
General Nikitin: biography, personal life, photo

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General Nikitin: biography, personal life, photo
General Nikitin: biography, personal life, photo

Video: Louis de Funès | Change from childhood to 2018 2024, July

Video: Louis de Funès | Change from childhood to 2018 2024, July

General Nikitin - ex-chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ivanovo region. In 2014, he was detained on charges of abuse of power. According to the investigation, based on operational data from the FSB, he was implicated in fraud during the construction of a new regional police building. His activities led to an overrun of more than 80 million rubles.

General biography


General Nikitin hails from Novosibirsk. At the same time, he graduated from the law faculty of the State University in Tomsk. After that he returned to his native region.

He began his career in the district executive committee as an employee, but already then he decided for himself that at the first opportunity he would get a job in the police. Soon, they managed to get a job at the OBKhSS as a security officer. Here before his eyes came all kinds of ways of embezzlement of budgetary funds when conducting business. Many believe that in this work he not only uncovered crimes, but also learned the basics of embezzlement from intruders.

Fight against corruption


The next important milestone in the career of General Nikitin was the fight against corruption. At that time he was still a very young officer, but his superiors were among the promising employees. Therefore, it was he who was entrusted with many complex and responsible assignments.

In 2000, he received a leadership position. General Nikitin, whose biography was now associated with the war on crime, headed the department for combating criminal communities. The officer also oversaw communications of inter-regional groups in Western Siberia.

Top management recognized his work in this area as highly successful. As a result, he even received the badge "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Plus, there are several departmental awards: the Order of Honor and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the Second Degree.

When he was 46 years old, he was awarded the title of Major General. And two years later, General Nikitin received a transfer in Ivanovo. In this region of central Russia, he headed the regional Department of Internal Affairs. He arrived in the "city of brides" in 2013. Then, of course, not suspecting that this appointment would be fatal in his career.

Burnt building


Five years before his transfer to the Ivanovo region, the old building of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs almost burned down. Then, for the first time, the need arose to build a new building.

The implementation of the grandiose local scale project began back in 2010. General Nikitin was to complete what was begun. However, he was not destined to participate in the grand opening of the building. Instead, General Nikitin was awaiting arrest.

The head of the capital construction department of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Sheenkov was directly involved in resolving all issues related to construction. Already at the final stage of work, when Nikitin arrived in the region, it turned out that the contractor did not fit into the previously approved construction estimate. Moreover, a very significant amount was additionally required. This fact was the first bell for the management of their own security and control and audit management, which began to take a closer look at spending money on this project. The prosecutor's office and the regional FSB joined in the checks.

Violation of law


As a result, numerous violations of the law were identified. The audit established the facts of forgery of documents, which Sheenkov carried out. As a result, the contractor was illegally paid more than 120 million rubles. For work that he did not actually perform, but on paper it was accepted without comment.

The inspectors paid special attention to the chic furniture that furnished the cabinet of the hero of our article. It was evident that General Nikitin was living in a big way. Interesting facts immediately became the property of the media. For example, murals hung on the walls in the office of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the decoration design was done according to an individual project, which was carried out by a company specializing in this for a lot of money.

However, many projects requiring urgent investment of funds were left without proper funding. For example, we are talking about the protection system of the new building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the information security system, which in the modern world is very important in the work of the police.

The beginning of the investigation


First, General Nikitin, whose photo immediately appeared in the local media, went through the case as a witness. However, the deeper the investigators delved into the details, the more questions they had for the head of the local police. The key was the testimony of one of his subordinates, the very Sheenkov. He bluntly stated that all the crimes that he committed, his leader was not only aware, but personally gave instructions to Sheenkov how to steal state funds.

As a result, Nikitin lost his post less than two years after his appointment. Soon he was arrested and sent to Moscow.

In jail


The investigation did not proceed quickly. It was necessary to collect and process a large documentary base. The investigation of the case lasted almost two years. All this time Nikitin in every possible way denied any involvement in embezzlement and embezzlement.

One of his main arguments was that Sheenkov confused his wishes with direct orders.

Moreover, Nikitin insisted that all work was carried out in strict accordance with the law and approved project documentation. The excesses that supervisory authorities found in management were only concern for the comfort of personnel. And the exorbitantly expensive furniture in Nikitin’s office was actually a cheap fake.

Nikitin blamed his colleagues for all his troubles. According to him, the reason for instituting criminal proceedings against him was his participation in the fate of General Denis Sugrobov. Sugrobov was also accused of numerous crimes, but Nikitin doubted his guilt, which he repeatedly openly stated, becoming a "black sheep" among other generals.

Therefore, Nikitin believed that in this way they decided to take revenge by initiating a criminal case against him, which, in essence, was based on the testimony of one single witness.



It is worth noting that the criminal case gradually began to crumble in court. So, of the initially charged 220 million rubles, about 90 remained. The public prosecutor made no attempt to accuse Nikitin of receiving “kickback” money, insisting only on abuse of official position, which led to a violation of the terms of the state contract.

The prosecution requested ten years for Nikitin. However, the court ruled to sentence the general to three years in a penal colony. After that, he will be prohibited from holding public service posts for another year. Sheenkov, who testified against his boss, got off with a suspended sentence. The court took into account his repentance and cooperation with the investigation.

Thus, the promising career in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the hero of our article can be considered almost finished. The only consolation to him may be the fact that he had already served almost the entire term assigned to him in the remand prison at Lefortovo. So in the colony will spend very little time.