtin received a job offer. The vacancy of the chief editor of FHM magazine at Independent Media goes to him. However, the theme of this periodical was specific: not quite adequate humor and half-naked girls. In general, FHM is a magazine targeted for teenagers.


The position of the head of this periodical brought Philip quite a good income, but this work did not give satisfaction. After some time, the ex-journalist of Afisha finally realized that the FHM magazine is absolutely not his level. Soon he began to discuss with one of the bosses of Independent Media the options for his participation in other projects. At first it was about Arena magazine, but then it was decided to change it to Esquare.


Mikhail von Schlippe (one of the leaders of Independent Media) agreed to submit Bakhtin’s candidacy for approval as Esquire’s chief editor, and he ultimately received it. This publication, designed for thinking and discriminating representatives of the stronger sex, and not for lovers of sensational gossip, Philip led until 2011. The first (Russian-language version) of the magazine appeared in 2005.

Social projects

In recent years, Esquare executives began to shift their interests. Bakhtin Philip Evgenievich was seriously interested in social projects. He wanted to create a whole arsenal of kindergartens in order to qualitatively improve the leisure of minor boys and girls. First, on a parity basis with Sergei Roemer, the journalist built a Kamchatka kindergarten in the Pskov Region. And this project really worked. Many fathers and mothers sent their children to this camp and were grateful to its creator for such a project. And Philip Evgenievich personally takes part in the organization of children's leisure, refusing the services of professional counselors. Instead, he called on creative people: journalists, actors, musicians, screenwriters.


It is they who instill in children an interest in great art through productions of musicals, performances, and cartoons. And the guys are directly involved in this creative process: they are delighted with such a pastime.