
Philosophy and worldview: general and special

Philosophy and worldview: general and special
Philosophy and worldview: general and special

Video: Worldview 1 2024, July

Video: Worldview 1 2024, July

The question posed in the title of the article only at first glance seems rather simple and unambiguous. Philosophy and worldview act as phenomena inherent only in human consciousness and acting as criterion parameters for assessing each person - this is an indisputable and objective fact, showing the organic connection and unity of these substances.

However, a careful analysis of these phenomena reveals quite a few interesting problems, it is not always easy to answer the question of how philosophy and worldview relate, because very significant differences are found between them, which are generated exactly at the moment of “contact” between the worldview and philosophy as categories.

The most common point of view is that a worldview is a more capacious concept in relation to philosophy, and a philosophical worldview is only one form of worldview, along with religious, mythological, scientific, ufological, etc.

In this context, the worldview is presented as one of the objectively necessary characteristics of a person, the purpose of which is the formation of personality. At the same time, the fact and content of his worldview, a person may not even be aware, although if we talk about personality, then this is hardly possible. Here we find the first dissimilarity, philosophy and worldview can be present at the same time only at the level of personal development of the individual and nothing else. Moreover, it is not a fact that this person with a certain worldview will be the bearer of a philosophical worldview, it can be the owner of a religious and any other.

From the point of view of scientific analysis, the subject of philosophy, philosophy and worldview, as a rule, are not divorced far from each other. The worldview is presented as a characteristic of a person, representing a set of ideas about things, about their place in the world and this world itself. But philosophy also provides such an opportunity, but only and exclusively from those positions that are formed on philosophical grounds, it is inappropriate to speak here, for example, of a religious worldview.

Philosophy and worldview, of course, are phenomena spaced in time among themselves, since it is recognized that, for example, mythological consciousness preceded philosophical.

In the modern world, there is a certain tendency to the dynamics of this ratio.

Firstly, the world is becoming more and more mosaic, and to establish this pattern is quite difficult.

Secondly, today it’s practically impossible to single out a “pure” type of worldview in any person, as a rule, our modern worldview is integrative and synthetic, and it’s not the fact that the religious component in it naturally appears before the scientific one, or that the mythological component precedes the philosophical.

Thirdly, some experts record the appearance of some “spiritual neoplasms”, which, by their distribution and role in society, may well qualify as types of worldview. First of all, we are talking about the well-known "network" worldview, the appearance of which in time is attributed to the beginning of the mass entry of people into the Internet, social networks and the virtual world in general. And therefore, a priori recognizing philosophy as a science, how to answer the question about its role in such a virtualized world of images.

The relationship between philosophy and worldview can also be considered through the prism of putting them into practice. Any worldview is an exclusively subjective phenomenon, while, recognizing philosophy as a science, we recognize its objectivity. There is also a significant difference in these phenomena. A philosophical attitude to the world is a theoretical, lofty relationship, in some cases simply rhetorical (a common expression: “treat everything philosophically”), the world outlook is always subjective and touching. As a rule, burning problems and intimate aspects of life of each individual person.

Another aspect of the relationship is their inter-technology, so to speak. In some cases, philosophy acts as a means of expressing a worldview, and in others, philosophy already serves as a tool for expressing a worldview.

In a word, in the analysis of the categories of philosophy and worldview, quite significant irreducibility is found, which ultimately reflects something special in the content of these phenomena.