
Where do rabbits live and do they dig holes?

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Where do rabbits live and do they dig holes?
Where do rabbits live and do they dig holes?

Video: An adventure inside a rabbit's warren HD - GoPro 2024, June

Video: An adventure inside a rabbit's warren HD - GoPro 2024, June

In central Russia, the hare and the hare are widespread. In summer, both representatives of the hare-like order have a gray-brown color of wool. In winter, the little mermaid becomes much lighter, and the hare becomes pure white (hence the name of the beast). Where do rabbits live? Belyak lives in the forest. This is a forest hare. Rusak can live in the fields and steppes. So the question of where the hares live, the answer is not entirely clear.


Beljak: daily routine and nutrition

During the day, the hare usually sleeps where it lives. A hare in the forest only goes to feed at night. In winter, it feeds mainly on the bark of various trees. This makes the whitish very original, rising to its hind legs in order to reach the bark more firmly, as if standing tightly. The hare eats the branches of young aspen, birch, willow bark, branches and other deciduous trees. Very fond of young fruit plants.

In winter, the white hairstyle can quite easily move in deep snow, since it grows on its legs (even between its toes). And it’s much easier to stay warm in the snow. The leg becomes wider and the hare runs as if skiing. By the way, when the hare jumps, it carries its hind legs forward like a squirrel, leaving characteristic traces in the snow.

In shelter

Lying - the so-called winter (and summer) den, where the hare lives in the forest from time to time. You can get to a hidden place in the footsteps of a white hare. But, most likely, this will be very difficult. Before laying down, the hare intensely confuses the tracks, winds and jumps from side to side (makes estimates). And only after completely confusing everyone, the animal finally lays in an oblong hole. In it, the hare is hiding from all kinds of enemies, and he has enough of them: wolves, foxes, owls, eagles, dogs, lynxes. Also - hunters and poachers of all ranks and stripes.


In the bed you can hide from the piercing autumn and winter winds. In a strong winter blizzard, the snow can be covered with snow, as they say, "to the ears." Above it is formed a vault of snow and ice crust. Then the hidden hare, going into the light, has to dig out of the caches. So the question of where the hares live can be answered as follows: for some part of the time, you’re lying. There they hide from enemies and the wind.

Where do brown hares live?

These are field and steppe animals (for the most part), in contrast to the whites, which mainly live in the forest. During the day, hares almost always sleep, and at night they feed. They dig snow over winter crops and eat green sprouts. If a rooker cannot get to winter crops for some reason (deep snow, ice, frost), he runs to the gardens where he eats the remaining stumps or pick-up carrots. Steals up and haystacks, eating dry grass. Willingly regales in orchards and the bark of fruit trees - young apple trees. Thus, Cossacks cause great harm to the national economy - fields, gardens and vegetable gardens. For this they do not like the villagers.


Where do hares live in winter and summer?

These animals live alone or in pairs. Unlike their rabbit brothers, hares almost never dig holes. They build their nests in small, ready-made pits. The hare tribe is known for its fertility: the hare makes 3-4 litters per year (from March to September), each with 5-10 cubs. They are born with already open eyes and hair, rather independent, but some die from enemies in the very first months of their lives. The fact is that the mother, having fed, after two or three days runs away from the kids. All this time they sit, hiding in the grass. A few days later, the hare again runs to feed them. Interestingly, this can be done by another female who found a hare.

What helps a hare?

Fleeing from enemies, which the hare abounds, the animal can run up to 70 kilometers a day, making wide circles and looping through the forest or field. It is sometimes difficult for a skilled hunter to unravel these traces. So what saves the hare his main defense - the ability to run fast. It also comes in handy in the winter and the corresponding skin color. Rusak, fleeing from the chase, sometimes can stop, as if listening and trying to see the enemy. But in a hare, only hearing is well developed, and vision and smell are not very developed. So, a white haul can come close to a still-standing person, which is what experienced hunters use.
