
Araz Agalarov: biography, photo

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Araz Agalarov: biography, photo
Araz Agalarov: biography, photo

Video: Idi Amin: Violent Ugandan President - Fast Facts | History 2024, June

Video: Idi Amin: Violent Ugandan President - Fast Facts | History 2024, June

One of the richest people in Russia, an entrepreneur of Azerbaijani origin Araz Iskender Oglu Agalarov believes that intuition is the main thing in business. His empire actually grows with incredible speed and amazes everyone's imagination. A few years ago, he built the first hypermarket in the Russian Federation, and its opening was a real event for the Russians. And his other project - the Crocus CITY trade and exhibition complex, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the Rublevskoye Highway and in which the "Millionaire Fairs" periodically take place - brought the businessman the greatest fame.


Araz Iskenderovich Agalarov, biography: study

A famous Russian businessman was born in the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1955 (November 8). His father was a respected man in Baku and raised his son in severity. From childhood, the boy studied at one of the fives, was purposeful and inquisitive.

After leaving school in 1972, he entered the BPI (Baku Polytechnic Institute) at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, which he graduated in 1977. In the same year, he got a job at a research institute, and then joined the CPSU and began to work in the city committee of trade unions in Baku.

In 1983, he was sent to study at the Moscow Higher School of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions named after N. Shvernik. And after her graduation, Araz, as one of the best graduates, was hired as a junior research fellow. In the same period, he defended his thesis (theme - "How to create and rationally use the payroll in communications enterprises").


The beginning of a business career

In the late 80s, Araz Agalarov decided to start his own business, established relations with partners from the United States and founded the Crocus International joint American-Soviet commercial enterprise, which was later renamed the Crocus Group. Today it includes the Crocus Expo trade and exhibition complex, the Crocus City Hall concert hall, three Vegas shopping and entertainment complexes, the chain of hypermarkets Tvoy Dom, Crocus Bank and the Crocus Finance company, Agalarov residential complexes Estate, several hotels, a yacht club and a number of restaurants of Azerbaijani and international cuisine. Crocus Group also became the largest investor in the Moscow metro station Myakinino.

By the way, Araz Agalarov got involved in the construction business in 1997 and set about creating the famous elite apartment complex on 34 floors, Agalarov House, not only in the capital, but throughout the country and beyond. One of the most prestigious areas of Moscow was chosen as a place for it - a site at the intersection of Bolshaya Gruzinskaya and Klimashkinskaya streets. And the construction of Myakinino station was dictated by the desire to increase the attractiveness of the Crocus City complex. Later, this company became the general contractor of the grand construction of the Far Eastern Federal University in the Primorsky Territory, on Russky Island, as well as the giant stadium in Vladivostok. Today, the state of Araz Agalarov is estimated at approximately $ 2 billion. This means that he is one of the richest people in Russia.


History of success

Today Araz Agalarov is considered the founder of multidisciplinary shopping complexes in the Russian Federation. He also decided that they should not be located in the center, but in the nearest suburbs. A well-known businessman believes that the success of his projects lies in a systematic approach and the development of related areas is necessary to increase the effectiveness of one of the areas. This he proved by the example of his company. Despite the fact that the most successful of his projects are construction enterprises, nonetheless, Araz Iskenderovich does not consider himself a builder or retailer. “I am the“ conductor ”controlling the activities of the entire“ orchestra ”, my goal is to make everything work out beautifully and efficiently, ” says the businessman. In a word, work for him is not just a business, but a way of self-realization.



In 2009, Agalarov for his contribution to the development of economic relations between the Russian Federation and Italy received the OMRI Order ("For Merit to the Italian Republic"). In 2013, for many years of work and social activity, he was awarded the Order of Honor and the Order of the Holy Right Daniel of Moscow (II degree). He was nominated for the 2011 Developer of the Year Award at CREA. He is also the recipient of The MICAM Awards and the Donald Trump DE Award. According to the version of Kommersant Money, he was recognized as the first in the ranking of top Russian entrepreneurs.

Principles of Agalarov

Further in the article we give some of the statements of a famous businessman that will help us understand his worldview, attitude to business and his life position.

  • “For me, there are no authorities in business.”

  • “To start building, you need to delve into all the details, otherwise you can’t build anything worthwhile. A construction manager who does not understand the nuances can become a victim of deception overnight. ”

  • “The main thing in business is intuition.”

  • “Only those who are inactive and do not interact with anyone can avoid problems. Difficulties are the beginning of the process. ”

  • “Money for me is a tool, an opportunity to implement my ideas. They are needed in order to invest them. ”

  • “It’s hard for a person living in a tense rhythm to rest.”

  • “I like to build a business on my own, because I don’t want to fake my partner and reckon with his opinion.”

  • “In order to keep fit, I don’t follow any diet, but I always remember my grandmother’s advice - to get up from the table a little hungry.”

  • “The day you stop dreaming, life is over.”


Agalarov is the author of the books "A Look at Modern Russia in the Period of Reforms", "Russia: My Thoughts on the Way to the Market", etc.

Social activity

In 2002 A. Agalarov was elected vice-president of the Azerbaijan Congress in Russia. He is also the founder of the Muslim Magomayev Foundation’s non-profit organization.

A family

With his wife, Irina A. Agalarov met in kindergarten, then studied with her at the same school. Children's love grew into a more serious relationship, and they got married in the last year of the institute, she - pedagogical, and he - polytechnic. They had known each other for so long that it was somehow unusual for him to hear the head of the registry office when registering: “Irina Agalarova is the wife, Araz Agalarov is the husband!” Soon after her marriage, she went with her children to Moscow to her husband, who is engaged in scientific activities.

Later he began to build a business, and she taught English at school, and then got a job as a translator in one of the ministries. Later, Irina, as expected to the wise wife of a major builder, took up real estate, founded a clothing and jewelry store, several beauty salons and aesthetic centers, and then the fur brand DeNoVo.

The wife of Araz Agalarov, whose photo you see in the article, turned out to be not only smart and beautiful, but also very hardworking and single-minded, so all areas of her business began to flourish and increase her fortune. Being a successful businesswoman, she is also a wonderful wife and mother of the family, and now grandmother. The recipe for family well-being from Irina Agalarova is kindness and sincerity.


The son of Araz Iskanderovich, Emin Agalarov, is vice president of Crocus Group. He is also known as the owner of a magnificent voice, and many know him as a singer. There is another noteworthy point in his biography, which almost everyone knows about. Until the recent past, he was the son-in-law of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. However, this marriage was fragile and soon fell apart. However, as a result of Emin, beautiful twins were born - Michael and Ali.

The daughter of Araz Agalarov Sheila is involved in the fashion industry. She lives with her mother in the USA.