
General Yuri Ivanov: curriculum vitae, achievements and awards

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General Yuri Ivanov: curriculum vitae, achievements and awards
General Yuri Ivanov: curriculum vitae, achievements and awards

Video: Yuri Maltsev - From Russia with Love 2024, June

Video: Yuri Maltsev - From Russia with Love 2024, June

Yuri Ivanov managed to make a brilliant career for himself. This man was promoted to major general. He worked in the main intelligence department of the Russian Federation, where he held the high position of deputy chief. GRU General Yuri Ivanov died in 2010, and the circumstances of his death are still very mysterious. Information appeared in the press that Yuri Evgenievich, while on vacation, accidentally drowned. His body was found off the coast of Turkey, in the Mediterranean Sea. This tragedy is still being discussed, since many do not believe in such an absurd and accidental death of the most experienced GRU Major General.

Yuri Evgenievich Ivanov, curriculum vitae

The future GRU general was born in the Saratov region, in the small town of Volsk. Yuri Evgenievich Ivanov, whose biography begins on October 28, 1957, grew up as an ordinary child.


He graduated from the local secondary school, after which he was drafted into the army for military service. Military affairs attracted the young man and after mobilization he decided to connect his future fate with this area.

Biography: Yuri Ivanov

The young man received his first higher education at the Kiev Higher Military Command School. The choice of a specialty determined all his future fate: Yuri Ivanov entered the intelligence department. After successfully graduating from college, the young military served in the Southern Group of Forces, which was located in the Far Eastern Military District.


There he was able to gradually stay in all command posts. This man at a young age began to make a rapid career, having passed appointments from the commander’s platoon to the commander of a military unit.

Rapid career

Yuri Ivanov has established himself as a fairly promising young specialist. But for promotion on a career ladder he required the higher profile education. For this reason, in 1992 he graduated from the Higher Military Academy. Frunze was sent to serve in the Siberian Military District.


A few years later, in 1997, he took part in a military conflict in Tajikistan. Yuri Ivanov was part of the peacekeeping group of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces.

In 2000, he graduated from the Military Academy under the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, which allowed him to head the intelligence department in the North Caucasus Military District.

Appointment to the GRU

Since 2006, this person has held a leadership position in the General Directorate of the General Staff.

In 2010, he was transferred to Moscow. Yuri Ivanov, major general, took the post of deputy chief of the GRU.


During his career, he was awarded many state awards received for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. Various sources report that General Yuri Ivanov receives only the warmest and most sincere reviews from his employees. The intelligence department speaks of him as a top-class professional and a very decent person.

The news of the tragic death of the general

For the first time information about the death of Ivanov was reported by the official publication of the Ministry of Defense “Red Star”. On August 28, 2010, they posted an obituary on their official website, where they expressed their deep condolences regarding the death of the general.


The official version dryly stated that Yuri Evgenievich was on vacation and drowned during diving. The Turkish coast guard found the body of a dead man near its shores. An Orthodox cross was present on it, and from this it was concluded that the deceased belongs to Slavic nationality. After the investigation, it became known that the discovered drowned man was Russian General Ivanov Yuri. Moscow said goodbye to him on August 29, a former intelligence officer was buried with all honors in the capital.

The conjecture of a mysterious death

At the time of his death, Yuri Evgenievich was only 53 years old. This young man never complained about his health and his imminent death did not portend anything. Naturally, the declaration of his death raised many questions, and the most important: how exactly the major general drowned. In various information resources, information appeared that Ivanov had actually disappeared on August 6, and this happened in the Syrian city of Latakia. The GRU itself does not provide any comments regarding the death of its deputy chief. At the same time, the tragic death of Ivanov became a resonant event that interested journalists. They began to conduct investigations, and many facts provided in official sources began to raise obvious doubts.

Strange Holidays in Syria

It turned out that Ivanov actually disappeared in Syria on August 6, exactly how his searches were carried out - is unknown. According to the official version, he was on vacation there, and while diving, he dived, but did not emerge anymore. It happened in the city of Latakia, which is located on the Mediterranean coast.


The body was found in the Turkish province of Hatay, on the coast of the city of Chevlik. After the fishermen found him, the local police filed a request with the Russian consulate. But there they replied that among the Russian tourists who arrived in Turkey, there were no missing.

Later it turned out that the search for the disappeared person is conducted by the neighboring consulate in Syria. According to them, in early August, a man by the name of Ivanov disappeared, who really arrived in Syria to rest. But for some reason, this Ivanov was listed as a Russian diplomat and arrived in their country with a diplomatic passport.

Carrying out the next investigation, employees of one of the Russian-language news outlets filed a request to Latakia about whether diving is practiced there for tourists. It follows from the official answer that diving services are not provided in this city.

The version that Ivanov did not actually come to Syria to rest at all, but was there on a regular job assignment, was quite widespread. The fact is that in Syria, not far from Latakia, there is a famous Navy base in Tartus. It is used by Russians as a maintenance center.

In addition, in Latakia there is another large base of the Navy. In the past few years, it has been actively used by the Russian fleet, as well as Russian military intelligence, as the main center for naval base. Its territory was used as a center where intelligence gathering and exchange takes place, including about Israel. Since such an inspection of the base was primarily disadvantageous to Mossad, many make appropriate inputs.